The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 632 Don’t dare to move!

But it was just a small regret, and it didn't take Shanna a minute to put it behind her. So far, there have been no problems, but next...

"Then, what is that!?"

Looking at the end of the road, Shanna opened her mouth in surprise.

"Well, that's the alliance's law enforcement team."

The monk who was being treated by Shanna said with pride.

At first glance, this person seems to be an honest person, the kind who never does bad things. You know, wherever the law enforcement team passes, many monks will shrink their necks and subconsciously want to escape.

It looked like a thief meeting the police.

"Little girl, it's a pity that you are not from our country. Otherwise, with your healing skills, you would definitely be selected for the law enforcement team after graduation."

The monk looked at Shanna and said with some regret.

When the other party came to treat him before, he was still unwilling to do so. After all, treatment is no joke. If you are not careful, a minor injury can become a serious injury, and a serious injury can lead to death.

Therefore, even if the wound hurts terribly, he would rather endure it and wait for other adults who are good at healing spells to free up their hands to treat him, rather than let a student who looks like he has not graduated yet come.

Of course, he gratefully accepted the bottle of healing potion.

But who is Shanna?

She doesn't care if the other person wants it or not!

Her brother asked her to help treat the injured, so even if there were no injured, she would still have to create injured people... Ahem, she was saying that as an injured person, you should listen to the doctor honestly, there are so many nonsense.

As a result, the monk who was being treated by Shanna was already in the mood to talk and laugh.

And the guys around him who were less injured than him before were still lying on the ground and saying "Ouch".


After hearing the monk's explanation, Shanna just stared at the law enforcement team in silence and said nothing.

She didn't want to join that law enforcement team, and she didn't care about the identities of these people.

What she just asked about was actually the fierce ghosts in the law enforcement team who were tied up with golden chains like rice dumplings.

Even though the distance was still relatively far, even though those evil ghosts were extremely weak, Shanna could still feel the power of those evil ghosts from her slightly raised hairs.

These guys even gave her a stronger sense of crisis than the unsatisfactory stone man before!

How is this going! ?

Suspicious, Shanna then focused most of her attention on eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

Then she knew.

It turned out that those fierce ghosts who fought fiercely with him and others all night were just cannon fodder deliberately leaked by the law enforcement team?

And all the really powerful guys were stopped at the foot of the Holy Mountain by that annoying law enforcement team?

This is really unreasonable!

As the saying goes, everything is not about scarcity but about inequality. Originally, Shanna didn't think it was a big deal that the previous demons were weak.

After all, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat, so they are better than nothing, right?

Not to mention, those evil ghosts are also magical creatures after all. They have to have the level of elephant legs, which is very good.

As a result, someone suddenly told her that just as she was happily eating 'Elephant Legs' last night, there was actually a group of people eating 'Fire Dragon' at the foot of the mountain not far from her?

These ‘elephant legs’ will no longer smell good immediately, right?

Rubbing his sister's little head in a funny way, Bell was dumbfounded at this moment and didn't know what to say.

The reason why the law enforcement team deliberately brought the captured ghosts out to parade was, on the one hand, to appease everyone and let everyone know that all the ghosts had been eliminated by the alliance.

On the other hand, it is also to show strength and intimidate Xiao Xiao.

Although it is still unknown what the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is, it is always good to shock the other party and make them not dare to act rashly.

(Bell: ‘Don’t dare to move! I really don’t dare to move!’)

Whether everyone feels at ease may still need to be questioned. But the purpose of shocking 'Xiao Xiao' was undoubtedly achieved.

In the evening, walking on the crowded streets, Bell couldn't help but sigh:

‘I am really a hard worker~! ’

The efficiency of the monk alliance was still very high. It only took less than half a day to conduct a simple inquiry with everyone who participated in the festival. This allowed everyone to go home and have a hot lunch.

And after taking a nap in the afternoon, Bell had to run out to cause trouble again...ahem! It’s time to get down to business!

"Hermione, if you were tired, you didn't have to follow me."

Looking at his girlfriend who had a dark circle under her eyes and yawned three times in one minute, Bell couldn't help but kindly persuade her.

At this time, only the Bell brothers, Hermione, and Huang Quan were left in the group, while the other three stayed at the Lu family to rest.


Unfortunately, Bell's kindness was not only not accepted by Hermione, but when Hermione heard the words, she looked at Bell with suspicion.

‘This guy wants to get rid of me so much, what bad things is he planning to do? ’

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Bell shrugged, and was treated as a donkey for his good intentions, so he didn't plan to persuade him any more.

By the way, he really didn't intend to do anything bad this time...

At least this wasn't the reason why he wanted Hermione to stay in the Lu family!

Although the four of them had not slept all night, he and Shanna were strong after all, and the previous battle did not put too much pressure on them.

But Hermione was different. If Bell hadn't been helping her carefully, there might have been an international friend from the UK who was lying on the ground saying "Ouch" before.

If one of them is not done well, it will lead to international disputes!

As for Huang Quan, this guy watched the excitement all night. After the situation stabilized later, he even played games with a group of children. It was not too comfortable.

"Bell, you should probably tell us where you are planning to go, right?"

Hermione looked at Bell dissatisfied. This guy always likes to be mysterious and makes people feel unbearable.

"Hurry, it's coming soon."

Bell prevaricated.

As long as he hasn't arrived at his destination, he will never tell Hermione his purpose this time.

And when the rice is cooked...even if Hermione wanted to stop him, it would be too late!



After turning a corner, Bell took the lead and walked into a dark and narrow alley.

Looking at the dim light in the alley, Hermione couldn't help but frown.

This place doesn't look like a place where serious people would go.

However, before she could say anything, Hermione was surprised to find that as the crowd went deeper, the alley became wider and wider, and the light became brighter and brighter.

The sewage on the ground disappeared and was replaced by clean and tidy slates. Some flowers and green plants that should not appear in winter are decorated on both sides of the road, bringing a touch of vitality to this bleak season.

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