The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Shanna’s progress

"So, what is the plan you just mentioned?" William asked curiously.

He didn't even know what his son was planning in private. By the way, kids in this grade should be naughty and mischievous all day long, right? Why is his own son so evil? Is something wrong?

After William thought seriously for a while, he finally realized it.

‘As expected of me! ’

"You will know in the future. Whether it can be realized is still uncertain." Bell dismissed his father casually.

After William and Bell finished chatting about serious matters, the atmosphere returned to a relaxed and happy mood. Only then did Bell realize that Shanna's Christmas gift hadn't been opened yet.

"Sanna, your gift hasn't been opened yet."

"Ah! I forgot about it!"

Shanna quickly opened the gift and blamed herself in her heart for forgetting to open the gift from her brother. It seems that she has been too lax recently!

Finally, Shanna found the gift from her brother. The gift is a beautiful butterfly hairpin. The main body is blue. The butterfly wings are carved with many hollow patterns. The patterns exude colorful magic light, which is very beautiful. And when worn on the head, when the wind blows gently, the butterfly's wings will swing slightly, just like a real butterfly.

In addition to its beautiful appearance, the most important function of this butterfly is that it can actually fly. Not only does it fly very fast, the butterfly's wings are also equipped with cutting spells, which can easily cut through a 3 cm thick steel plate. Anyone who comes near Zannah will be cut into pieces by this beautiful butterfly.

Shanna liked this gift very much and immediately put it on her head. Over the years, Bell has given Shanna some magic props as gifts every year, and they are all the best of the best that cannot be bought on the market. By now, Shanna can be said to be fully armed, and even the magic props on her body are a level better than those on Bell, the maker.

Due to a series of delays, it was almost time for breakfast, so Bell and Shanna simply postponed their morning exercise until after breakfast.

After eating breakfast and taking a walk for a while, Bell and Shanna came to the training room.

"Sanna, let me see your progress in the past few months."

"Well! I have made great progress recently! I can already deal with 20 magic stone statues at the same time!" Shanna said proudly.

The house elves took out the box, opened it, and released the training bludgers inside. 40 bludgers flew into the air and began to fly quickly around Shanna. From time to time, bludgers would hit Shanna, but Shanna nimbly dodged them.

Watching his sister training on the field, she would be hit hard by the Bludger from time to time. Bell felt distressed, but more than anything, he was truly proud.

While the other little wizards were still laughing and playing all day long, Shanna was already undergoing rigorous training with him every day and learning a lot of magic knowledge. Today, Zannah is over 9 years old, and her current strength is no weaker than that of the fifth and sixth grade students at Hogwarts. And if there is an actual confrontation, Bell believes that even the seventh-grade graduates will not be Shanna's opponent.

Young wizards generally enter a period of rapid growth in their magic power starting at the age of 11. This is why Hogwarts requires young wizards to enter school at the age of 11. Although Bell doesn't seem to have changed much on the outside, earth-shaking changes are taking place inside him every day that surprise him.

And when Shanna reaches the age of 11, she has already laid a solid foundation, and she will definitely be able to exude a dazzling brilliance that will shock everyone! Bell was extremely convinced of this.

‘My sister must be number one in the world and admired by thousands of people! Kill all those who dissatisfied! ’


"Brother, how are you? Have I made a lot of progress?" As soon as the training was over, Shanna immediately ran to Bell to take credit.

Bell handed over a bottle of healing potion, wiped Shanna's sweat with a towel, and praised: "Sanna has made a lot of progress, it's great! But Shanna can't be proud, she has to keep working hard."

"Yeah!" The little girl was so happy that she threw herself into her brother's arms and acted coquettishly.

After the training, the brother and sister returned to the castle. Because today is Christmas, the Bell family are staying at home today. Work, study and other matters were put aside for the time being today, and the family gathered together happily to celebrate the festival.

While Bell and Shanna were teasing Fina in the bedroom, a call request suddenly came from Bell's 'personal terminal'.

Bell took it out and looked at it strangely, and found that it was a video request from Hermione. Bell immediately connected to the video, not caring that Shanna was watching from the side. The two siblings had nothing to hide from each other, at least not from Belle.

"Hermione, what's the matter?" Bell asked curiously, looking at the little witch appearing on the screen.

"Bell, didn't you agree not to give me a Christmas gift before? Why did you still give it to me?" Hermione complained.

Of course, I am more happy. The reason why I sent a video call to Bell was because I wanted to share my inner joy with my only friend.

"Oh...I forgot it accidentally. Don't pay attention to those details. You can't ask me to take it back after you gave it away, right? And during the Quidditch match before, I saw that you were freezing. With the 'constant temperature' If you wear the badge, you won't feel cold or hot. The pattern and shape of the badge can be changed, and you can use the transformation technique to make it look like you like."

Listening to Bell's half-hearted lie, Hermione didn't say anything, but her heart felt warm.

When she was shopping in Diagon Alley before, she had seen many magical, interesting, or practical magic props. Although she really wants to buy them all, her family's financial situation can support her consumption, and her parents who are also interested in magic will not object, but it is a pity that wizards do not accept pounds, and Gringotts every year The amount of gold galleons that can be exchanged is not much. In desperation, even if I feel itchy in my heart, I can only endure it.

Unexpectedly, in the recent period, Bell first gave her a 'personal terminal', and then gave her a constant temperature badge that she had always wanted. Now she can be like other little witches, even if she wears very thin clothes, she will not be cold in winter.

"But, Bell, thermostatic badges are expensive, right? I saw them in the store before, and they seemed to cost 5 Galleons each."

"Actually, the thermostatic badge is produced at my home, so I just took one from home for free," Bell said casually.

Bell has prepared various magic props of his own invention on his body and at home, so that he can immediately take them out for experimentation and research when he is inspired.


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