"Opportunity! Reversal of Yin and Yang!"

Hearing the laughter coming from the darkness, Gao Zeyuan jumped up suddenly and cast the spell he had been preparing for a long time.

He was actually beaten to the ground by Chen Hua on purpose before. Because he knew that when he was lying down, Shanna in the dark would definitely relax her vigilance against him. That way, he would have a chance to break the current deadlock.

A dazzling light lit up in the night sky, and at this moment, the nearby area seemed to suddenly turn into daytime.

Immediately afterwards, the light that filled the sky quickly flew towards a place in the woods, as if there was a black hole there, absorbing all the light.

[Sword Qi]!

A sword energy simulated by compressed spiritual power shot out from Gao Zeyuan's staff, instantly hitting the core of the [Darkness Coming] spell.

‘Click~! ’

Without any surprise, the stone Shanna randomly selected was instantly shattered by [Sword Qi]. A light much more dazzling than Gao Zeyuan's spell just now suddenly shot out from the broken stone.

This was all the light that had been sucked into the stone under the influence of the curse. Now that the stone is broken, the light naturally blooms again with its original style.

The sudden flash of light dazzled everyone who was unprepared.

Despite the domineering name of the [Darkness Comes] curse, this kind of curse is actually quite unpopular. Even Hermione, who is the 'god of learning', has no idea about it.

While everyone covered their eyes in pain, only one person was not affected by the flash.

This person is naturally Shanna.

Others don’t understand the [Darkness Comes] spell, how can she, the caster, understand it?

In fact, she had a chance to block Gao Zeyuan's [Sword Qi] just now, but she did not do so on purpose.

After all, it was just a stone she picked up casually. After absorbing so many light sources, it was almost reaching its limit.

Especially after Gao Zeyuan suddenly used the move [Inversion of Yin and Yang], even if he didn't destroy it, the stone wouldn't be able to hold on for a few seconds.

So, Shanna simply followed her plan and watched the 'flash bomb' explode.

"Quick! Go grab the points card!"

After his vision recovered a little, Gao Zeyuan ignored the stinging pain in his eyes and greeted his teammates loudly.

He was very anxious now, because he knew that there was not much time left for him to wait for others, and he could not delay any longer.

As a teammate who has been fighting together for several months, Gao Zeyuan is very clear about the strength of his captain.

Therefore, although he did not know the specific situation of the battle between his captain and the opponent's captain, he could tell from the roar coming from the distance that his captain had used his full strength.

He would not naively think that his captain was suppressing the opponent and beating him. It would be nice not to get beaten.

"You bad guy, you are just against me. Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Just when Gao Zeyuan was about to charge towards the scoreboard in Hermione's arms with his teammates, a voice that made his hair stand on end suddenly came from behind him.

‘Ka~ka~! ’

Gao Zeyuan turned his neck with difficulty, and the friction between the joints sounded like a machine that had not been filled with oil for hundreds of years.

‘Why, why me again! ? ’

Well, he admitted that this time he was indeed not unjust. After all, the other party's arrangement was broken by him.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little proud.

However, Shanna had no intention of praising the other party.



Under the light of magic in the sky, everyone could clearly see that Gao Zeyuan flew out in circles and disappeared from everyone's sight after a while.

"Lao Gao——!"

Chen Hua shouted sadly.

Although the other party always scolds him for being stupid and is always aggressive with him, he...he...is really still a little worried about the other party at this moment...

"No, don't worry about me! Go grab the score card! Ah——!"

In the distance, Gao Zeyuan's voice came from the woods, and at the end it was mixed with a shrill scream. He didn't know what kind of torture he was going through.

But no matter what, in order to prevent Lao Gao's 'sacrifice' from going to waste, the remaining three firmly wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes and rushed towards Hermione resolutely.

To prevent misunderstandings, I would like to emphasize that the tears of the three people were stimulated by the previous flash and did not contain any other factors.

【All petrified】!

A petrification spell was shot from Hermione's wand, hitting the opponent's shield, causing a ripple, and then dissipated in the air.

"Senior Bugit, are you okay?"

Hermione glanced at Brigitte beside her worriedly.

The opponent had just been hit by a [Whip Mountain Curse]. At this moment, his entire left arm was drooping, and it looked like the bones had been severed.

Unlike modern wizards who mostly use rule-based spells, monks' spells are mostly from the five-element system and the object-control system.

Among them, [Whip the Mountain Curse] belongs to the [Whip the Mountain and Move the Stone], which is regarded as an object control spell. Although this type of spell consumes more spiritual energy, it is also easier to break through the defense of the Iron Armor Curse.


Bugit said through gritted teeth.

However, it could be seen from the cold sweat on his forehead that his condition was not as good as he said.

As long as he made the slightest movement, bursts of heartbreaking pain would come from his left arm. This made Bugit grit his teeth to ensure that his curse would not be crooked to the sky.

To be honest, Bugit never thought that one day he would be able to continue fighting after suffering such a 'serious' injury.

This is so manly! He is almost fascinated by himself!


He meant that he could still accept it even if he was not as good as Senior Roy or the three seniors from the Upper School who were in their third year opposite. After all, he is one grade below these people and is not as strong as them, so it is normal.

But now, even Hermione, who is younger than him, is still fighting hard. As a senior, how can he lie on the ground and moan with peace of mind?

How will he see anyone in the future?

"Protect everything!"

Bugit roared out the spell, as if he was venting the pain in his body in this way.

As soon as the pale golden magic barrier was erected, it was shattered into pieces by two spells fired towards it. But even so, it gave Hermione and Roy a little breathing room, allowing them to respond to each other's two attack spells.

"We have to think of a way. If this continues, we won't be able to hold on for long!"

Seeing that his spell was deflected by the enemy again and failed to produce any results, Roy anxiously said to Hermione beside him.

Faced with the current predicament, he had no choice. As for the injured Bugit, it was obvious that he could not count on it. Then the only one left is Hermione.

Roy now only hopes that Bell has prepared some trump cards for Hermione, and that those trump cards are powerful enough to help them defeat the powerful enemy in front of them.

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