The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 633 New Year’s Day

Looking at the clean and tidy alley in front of her, Hermione was a little unsure again.

No matter how you look at it, compared to the Leaky Cauldron in the UK, this place is more decent...a lot!

Could it be that, as Bell said before, he was here to make a deal today? The serious kind?

While Hermione was thinking a lot, Bell was also filled with emotion at this moment.

He discovered that perhaps the people who really should study here were not the students in Hogwarts, but the gang of dark wizards in Diagon Alley.

...Well, there are no dark wizards in Diagon Alley anymore. It has been jointly developed into a brand new commercial street by several wizard families headed by the Menethil family.

It is said that Diagon Alley next to it is almost overcrowded.

Speaking of which, he didn't even know where the new gathering point of the dark wizards was. Maybe we can explore it another day. After all, there can never be too much talent.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

Those dark wizards know how to burrow into dark nooks and crannies all day long, making themselves like rats in the sewer.

As time goes by, their not-so-normal spirits naturally turn into 'nerves', and eventually they become inhuman and ghost-like, just like the three 'dark wizards' It was as if the words were etched on their faces, for fear that the Aurors wouldn't recognize them.

Look at the magic people here, the decoration, the style, the level is different!

If the dark wizards can learn a few tricks from their colleagues here, then they will no longer have to worry about Aurors checking the water meter during gatherings in the future.

What if the Auror bumped in and looked around, only to find:

‘This is not a gathering of dark wizards, but a gathering of pure bloods, right? Which idiot is in charge of the intelligence? What a cheat! ’

It’s so bluffing!

By the way, the so-called magicians, strictly speaking, are not the same as dark wizards. Instead, they are somewhat similar to American gangsters.

And although they are called magicians, these people do not actually practice magic.

You know, monks are very tolerant of all kinds of spells. Spells such as 'Deriving Yuanyang', which are similar to the Life-Killing Curse and can directly steal the life force of others, have also been officially included in the Thirty-Six Tiangang Techniques.

As for the seventy-two earth evil techniques, there are many ways to expel ghosts and corpses.

Therefore, the magic spells that can be classified as magic by the monks basically require the consumption of other people's lives as sacrifices to cast.

For example, the production of Horcruxes requires the sacrifice of other people's souls.

No one wants to stay with someone who practices this kind of magic. Who knows when he will become the other person's spell-casting material? Therefore, even magicians resolutely reject magic.

The alley was not long, and while Bell was thinking about what was there and what was not there, the group of people reached the end.

There was a magnificent door at the end, and outside the door stood two strong men who were not easy to mess with.

"Proof of identity, please."

It wasn't until Bell and his party came closer that one of the strong men spoke in a polite tone that was completely inconsistent with his rough appearance.

There was no way, the strong man didn't want to talk in such an awkward manner. But today all the big guys are here. If a conflict breaks out because of his bad attitude, the boss will definitely skin him!

Reaching into his arms, Bell once again took out his exclusive emblem.

As a civilized and polite young man of the new century, if the other party wants to see his ID, of course he will show it to him.

As for whether the other party can recognize it... that's not his concern.

So, the strong man took the badge handed to him by Bell and looked at each other with his companions, not knowing what to do.

So whose help is this? Why don't they know each other?

You know, after receiving the important task of guarding the gate today, the two of them spent a lot of time carefully reviewing the emblems of each gang.

They can pat their chests and guarantee that they will recognize all the gangs that are eligible to attend the rally today.

Then the conclusion is obvious, these four men, three women, are not among the invitations to today's gathering.

Originally, they could just drive away such outsiders.

But the problem was that the exquisite workmanship of the badge that Bell gave them prevented them from treating it so casually.

There's nothing I can do about it, this skull looks too evil, doesn't it? The emblems of their own gangs are not so handsome... ahem, they are so evil!

Moreover, from the cold air emanating from the badge that seemed to be able to freeze the soul, they could also tell that the maker of this badge must have extraordinary strength.

What if this is the unique emblem of a certain demonic boss? If they offend each other's nephew now, they will be left with nothing to eat afterwards.

This is not a random thought of the two of them. Their country is so big, and there are many capable people and strangers. God knows where there is a certain 'legend' in the corner. It is not that similar things have never happened before.

As for the idea that Bell and others were here with bad intentions, it had never occurred to them.

Just kidding, don’t look where this is. Dare you come here to cause trouble? I'm afraid I'm tired of living!

Do you really think you are an alliance elder?

Taking two steps forward, Bell smiled and patted the two of them on the shoulders. An undetectable magical power was transmitted from Bell's palm into the two bodies.

"Is there any problem?"

"No, please, please come in."

After taking his badge and putting it away, Bell walked slowly into the door the two opened for him, as if he was returning to his home.

"Bell, what did you just do?"

Hermione asked nervously, lowering her voice.

Sure enough, if you're serious about it, you can't even compete with Bell!

"It's just a little trick, don't worry about it."

Bell said casually, without any sense of nervousness about going deep into a tiger's den.

After all, he just came to see if there were any 'Tiger Zi' to buy, and he didn't do any bad things, so there was no need to be nervous at all.


After looking at the relaxed and casual Bell, then at the cheerful Zannah, and then at Huang Quan who looked like a normal person, Hermione almost thought that she was the abnormal one.

After walking through the gate, what appeared in the eyes of Bell and others was a spacious and bright hall.

The red carpet extends from the door to the inside. On both sides of the carpet are vermilion pillars. The pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes, showing luxury.

Under the pillars, there are large round tables. At this time, most of the round tables are full of people, chatting and waiting for the meal to be served.

At the end of the carpet, a round table was also placed. From a distance, that round table is not only more exquisite, but also about three times larger than other round tables.

And unlike other tables that were full of noise, most of the dozen or so people sitting around this round table were closing their eyes and concentrating, with only a few talking to each other.

The entry of the four Bells made people near the gate look over subconsciously. After taking a look, they all looked away.

There are now more than a dozen gang members here, and it is normal for unfamiliar faces to appear.

So at most, some people were a little surprised by the youth of the four Bells, and then they immediately put these irrelevant thoughts behind and continued to brag with the people around them.

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