The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 655 Let’s play hide and seek

Bell's powerful strength made it difficult for Wang Shouqiang to resist, but what made him most intolerable, and even made him want to curse, was Bell's agility.

‘So this guy has clearly transformed into a bear, but why is he as flexible as a monkey? Is this reasonable? ? ’

In the battles so far, it can be said that Wang Shouqiang has never hit Bell once. The injuries on the opponent's body were all caused by him taking the opportunity to deform his armor when he was attacked, using a method similar to 'exchanging injuries for injuries'.

There is no way, the opponent's attack speed is too fast, and most importantly, the attack range of the bear's paws is too large. If he just dodges, he will be completely suppressed.

That is to say, Bell didn't know what Wang Shouqiang was thinking at this moment, otherwise he would definitely try to create two more large transparent holes in the bear's paw, and slap Wang Shouqiang's head twice.

Do you really think that it is so easy for him to achieve the high dodge he has today?

This was something he finally mastered in the past six months, taking the risk of being knocked stupid by Huang Quan.

As the saying goes, one effort and one gain.

He sacrificed his precious intelligence and only got [luckyE] with 100% dodge. Isn't this too much! ?

Okay, that seems a bit excessive, after all, his intelligence is still there...


In short, it was a live broadcast now, so after the injury was almost recovered, Bell immediately let out a shocking roar and charged towards Wang Shouqiang again.

Feeling the shaking of the earth, Wang Shouqiang felt endless pain in his heart, but he could not express it. If Bell's bear paws hit him again, he might become one with his precious armor.

Although he and his armor were still in the 'honeymoon period', and he wanted to hold it while sleeping, he never thought about actually letting the armor fuse with his own flesh and blood. That is strictly prohibited by the family rules!

‘So why are those guys so slow! It's just a matter of grabbing a points card from a little girl. Why does it take so long? ’

Although he doesn't know how much time has passed...

There was no way, the pressure brought by Bell was too great, making his sense of time very confusing.

Just when Wang Shouqiang was complaining about his teammates and being chased and hammered by Bell, at the campfire... well, there is no campfire now. In short, everyone else in Wang Shouqiang's team is also miserable at the moment.

"Everyone come closer to me! Quick! Don't let each other defeat each other!"

Chen Hua shouted, hoping that his teammates could come to him as soon as possible.

As the strongest member of the team besides captain Wang Shouqiang, he believes that it is necessary to take responsibility to protect his teammates when facing emergencies.

But unfortunately, he forgot a very important point: 'Although his strength ranks second in the team, his brain is the last.'


"Shut up! You idiot! Stay where you are and don't move! Prepare your defenses!"

Gao Zeyuan angrily scolded this Tiehanhan in his team.

Although in terms of strength, he is not as good as the captain and Chen Hua. In terms of insidiousness, he is still inferior to his seemingly honest and honest captain. But when it comes to tactics and strategies, there is no doubt that he is the team's strategist.

‘So I said at the beginning not to ask that Shanna to make suggestions, but no one listened to me. What now? You are all stupid! ’

As the team's strategist, Gao Zeyuan certainly didn't want anyone else to take over his job. Therefore, he fully opposed the behavior of everyone inviting Shanna to come up with a 'bad idea'.

The objection turned out to be invalid...

Although Shanna's idea did provide a lot of help for them to advance, it was not because his strategy was inferior to the other party's, but simply because he didn't bother to use those ghostly tricks.

He wants to be upright...

‘Bang~! ’

A deep pit suddenly appeared at Gao Zeyuan's feet. If the shield on his body hadn't blocked it and bought him some time, he might have been lying down now.

Well, it seems now is not a good time to dwell on the past, so let’s talk about the present.

Since Shanna was previously invited to advise the team, they all told each other roughly what the team was good at and what they were not good at.

This also led to the fact that Shanna knew very well that no one among the four was good at perception. Perception, that kind of delicate work, has nothing to do with these rough guys.

So, as soon as the battle started, Zannah released [Darkness Comes], eliminating all the light in this area.

[Darkness Falls] is not a difficult spell, it just absorbs nearby light sources to make the night darker. This is the kind of charm used on the Deluminator.

And the biggest problem with this kind of curse is that it doesn't distinguish between friend and foe.

Once it gets dark, no one can see, fair and square.

So at this moment, only Shanna can move flexibly in the field.

Hermione's words, with years of training, are not completely insensible to everything around her. But after all, she had never had the experience of operating in a completely dark environment, so she was not used to it at the moment.

As for Roy and Bugit, they were no different from the four members of Wang Shouqiang's team at the moment. They were both blind-eyed and did not dare to take a step.

It is not that no one has tried to use the light spell, but the moment the light lights up, it will be sucked into the darkness. If you use it again, then just wait to be beaten...

So after a few minutes, everyone was already honest.

"Hehehe~! Let's play hide and seek~!"

Shanna's clear voice sounded behind Chen Hua. When Chen Hua heard the sound, without saying a word, he turned around and threw a [Demon Slaying Technique].

Shanna's current behavior reminded him of the evil spirits mentioned in the textbook, so he subconsciously used the [Demon Slaying Technique].


List! magnificent!

Didn’t I just tell you several times? Now this area is shrouded by the opponent's [Dream of Marriage] spell. Don't listen to the sound to identify the location, the sound has been manipulated! How many times do you have to tell me to remember it? "

Gao Zeyuan lay on the ground in a panic. He had just been knocked over by a sudden spell from behind, and he accidentally took a mouthful of mud.

He didn't need to distinguish, he could tell that it was Chen Hua who fell into the enemy's trap and launched a random attack again.

By the way, didn't he just refute Shanna's strategy a few times at the beginning, but why did he keep staring at him all alone to cause trouble?

Can't you also harm others?

"Hug, sorry, subconsciously..."

Chen Hua scratched his head and said sheepishly.

And his appearance caused a burst of laughter like silver bells to be heard in the darkness.

This Chen Hua is really fun, Shanna admires this guy very much.

The other three idiots just stood there defending and rarely attacked. This made her plan to induce a few people to kill each other completely in vain.

Sure enough, that Gao Zeyuan was a bad guy. If he hadn't been the first to warn him, it would have taken a long time for others to realize the problem.

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