The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 634: I accidentally went straight to Huanglong, what should I do?

Finding the goal of his trip at a glance, Bell walked briskly toward the end of the hall. In fact, this was what he expected. After all, the boss, of course, has to stay in the most conspicuous position to show his presence, right?

As Bell and others got closer and closer to the 'first class seats', the number of eyes focused on their group also rapidly increased.

And when they found that they still had no intention of stopping even after passing the table closest to the 'first class seats', the lively atmosphere in the hall suddenly calmed down.

Some people frowned, wondering which family this descendant was from, and why they were so careless about life and death?

Some people showed a joking look, looking forward to waiting for the bright red carpet on the ground to add a fresh ray of red.

The last few remaining people were eager to give it a try, waiting for the order from their boss to rush out and show off.

At this time, the change in the atmosphere in the hall also attracted the attention of more than a dozen big guys in the 'first-class seats'. They turned around and finally noticed Bell and his party.

"Kid, this is not the place you should be! Also, remove the ridiculous illusions on your bodies and reveal your true colors!"

A demonic boss who was closest to Bell and others said sternly.

"This is really rude. I almost forgot if you didn't tell me."

With a wave of his hand, Bell came into contact with the illusion magic on his four bodies.

In this era, foreigners are still very rare. Not to mention, this is just an ordinary small city. Therefore, in order not to attract attention and not to be stopped outside before, Bell had already used magic spells to cover the appearance of his group.

"Foreigners? What are you doing here?

Also, how did you find this place? "

Several big guys present were surprised when they saw that Bell and his team looked completely different from themselves and others.

At first, they thought it was a few newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers and came here to seek death.

As a result, it seems that this is not the case now?

They don't believe that foreigners today are so enthusiastic that they would go to other countries to do justice for heaven.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, we are just here to see if there is anything good here, we are not here to cause trouble.

As for how I found this place... was it hard?

So many people below know this place, so I also know that this is not a normal thing. "

Bell answered easily and casually.

To be honest, it is not difficult to find out that the demon cultivators will gather here for dinner on the first day of the new year.

After all, these guys get together every New Year's Day, and even the location doesn't change.

It can be said that anyone with a little more information can find out.

Of course, the monks' alliance also knew about it.

It's just that the alliance is too lazy to care.

As the saying goes, where there is light, there must be darkness. Compared with the chaotic situation of scattered sand, the current orderly state is obviously more conducive to the overall peace of the cultivation world.

Anyway, in front of the behemoth of the alliance, even if these demonic gangs were all tied together, they wouldn't be enough to fill the gap between their teeth.

Therefore, as long as these gangs do not commit suicide, the alliance will turn a blind eye.

After all, it’s the first day of the Lunar New Year and the employees of the alliance also have a holiday, okay?

"Hmph! Smooth-talking brat! Come here! Get them..."

The second half of the sentence was reluctantly swallowed by the hot-tempered boss.

There was nothing he could do about it. The tachi on his neck was very sharp from its luster. He probably couldn't bear it on his neck.

So which bastard originally stipulated that in order to ensure the harmony of the dinner party, all magical instruments must be put away in advance! ?

"you dare!"

‘Wow! ’

There was a sound of tables and chairs turning over, and everyone stood up and looked at Bell and the others in shock and anger.

Huang Quan's speed was too fast before, and they couldn't react at all.

"Don't get excited, everyone, please don't get excited. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Seeing everyone standing up, Bell quickly used the transformation technique to conjure four chairs, and then sat down calmly.

This is very comfortable!

Thinking back then, or in his previous life, when he was in school, he liked to sit down secretly when everyone else stood up, and then look at others with gloating.

It’s so cool!

Cough cough cough! Back to business!

Who is Huang Quan?

She is not human!

Strictly speaking, Huang Quan is now an evil spirit, and he is still an A-level evil spirit. Moreover, he is still the top one among the A-level evil spirits. Even when facing an S-level evil spirit, he can fight for a while and remain unstoppable. defeat.

You know, even within the alliance's law enforcement team, very few of its members can defeat A-level ghosts one-on-one. Mainly relying on tacit cooperation and the increase of the magic circle, we were able to subdue many A-level ghosts in the previous events of the Spring Festival Festival.

Even Bell, who was fully armed, was almost killed by Huang Quan's knife.

Even if Huang Quan is currently using the magic power transmitted to her by Bell because she is worried about being asked to check the water meter by the alliance, which prevents her from exerting 100% of her strength, that is not something that these naked bosses can deal with at will.

To be honest, Bell didn't expect that things would develop like this.

Originally, he just wanted Huang Quan to show his strength so that he could be qualified to talk to everyone.

After all, you need to be strong enough to make iron. If you just rely on your family background, you might be swallowed up by others. You know, monks also have many ways to control a person without anyone noticing.

Who would have expected it in the end? It was just a test, but accidentally, he went straight to Huanglong?

So how strong is the relationship between these people? Don’t you bring something with you when you eat?

This is very embarrassing...

So, is the relationship between these big guys strong?

They are clueless!

At this moment, looking at the man restrained by Huang Quan, the others wished that Huang Quan would cut off the other person's head with a shake of his hand.

And it was precisely because they were eager to kill other people that they made the rule that they were not allowed to bring magic weapons during dinner parties.

Otherwise, it would not be a dinner party on the first day of the new year, but a date on the first day of the new year.

By the way, physical practitioners are not allowed to attend dinner parties...

But the problem now is that the opponent is so fast, and there are three others on the side who have not taken action. If a fight breaks out, God knows how many of them will die.

What if I have one?

"What is your purpose?"

After a brief silence, a big boss spoke up to break the dead silence.

There is no way to remain in a stalemate like this. Whether it is war or peace depends on what the other party demands.

"Didn't I say that I just came to see if there is anything good here, I didn't come to cause trouble.

Huang Quan, why don't you put down the knife quickly? I see that my uncle is about to suffer from cervical spondylosis. There is no respect for the elderly at all. "

Seeing that the opponent was the first to give in, Bell followed the slope and let Huang Quan stop and come back.

After all, he can't really kill all these guys, right?

Then the Monk Alliance shouldn't come to check his water meter tomorrow?

These people in front of me are all the cash machines of the alliance!

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