The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 653 Punch to the flesh

"Brother Shouqiang, to be honest, I'm really curious now. Why do you have the confidence to hold me back alone?"

Completely opposite to Wang Shouqiang's seriousness, Bell asked in a relaxed tone.

You know, even when he tries his best to let go, it is not easy to hold him back. Even among the students in the first class, there are only a few who can do this.

Wang Shouqiang, who was able to successfully qualify due to his tacit teamwork, was so confident that he could hold him back with his own efforts?

"Haha, Brother Bell, the person I am now is no longer the person I was before! If you look down on me, you will suffer a lot!"

Grinning, Wang Shouqiang showed a proud smile on his face.

The next moment, a layer of dark iron armor extended from Wang Shouqiang's back and quickly covered his whole body, forming a set of steel armor.

Like the Lu family where Lu Feitian belongs, the Wang family is also a body-building family with a legacy.

However, unlike the Lu family, the Wang family has a shorter inheritance time. It has only been in the past few decades that it has transformed from an ordinary family of people without spiritual roots into a family of monks.

Therefore, in terms of background, the Wang family is actually quite different. Whether it is the accumulation of cultivation experience or the secret medicine to assist cultivation, the Wang family has none of it.

Therefore, everyone in the Wang family found another way and focused their attention on the art of weapon refining.

Every child of the Wang family must study the art of weapon refining and forge a battle armor for himself. Because only the armor forged by oneself can truly be used like an arm and can exert the power of the secret technique passed down from the Wang family.

But it is not an easy task to forge a qualified armor. It is much more difficult than practicing ordinary spells.

This also leads to the fact that most of the Wang family's children are late bloomers. There are still a small number of others who really have no forging talent, and in the end they have no choice but to turn to other paths.

It was during the previous winter vacation that Wang Shouqiang finally successfully forged his first armor. At this moment, he was in high spirits. He believed that when he put on the armor, he could exert 100% of the power of his family's secret skills, and he would be able to fight no matter who he faced.

This is why he has the confidence to hold Bell down alone.

"So... so handsome!"

Bell was shocked. Is this Iron Man also traveling through time?

Moreover, Wang Shouqiang's armor is much more handsome than Mark's armor.

The dark luster and the sharp-edged shape broke through Bell's defenses in just an instant. If it weren't for the live broadcast at the moment, he really wanted to sit down with Wang Shouqiang and have a good chat about the opponent's armor.

"Brother Bell, be careful!"

With a loud shout, Wang Shou stepped on the ground violently and rushed towards Bell at a much faster speed than before.

With a punch, layers of white air waves were generated on Wang Shouqiang's fist, and then shattered, letting out ear-piercing explosions.

With this punch, even if there is a mountain in front of him, Wang Shouqiang is confident that he can crush it with one punch. If Bell was careless and was really hit, his life might be at stake.

But Wang Shouqiang didn't hesitate at this moment, and was even trying his best to speed up his punches.

It wasn't because he and Bell had a sworn hatred and wanted to kill each other through gritted teeth. But he believed that Bell's 'pervert' would not be defeated by him so easily.

‘Bang~! ’

The sound of steel and flesh clashing was heard, and the violent air waves carried the soil and grass clippings on the ground and flew dozens of meters away.

Indeed, Bell would not be defeated by Wang Shouqiang so easily. But the way he blocked Wang Shouqiang's attack at this moment also made Wang Shouqiang so surprised that he lost his voice for a moment.

"...Fake, fake shape!?"

Wang Shouqiang really didn't expect that there would be people practicing [false form] these days? And he has actually cultivated to such a high level?

[False Form], one of the seventy-two earth evil techniques, can deform oneself or other objects.

[False Form] was originally a spell developed by legal cultivators. In fact, the existing spells were basically developed by the group of legal cultivators who were pressed to the ground and rubbed all day long.

The original function of [False Form] was to deal with body cultivation. After all, Dharma cultivation is no better than Sword cultivation. Once physical cultivation hits your face, it will basically be 90% colder.

However, after the popularization of magic staffs, both the speed and power of spell casting have been greatly improved, so the [false form] spell has no use.

Instead of practicing False Form, why not use that time to practice [Mountain Pushing and Reclamation of the Sea]? At least the name is domineering, isn't it?

"Strictly speaking, it's not [false form], but you can understand it that way."

Bell said with a smile.

At this time, his right hand had transformed into a thick bear's paw. Black-brown hair like fine needles covered the bear's paw, providing a strong defense.

What he is using now is human body transformation. However, the so-called [false form] is originally a branch of transfiguration, focusing on the detailed changes of a single object. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that he used [False Form].

"Speaking of which, this is my first time using human body transformation in actual combat. Please stay with me for a while."

Bell's voice was getting deeper and hoarse, and his body parts, except for his right arm, were also changing rapidly in a burst of blue magic light.

In less than a second, Bell transformed from a human being less than 2 meters tall to a giant bear over 3 meters tall.


Looking up at the 'giant bear' in front of him that was more than 1 meter taller than himself, Wang Shouqiang swallowed subconsciously. At nearly 2 meters tall, he can no longer remember the last time he looked up to someone else.

Although the specific strength of the giant bear transformed by Bell is not yet known, the size alone is enough to overwhelm him...more than one.

‘Boom~! ’

The next second, Bell told Wang Shouqiang the facts. The giant bear he transformed into was not only big, but also had extraordinary strength.

Bell's bear paw as big as a washbasin was swung by, and Wang Shouqiang was like a ball kicked away, rolling to the ground and opening up a new path in the woods.

Indeed, it is impossible to transform a human body into a magical animal. At least with Bell's current level of transfiguration, he cannot do something that goes against common sense in the magical world.

But this does not mean that the giant bear he transformed is really just an ordinary beast in nature.

The so-called inability to transform into magical animals means that they cannot perform the unique magic of magical animals, but if they just transform into the same appearance, it is not difficult.

Except that doesn't make sense.

Therefore, the animals transformed by wizards are actually somewhere between magical animals and ordinary animals. They cannot use the strange innate magic, but they have magic power inside their bodies.

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