The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 636 The King’s Treasure House

Of course, even if you take the elixir refined from spiritual ginseng, the spiritual power that a person without spiritual roots can obtain is very rare. Not even the level of an ordinary baby.

Moreover, the spiritual power obtained through this method will not increase with age. Only by continuing to take spiritual ginseng can the spiritual power in the body be enhanced.

But ginseng is so precious!

Even with the wealth of the Monk Alliance, it is impossible to turn a person without spiritual roots into a strong person through this method.

With so many resources, wouldn't it be good to train monks?

Therefore, those who are really attracted to spiritual ginseng, or even crazy about it, are actually those [pseudo-spiritual root people].

The so-called pseudo-spiritual ones are actually what wizards call [squibs].

It is not that there is no magic power in the Squib's body, but because the total amount of magic power is too scarce, or the fluctuation of magic power is too weak, it cannot receive the wizard's thoughts and cannot cast magic spells.

After taking spiritual ginseng to strengthen, Squibs can use the magic power brought by spiritual ginseng to stimulate the original magic power in their bodies, making it active and enhanced, and then gain the ability to cast spells and become a true wizard.

You know, even in a pure-blood family, it is possible for a squib to be born in the offspring. For example, Neville of the Longbottom family was almost mistaken for a squib when he was a child due to weak magic fluctuations and low activity in his body.

Therefore, based on the principle of being prepared, Bell decided to buy this spiritual ginseng tree.

What if one of our descendants becomes a squib in the future? Wouldn't it be of great use then?

"How much?"

Bell asked aloud, interrupting the Sanshan Gang leader's endless bragging.

If this guy keeps blowing it, it might be dawn soon.

"20,000 gold galleons!"

In line with the belief that the customer is God, in order to facilitate Bell's payment, the leader of the Sanshan Gang decisively changed the unit from gold dollars to gold galleons.

As for the exchange rate between the two?

Don’t worry about small things like that!

"I bought it! Shanna, pay for it!"

Regarding the excessive asking price of the Sanshan Gang leader, Bell skipped even the routine stage of sitting on the ground to pay back the money and bought it happily.

On the one hand, rare things like spiritual ginseng are mostly priceless. The so-called market price is really just a reference. For those in need, any amount of money will buy it.

If you don’t believe me, ask Mr. Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts, if he wants to sell the spiritual ginseng to him for 1 million gold galleons.

Make sure Filch doesn't hesitate for a second before agreeing.

Of course, the premise is that he can get so many gold galleons.

Bell, on the other hand, was actually showing off to others.

Why didn't anyone present express dissatisfaction after the leader of the Sanshan Gang had been blabbering for so long?

Of course it's not because I'm embarrassed to interrupt, I'm just waiting and watching.

After all, everyone and Bell just met for the first time today. It is impossible for them to believe whatever Bell says.

That's why other people would sit back and watch as the leader of the Sanshan Gang tested Bell with goods like spiritual ginseng, which sounded impressive at first glance but was actually very narrow and often not easy to sell.

To be honest, for many big families who can afford and buy spiritual ginseng, instead of spending a lot of energy and money to buy spiritual ginseng, it is better to get another one.

Sure enough, after discovering that Bell, this 'silly roe deer', was really as prodigal as he said before, the smiles on everyone's faces immediately became sincere.

All kinds of rare or precious materials were placed in front of Bell.

As long as they were not of any use except being rare, or were deceptive to both others and themselves, Bell bought them all with a wave of his hand.

Of course, this time he paid back the price slightly.

After all, he's not really stupid...

Watching Zanna take out a mountain of gold galleons from her small satchel, and after settling the payments with everyone, Bell put away all the materials.

I have to say, this trip is really the right one.

These guys are worthy of being able to hide under the eyes of the Monk Alliance. Each one of them is really capable of making mistakes.

Among the previous materials, there were several precious materials that Bell had only heard of but had never seen in real form.

With these materials, he can try to further strengthen the magic props in his hands and improve the safety of his sister.

What? You ask why Shanna is always paying?

Cough cough cough!

This...that what...

Doesn't he have no money...

Bell always carries only necessary things with him, including: 'magic props, magic materials, food, drink, nothing more'.


Is that thing edible?


Although money can indeed buy food, the problem is that he stays in the academy all day long and has no place to buy it.

As for the snacks we usually eat, they are all sent by family members and do not cost money.

But Shanna is different. The little girl now has a posture of turning her little satchel into a 'king's treasure house'.

Regardless of whether it is useful or useless, even if it is just a pebble on the roadside, as long as the little girl thinks it looks good, she will keep it in her small satchel.

To be honest, Bell didn't even know how many things his sister carried on her body.

He blindly guessed that over the years, the little girl had moved like ants, and the wealth she had accumulated bit by bit might be as much as half of the family's treasury.

At least now, the little girl casually threw out a "Garon Mountain". From the looks of it, even if she throws out another one, it doesn't seem to be a problem?

Of course, Bell would not have any ideas about his sister's family affairs. He was just asking Shanna to advance the money for him first. He remembered clearly how many galleons he spent in total. When he returned home, he would go to his father to reimburse him and then return it to Shanna.

After all, he was shopping for his family, such as the spiritual ginseng he bought at the beginning.

So how can he be made to pay for it out of his own pocket?

After a transaction, it can be said that the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. Under the warm reception of everyone, Bell and others were led into a lounge at the innermost part of the hall, where everyone chatted and laughed.

"Brother Bell, are you also interested in blood fusion? That's a taboo!"

Brother Kun from the Ax Gang looked at Bell in surprise.

After his previous consumption reached a certain amount, Bell successfully upgraded from VIP to vvip... ahem, from 'nephew' to 'brother'.

It’s been a lifetime!

"It's taboo here, but not in Europe. In fact, although the number is small, there have never been any wizards studying blood fusion."

Bell smiled and said nonchalantly.

Compared to wizards who often make themselves look weird (yes, that's Voldemort), monks pay more attention to their 'purity' as human beings.

As descendants of Yan and Huang, descendants of the dragon, the monks disdain the blood of other spiritual beasts. Only some evil heretics will do whatever it takes to increase their power.

In this regard, it is quite similar to the wizards in Egypt. The pure-blood wizards in Egypt all believe that they are the orthodox descendants of the Pharaoh, and their bloodline is sacred and cannot be tarnished.

Although European purebloods also attach great importance to their own bloodlines, Merlin is a nightmare hybrid in legend, so wizards are always happy to add the blood of magical animals to their bodies.

It is precisely because of this difference in culture and history that monks and wizards have completely opposite attitudes towards blood fusion.

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