Chapter 63 Magical Animal Ecological Protection Park

"Brother, you don't like it, right?" Shanna looked at Bell worriedly.

"How is that possible? It's better to say that my brother likes it more! As expected of my sister, the animals I chose are simply not what I want!"

Yes, Bell liked Fina very much. He liked this cute and powerful animal.

As for whether it would be bad to bring such a dangerous animal to Hogwarts? Just kidding, raising magical animals in school is a fine tradition at Hogwarts. First Salazar Slytherin raised a basilisk, then Dumbledore raised a phoenix, and now Hagrid is still raising a group of acromantula in the Forbidden Forest. Therefore, there is absolutely no problem for Bell to raise a ferret.


Perhaps a few people spoke too loudly, and little Fina was woken up. Seeing so many people staring at it, maybe Xiao Fina is a little shy? It struggled out of Bell's hand, jumped into Shanna's arms and refused to come down.

"Fina, you will follow your brother from today on. You must accompany and protect your brother for me, do you hear me?" Shanna raised little Fina to her eyes and stared at it seriously. said.

And Fina is worthy of being the top magical animal. Even though she is just a cub, she seems to understand Zannah's instructions. It nodded its little head, and after Shanna put it down, she turned around and ran to Bell's side, shouting "Ouch~Ouch~" at him.

Bending down to pick up little Fina, Bell gently stroked her a few times.

"What does Fina eat?"

"I eat basically any food, but my favorite is meat."

Bell took out a few skewers of roasted lamb from his pocket and used a floating spell to control them to float above the palm of his hand. Then he lit a flame from the palm of his hand, heated the skewers slightly, and handed them to Fina.

After Fina sniffed it with her nose, she started eating it with relish. It had just woken up and hadn't had time to eat breakfast yet.

Seeing the cute little Fina enjoying the roast lamb, Bell asked William: "Dad, is it serious that magical creatures like Fina are smuggled?"

"Of course Fina's level is rare, and you may not encounter one in decades, but there are still quite a lot of other weak or common magical creatures in the black market."

Bell thought for a moment and then asked: "Is the family still rich with Galleons?"

"There are many. Although the family has invested a lot of Galleons in development in recent years, the magic props you invented have also brought more income to the family. So our savings have not decreased, but have increased. "

"In that case, let's use some money to buy all the magical creatures on the black market."

"Buy them all!?" William looked at Bell in surprise, "Why do you want so many magical creatures?"

"Don't do anything. Anyway, the gold galleons are just left there." Bell said casually, "Those creatures that are suitable as pets can be kept at home as pets. If they are not suitable, just find a place to raise them. Just treat them as for protection. Magical creatures contribute.”

Listening to Bell's prodigal declaration, William felt speechless. When I first said I wanted to develop the family, those gold galleons were spent. But now it feels so stupid to spend so much gold Galleons just to protect magical creatures!

Bell glanced at William and saw his father's reluctance. After thinking for a while, he said: "Those magical creatures are not useless. At least they can provide a lot of magic materials. Even if they are not useful now, it does not mean that new functions will not be discovered in the future. In fact, I have always believed that magical creatures The magical abilities of creatures themselves are truly priceless.”

"If there are more magical creatures in the future, we can also find a place to build a magical creature ecological protection park, which will not only protect the magical creatures, but also provide a good place for wizards to play."

"I want to go to the Magical Creatures Park!" Shanna suddenly said excitedly.

She had been to Muggle zoos and liked them very much because the little animals in them all looked... delicious.

( ̄﹃ ̄)

If it was a biological garden full of magical creatures, it would be more interesting... and more delicious!

Unknowingly, a certain cute little girl has been infected by her brother and turned into a foodie. After seeing new things, the first thought that comes to her mind is: ‘Can this be eaten? Is it yummy? ’

Little Fina, who was leisurely eating barbecue, suddenly felt a chill and the hair on her body exploded. After scanning around vigilantly, no source of danger was found. The cautious little Fina took the roast mutton in her mouth and pushed hard into Bell's arms. It wasn't until Bell hugged her tighter that she calmed down.

"Oh?" Bell raised an eyebrow, "Then the problem is simple. We not only need to buy magical creatures on the black market, but also coordinate with the ministries of magic of various countries to purchase magical creatures and build a magical creature ecological protection park as quickly as possible. !”

"I heard that Mr. Newt Scamander has devoted his life to protecting magical creatures. I think he will not refuse our kind help, right? Maybe we can invite him to become the first Magical Creatures Ecological Protection Park The director of the park. It would be great if he was willing to put the magical animals he takes care of inside."

"Also, we should keep more magical creatures as pets at home. First, they can play with Zannah. Second, they can also enhance the defense of the castle."

"But if there are too many magical creatures, we won't be able to take care of them." William questioned.

"Then buy more house elves... No! We must buy back all the house elves we can buy! We must also find ways to buy those that cannot be bought! At the same time, we require more house elves as soon as possible The number of tribes, the number of wizards is too small, and the number of house elves is also too small, which will hinder my plan, we should take precautions."

"And the spellcasting ability of house elves is no worse than that of wizards. The ability to cast spells without a wand is even stronger. Train the house elves in their combat abilities. If necessary, you can also equip them with wands. Just be careful not to let the Ministry of Magic find out. That's good. After all, there's no creature more loyal than a house elf."

William took a notebook and wrote down everything Bell said.

From the moment his little daughter spoke, William, who was familiar with his son's character, knew that everything was already a done deal. Even if Zannah wanted the moon, Bell would definitely find a way to get it. Wizards are not Muggles, and Muggles' so-called "I want to pick the moon for you" may just be an exaggerated description. But when it comes to wizards, especially Bell, William has no doubt that he will really try his best to pack up the moon and take it home for Zannah.

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