The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 620 Spring Festival Festival

Bell had no idea about his sister's behavior that violated the spirit of competition. Otherwise, he would definitely stop Shanna.

If Shanna's little tricks were exposed, causing others to imitate her, and the academy to become a mess, those elderly people who were taking care of themselves here would not be able to eat him!

This pot is too big for him to carry!

At night, after a storm, Bell lay on the bed and experienced the afterglow of passion.

"Bell, winter vacation is coming soon, do you have any plans?"

At this moment, Hermione, who was lying on Bell's chest, suddenly asked.

"Huh? What's wrong? What are your plans?"

Bell asked.

Originally, he planned to stay in the academy throughout the winter vacation to continue studying [Spirit Alchemy], but judging from Hermione's tone, it was obvious that he had something he wanted to do. Then of course he has to prioritize his girlfriend's plans.

"...I, I miss my parents a little bit."

Hermione said hesitantly.

She actually knew that Bell had been very busy recently and had a full schedule every day.

You must have some plans during the winter vacation, right?

After all, this can be said to be the norm. Bell is always busier during holidays than when he is in school.

Therefore, she actually didn't want to disturb Bell because of her own affairs.

And thinking about her parents or something, this kind of reason really made her feel shy.

Isn’t this just like a child?

Now 16 years old, Hermione considers herself a mature adult.

But the problem is, the winter vacation only lasts for a month!

After such a long vacation, she would inevitably want to go home and have a look.

"Then during the holidays, let's go back to England."

Bell said without hesitation.

It just so happened that his mother, Elena, had been asking him to go home for holidays from time to time recently. Now that Hermione was also homesick, she might as well go back.

But this way, he would have to find a way to appease his younger sister who hates flying.


Hermione raised her upper body and looked at Bell with surprise.

She didn't expect Bell to agree so readily, which made all the excuses she had previously thought of useless.

"Of course it's true. My Hermione is homesick, so she has to go back and have a look!"

Holding Hermione's slender waist, Bell teased.

"I'm not homesick! It's my parents who miss me!"

Hermione tried to save her last bit of dignity as a 'mature adult'.

However, plans could never keep up with changes. Just a few days after Bell agreed to visit Hermione during the winter vacation, a sudden invitation disrupted his plans to return to England.

"Sorry, Hermione, our return to England may have to be delayed for a few days."

Bell looked at his girlfriend apologetically and said.

"Is it because of the Spring Festival Festival?"

Hermione asked.

Because the time is approaching the winter vacation, the qualifiers in the academy have also come to an end.

The seed teams led by Ma Jingjing and Li Xin both occupied the first two qualifying spots with an absolute points advantage.

On the contrary, the team that occupied the third place in the standings was, unexpectedly, a team formed by a student from Class 2 of the third grade.

Moreover, the student from Class 2 was an old acquaintance of Bell. It was Wang Shouqiang who called Bell before he went to Japan and wanted to have an exciting Quidditch game with him.

After returning, Bell naturally fulfilled the opponent's small request and had several exciting Quidditch games with Wang Shouqiang.

After fighting until no one wanted to be teammates with Wang Shouqiang, this stubborn man finally gave up his plan to regain the victory from Bell.

Although the third and fourth teams currently have similar points. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the fourth-place team is no match for Wang Shouqiang’s team.

So if nothing else goes wrong, the top three in the standings will not change.

Therefore, the Spring Festival Festival has successfully replaced the qualifiers and become the hottest topic at the moment.

To be honest, listening to her classmates discussing how lively and fun the Spring Festival Festival is every day, Hermione must be lying if she says she's not curious.

But before, she took the initiative to return to China during the winter vacation. Now that the air tickets were booked, and she suddenly proposed that she wanted to go to the Spring Festival Festival or something, Hermione really wasn't that shameless.

Now that Bell suddenly mentioned the delay in returning to China, not only was she not dissatisfied at all, but she was actually looking forward to it.

"There is indeed that reason. Also, I received a piece of information today, and there are some things I plan to deal with on the first day of junior high school."

Bell had indeed received an invitation from Lu Feitian before, and he indeed planned to go to the Spring Festival festival.

But apart from that, he also had some matters of his own to deal with.

"whats the matter!"

In an instant, Hermione's eyes became as sharp as an eagle. I am afraid that even Dumbledore would have to bow down to Hermione at this moment.

Hermione's memory is very good, not to mention that she is now proficient in Legilimency. Even if she accidentally forgets something, she can use magic to recall it.

Not to mention, someone's shikigami is having fun with Shanna right now.

She has to see each other every day, and it's really hard to forget!

Last time, Bell suddenly received a piece of information and then returned to hell.

Now we have received information again! ?

Everything can only be done once, and Hermione swore that if Bell brought back another shikigami, spiritual pet, or the like this time, she would never let him go again!

During this period, she learned from various channels that men all dreamed of opening a palace of some sort!

She can never allow that to happen!

So she will never indulge Bell again!

"Uh, deal! Just a deal! If you are worried, you can follow me then.

However, I want to warn you in advance that you may encounter some dangers then, so you must be mentally prepared. "

Before Hermione could ask, Bell took the initiative.

"It's okay! I'm not afraid of danger!"

Just kidding, with Bell here, Hermione wouldn't be afraid of any danger.

Not to mention, she is no longer the same person she was then.

She is already very strong now! There are few classmates in the class who are her opponents!

Not to mention, what else could be more dangerous than that!

Thinking of this, Hermione glanced at Huang Quan, who was smiling beautifully not far away.

With a shrug, Bell acquiesced to Hermione's words.

As for Hermione's little moves, it was certainly impossible to escape Bell's keen insight.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

Anyway, he has a clear conscience, and time will prove the rest.

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