The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 654 The Power of the Bear

Whether it is Animagus transformation or ordinary human transformation, the magic power in the wizard's body will not disappear. Otherwise, how can we change back?

Therefore, as long as the magic power in the body is skillfully used, the animals transformed by the wizard can show strength far beyond ordinary animals.

However, just as there are very few monks who can practice [false form], as the birthplace of the wand, to this day, almost no wizards will study this Druid fighting method.

After all, it is obviously much easier to wave the wand twice at will than to first master the extremely difficult human body transformation technique and then master the magic power in the body.

But Bell is not one of those lazy guys. The most important thing is that the exclusive weapons of their Menethil family are a two-handed hammer - [Menethil's Power], and the other is a two-handed sword - [Frostmourne].

So for my own feelings, or it can be said to be bad taste? Bell was also forced to learn melee combat! Otherwise, no matter how full he is, he will not rush to the underworld every day to be tortured!

He doesn't have that special quirk.

‘Tick tock~! ’

The sound of blood dripping sounded.

Looking down at the large transparent holes on the front and back of his left palm, Bell finally understood why the ancient druids were so proficient in healing spells.

After transforming into a giant bear, although he gained the powerful strength and physique of a bear, as a price, he could no longer use weapons.

These two thick bear paws cannot hold a sword.

Therefore, even with the protection of fur, it is still easily injured when it collides with hard and sharp steel.

【Wound recovery】!

The emerald green magic light lit up and wrapped around Bell's left hand, stopping the blood from flowing out like a stream and slowly healing the injuries on his hand.

After treating the wound, Bell looked towards the end of the 'forest path' with admiration in his eyes.

Sure enough, just reading thousands of books is not enough. You also have to travel thousands of miles and read hundreds of people.

In the world of cultivation, the Wang family can only be regarded as a small and inconspicuous family, and most people have never even heard of it. But Bell just discovered that the other party's family secrets are worth learning from.

Of course, the Wang family's secret technique is not just about forging a suit of armor. That's just preparation, and the next step is the focus.

The Wang family combined the art of transformation, or the art of "false form", with battle armor, and finally created the Wang family's current secret art - 'Thousand Machine Transformation'.

And this was actually the reason why Wang Shouqiang was so surprised before.

As far as he knew, in the current cultivation world, except for the Wang family, there was really no one who specialized in [false form].

As a result, this guy Bell suddenly displayed a superb [False Form], even compared to him who had been studying [False Form] since he was a child. How could Wang Shouqiang not be surprised?

Although he has always practiced in the direction of object deformation and has not dabbled much in human body deformation, this does not prevent him from understanding the difficulty involved.

Not to mention, he knew that Bell was also very accomplished in many other spells.

‘So is there anything else this guy can’t do? ’

Wang Shouqiang thought angrily as he stood up with a grin on his face.

Thanks to his quick reaction, otherwise, if the slap just now had been real, he would have quit this first game early without any hesitation.

But even after being guarded, the right half of his body was now numb due to Bell's 'Bear Power'.

Fortunately, Bell didn't understand his magic, so he suffered some losses and was unable to continue the pursuit. Otherwise, he had boasted in front of the team members that he could always contain Bell's "cowhide", but he would not have started the game. It was broken in 5 minutes.

He stepped on a thick iron shield with his right foot, and saw that the iron shield quickly decomposed and deformed, wrapped around Wang Shouqiang's body again, and returned to the appearance of the armor.

This armor is not just a piece of armor, it is a weapon that can be transformed into any shape according to Wang Shouqiang's wishes.

After smacking his lips and looking at Wang Shouqiang in the distance, Bell couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, he didn't bite it with his mouth because he thought it was dirty. Otherwise, he might be rolling on the ground in pain due to 'mouth ulcers'.

That would be very rude.

After a short rest, the injury on Bell's hand was healed, and Wang Shouqiang's body was no longer numb, so the two of them rushed towards each other without saying a word.

‘Bang bang bang~! ’

The sound of fist fights exploded like dense firecrackers. One person and one bear were like two bulldozers. In a short time, a large area of ​​nearby woods was moved to flat ground.

He slapped Wang Shouqiang's head, but when he saw the sudden spikes on the opponent's shoulder armor, Bell had to forcefully change the direction of his attack and hit the ground with his palm.

‘Boom~! ’

Although he was not hit directly, the air wave caused by the attack still blew Wang Shouqiang away.

In mid-air, Wang Shouqiang's armor was seen flowing rapidly into his hands, and eventually formed a two-handed sword as tall as a person. Wang Shouqiang struggled to twist his waist and swung the sword hard at Bell.

Seeing this, Bell quickly turned sideways. The next second, a deep cut appeared at his feet.

As the saying goes, it is disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. Bell took a few steps sideways and slapped a broken piece of wood on the ground towards Wang Shouqiang in the air. The broken wood hit the big shield in Wang Shouqiang's hand with a fierce sound of wind, successfully making it fly farther.

The emerald green magic light lit up again. This time, the light wrapped around Bell's body, healing the wounds on his body.

It has to be said that Wang Shouqiang's magic is too restrained to deform the human body. If he was not careful, Bell would have several bloody wounds on his body, which made Bell feel very frustrated. If he hadn't considered the issue of delaying time, he really wanted to change back to human form now and use a wand to teach the other person how to behave.

He fell to the ground with a thud, and Wang Shouqiang rolled on the ground several times before standing up with dizziness.

Bell was aggrieved, but he didn't know that Wang Shouqiang was even more aggrieved at this moment!

This was the first time he had used it against an enemy after he had mastered the family secret. However, he encountered a "pervert" like Bell, who was able to overwhelm him in his best field of close combat. Wang Shouqiang almost doubted his life. .

Even though Bell was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable, Wang Shouqiang knew that it was just a superficial wound.

Bell's defense was so high that if he slashed at it, it would be difficult to cut off even the hair, let alone the flesh. The only way to break through Bell's fur defense is to use stabbing attacks, but in the end it will be clamped by the muscles, making it difficult to advance even an inch.

In contrast, although he didn't have any obvious injuries on his body except for his gray face, the pain in his heart was really only known to him.

Bell's power is so great! Even the wrist strength that he had always been proud of was not enough in the face of the opponent's 'bear power'.

Therefore, with every collision, although he was not injured on the surface, his internal organs were actually shaken. Even though he had tried his best to use his spiritual power to buffer, he was about to vomit blood at this time.

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