The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 659 Is there anyone who doesn’t like names?

Unexpectedly, the first game of the four-house competition finally came to an end in a much more peaceful situation than imagined.

After all, it was only the first game, and there were two more to come, so the players were very restrained when competing for points, and most of them just hit the mark.

In the last few days, Bell and others were lucky enough to catch two more golden-beaked chickens, and even ate a full ten points from one of them.

This made Hermione extremely happy. After eating more than a dozen golden-beaked chickens, this was the first time that I got ten points.

This also led to Hermione being paranoid all day long in the last few days, always feeling that someone would suddenly jump out of the shadows and snatch her points.

No matter how much Bell comforted and reassured her, Hermione's nervousness could not be relieved in the slightest.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the game to officially end, otherwise Bell would have been really afraid that his girlfriend would have a nervous breakdown.

After statistics, Bell and others finally ranked sixth, which is neither good nor bad.

In addition, what people didn't expect was that the first place was Li Xin's team from Yandu Academy, with a total of 63 points.

Speaking of the three teams in Yandu Academy, there is only Li Xin's team. Bell has never met him from beginning to end, and he doesn't know where he is hiding.

The result was that this team actually took first place without any fanfare.

However, although the team from their own academy won first place in the first game, the gentlemen from Yandu Academy were not happy at all.

There was nothing I could do, the other two teams were so overwhelmed that Yandu Academy's total points ranking was temporarily ranked last!

After that night, Wang Shouqiang's team, because the captain and military advisor were 'seriously injured', spent the last few days in an inconspicuous cave, where the cat rested. Therefore, the final result of Wang Shouqiang's team was only the 30 points stolen from Bell and others.

To be honest, 30 points is not too much. Considering that these 'reckless men' don't know how to make elixirs, the gentlemen can accept it.

But the final score of the remaining Ma Jingjing team was only a dozen points, which made the gentlemen very dissatisfied.

Facing the reproachful glances of the gentlemen, Zhang Xu had no choice but to smile bitterly.

So what can he do? He is also very desperate!

My own captain has had red eyes since he arrived on the island, and he will not give up until he finds Bell and others.

After finally finding it, they fought for several days in a row, with neither victory nor defeat.

In the end, they finally stopped fighting, but the opponent didn't focus on finding the golden-beaked chicken. Instead, they spent all day thinking about how to crack Shanna's Five Elements Escape, and didn't care about points at all.

Therefore, the final result is that the captain Ma Jingjing fishes every day, the drug test tool man Lu Feitian is half weak and his strength is half, the pharmacist Jia Yu is devoted to studying the golden beak chicken poison, and is bound to surpass Shanna. The only one who is really looking for points is He and Xiang Lanxian were killed.

To be honest, it is really not easy for the points to break through to double digits.

But the gentlemen don't care about that much. They only know that they will definitely not be happy with the wine at the party tonight. And for those who make themselves and others unhappy, they will naturally not make them happy!

As a result, Ma Jingjing's team and Wang Shouqiang's team, who had been affected by Chi Yu, were both caught and severely criticized by the gentlemen.

Seeing that someone was suffering, Bell decisively started to gloat and start the 'eating melon' mode. The only regret is that he hasn't had time to go back and change clothes, otherwise the single quotation marks on the word "eat melon" can be removed.

As we all know, people who take pleasure in misfortune often do not end well!

Seeing the unmotivated look on her boyfriend's face, Hermione was so angry that she put her hands on her hips, and scolded Bell severely when she caught him!

What did she just see?

The first-place team only had over 60 points?

Doesn't this mean that if their 30 points are not taken away, the first place will be theirs?

In an instant, Hermione felt like she had missed out on 100 million.

As a result, she was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe. Fortunately, that guy Bell still had the heart to watch other people's fun?

This was something that my uncle could endure, but she, Hermione, definitely couldn't!

As a result, Bell was like a primary school student who lost his homework and was caught and lectured by Teacher Hermione all day long.

Fortunately, after nightfall, Hermione had no time to talk to Bell anymore. This allowed Bell, who seemed to have been surrounded by ten thousand flies all day, to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Before the start of the second game, the players will have a week's rest time to recuperate and study.

Yes, it is said to be a break, but this week is actually mainly reserved for the players to study.

Although there are very few courses in the second half of the third year of the upper school, they are few but not none. Even if the contestants are the best students in each college, if they don't study at all, they may fail the exam at the end of the semester.

After learning the 'good news', Hermione immediately stopped caring about educating her unmotivated boyfriend. There were only two words left in her mind: 'notes'.

While Bell and other players were competing in the four-house competition, other students were not just eating, drinking, watching the competition every day, and experiencing the leisurely life after retirement in advance. They also have to go to class!

In fact, the competition is only part of the competition between the four colleges, and the other part is that students from the four colleges attend classes together.

If what is shown in the competition is the level of the top students in each college, then what is shown in the classroom is the average level of the students and the teaching ability of the gentlemen.

While Hermione was busy asking classmates to borrow notes and copy them, Bell was not idle either.

Although he didn't care about his final grades, after all, he wasn't really going to graduate this year. But if he passes this 'village', there will be no 'shop' to teach him the art of weapon refining!

So strictly speaking, Bell is the most anxious one.

During this period of the game, Bel was not always lazy... No! He has never been lazy!

He just seems to be leisurely every day, but in fact, his brain has been thinking about issues related to weapon refining.

That’s right! That's it!

Although due to the limitation of materials, he was unable to actually operate it, he had carefully written down some questions and ideas, and was waiting to ask the gentlemen for advice when he came back.

You know, almost all the gentlemen from the four academies are gathered here now. Bell is very much looking forward to communicating with these gentlemen to learn from each other's unique knowledge and experience in weapon refining. Presumably, that will be of great help to his weapon refining skills.

What? Are you worried that those gentlemen will not teach Bell seriously?

It’s not necessary. Teaching and educating people is the duty of gentlemen, not to mention...

"Are you Mr. Gongshu? I have finally met you! You don't know! When I was in Europe, I often heard your name. When I saw you today, it turned out to be..."

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