The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 637 The Demon Contractor

After listening to Bell's speech, Brother Kun lowered his head and thought for a while, and then suddenly said:

"Brother, actually, I have two special products here. I wonder if you are interested in palming them?"

"Okay, take it out and take a look."

Bell said without hesitation.

He must be interested in this!

As for what Brother Kun said about 'special', Bell really didn't care much.

Just kidding, he is also a well-informed person.

Although this place is very tolerant of black magic, strictly speaking, those black magics are not 'black' here at all. But when it comes to the development of black magic props, monks are far behind wizards.

Those 'crazy' props that deceive others and only deceive oneself, or even 'crazy' props that do not deceive others but only deceive oneself, are rare in the world of cultivation.

And in the magical world, it's everywhere...

After tapping the armrest of the seat twice, a faint wave of spiritual power came from Brother Kun's fingertips. After a while, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Go get the two items at the bottom of the warehouse."

Brother Kun ordered to his men who pushed in the door.

Less than ten minutes later, the knock on the door rang again. Under the curious gaze of everyone, two large iron cages were moved in.

"You, how can you do such a thing!"

After seeing the two iron cages being moved into the lounge, Hermione, who had been silent since the beginning, finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

Although one of the iron cages was covered by a thick canvas and she couldn't see what was inside, there was a pretty little girl with white hair and a white skirt standing in the other iron cage without any cover.

The little girl looked to be only about 5 years old in height. Her hair was messy and disheveled, reaching to her ankles. She didn't know how long it had been since she had cut it.

The messy hair covered the girl's face, making her appearance and expression unclear. But without looking at it, Hermione could imagine that the other person's face must be filled with fear and despair at this moment.

The little girl was only wearing a thin white dress and stood barefoot in the cage. Even though the temperature in the hall was not low under the influence of the spell, you could still see that the little girl's hands and feet were as pale and bloodless as her hair.

Seeing the little girl's pitiful look, Hermione's sense of justice immediately surged. If she hadn't been on the other side's territory right now and there were all the other side's people outside, she would have taken out her wand right now.

After casting a glance at Hermione, Brother Kun returned his attention to Bell, completely ignoring Hermione.

Just kidding, he makes millions per minute, how can he have time to deal with a little girl who can neither draw a knife nor draw galleons, and is not responsible for making decisions?

Bell's reaction is what he is most concerned about now. After all, Bell has the final say whether to buy it or not.

After patting Hermione on the shoulder and signaling her to calm down, Bell stood up and walked to the cage. After staring at the little girl in the cage for a while, he put his hand on the arm-thick steel bar in front of him.

Unlike Hermione, who immediately focused all her attention on the little girl, Bell's first attention was on the iron cage.

If a cage of this size were dozens of times larger, it could be used to hold a fire dragon, but now it is just used to hold a little girl?

Bell didn't think Brother Kun was full.

In other words, this seemingly weak and pitiful little girl must have no less destructive power than a fire dragon.

‘Hey~! ’

The moment Bell's finger touched the cage, an arc-like white light lit up and his hand flicked away.

However, the white light has no destructive power, it is just preventing Bell from touching it.

Seeing Bell's actions, Brother Kun nodded to the men next to the cage, and then saw a man put a staff on the cage, and after a while, the seal on the iron cage was released.

On his own territory, Brother Kun was not worried about what tricks Bell and others would play, let alone that the goods would just run away.

He reached out to touch the cage again. Under the influence of the transformation technique, the steel bars in front of Bell quickly twisted and deformed, moving to both sides.

Seeing that the little girl was still standing there motionless and staring at him, even the emotional fluctuations she was radiating did not change. After hesitating for a moment, Bell reached out and hugged the little girl out.

Although he vaguely sensed a dangerous aura from the other party, he did not feel any hostility from the other party.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

Bell asked tentatively.

He was not sure whether the other party could communicate normally.

"I don't have a name."

The little girl replied in a clear voice.

"My mother said I didn't deserve a name, so she wouldn't let me use my old name, so I don't have a name."

Frowning, Bell turned back to look at Brother Kun.

The little girl is conscious and has not shown any abnormality so far. The only abnormality is that the other party's mood is a little too calm, not at all what a child of this age should behave.

Also, what the other party revealed in his words just now made Bell a little concerned.

"This little guy is a [Devil Contractor] and has always been regarded as a monster by his parents and people in the village."

Brother Kun explained calmly.

"Demon Contractors? Isn't there a Jiuzhou Guardian Formation? Why are there still Demon Contractors?"

Bell expressed his confusion.

The so-called Demon Contractor is what the monks call the ‘Silent One’.

In ancient times, monks believed that [Devil Spirits] seduced some ignorant children and signed contracts with them, giving those children terrifying powers at the cost of their lives.

Of course, this was a misconception thousands of years ago. The monks had long discovered that there were no demon spirits in this world, and those children did not sign a contract with any unknown existence.

The so-called demons are just children with spiritual roots in their bodies. Because their emotions have been suppressed for a long time, the spiritual power in their bodies has changed.

But the titles of Demon Contractor and Demon Spirit were still left behind.

"The Kyushu Guardian Array is not omnipotent. Not to mention, the coverage area of ​​the original array was not as large as it is now. Many places were expanded later. In these expanded areas, the array's induction did not It was so sensitive.

Therefore, although it is uncommon, occasionally some children with spiritual roots are missed. "

Shrugging, Brother Kun revealed this little-known information.

Although after World War II, the Monk Alliance has been trying to perfect the Kyushu Guardian Formation, it is not that easy.

What is the Kyushu Guardian Formation made of?

The answer is actually very simple, life!

Whether it was the countless coolies who died under the Great Wall, or the waves of barbarian soldiers who fell at the foot of the Great Wall, it was these countless lives that finally formed the Kyushu Guardian Formation.

But these days, peace is the main theme, but there are not so many lives that can be squandered by the alliance.

So despite the fact that the name of this magic circle is decent, it is actually quite evil! I can't tell whether it's protection or restraint.

At least Brother Kun felt it was super troublesome when he was smuggling...

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