The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 660 Capture the Flag Battle

Pleasant (?) time always passed quickly. In Hermione's reluctant eyes, a week passed quickly, and she had to part ways with her lovely notes for the time being.

Early in the morning, everyone gathered on the beach again after a long absence, waiting for the announcement of the second game.

Without everyone waiting, the gentlemen revealed the ‘answer’.

The second game will be held under the sea. This time, the players don’t have to find the competition venue by themselves. The teacher will lead everyone there.

On the seabed, an area with complex landforms has been isolated in advance by the formation, and five strongholds have been established in this area. Among these five strongholds, there is a general's platform respectively, with a 'general's flag' planted on the platform.

Therefore, the content of the second game is to capture the flag!

Except for the general flag of Bell's team, the general flag of each academy is worth 100 points. As long as the general flags of other colleges are placed on the general point stand of one's own college, the team will receive 100 points.

It should be emphasized here that only the team that planted the flag can get points. The other two teams from the same academy will not get any points.

As punishment, the academy whose general flag was taken away will have 90 points deducted, and each team will deduct 30 points.

In other words, there is basically no such thing as zero eggs. If you don't do it well, you will have to face negative points!

The contestants are all in their prime of life, and as the best in each academy, no one can accept such a humiliating thing like losing points.

This also means that once a certain team captures the general's flag, they will not only face competition from other academy teams, but they will also have to be constantly on guard against 'backstabs' from teams from the same academy.

This is really... what kind of unscrupulous guy came up with the rules!

In addition, since the Bell team is fighting alone, it can be said that it is impossible to complete the two operations of capturing the flag and keeping the flag at the same time.

Therefore, after consultations with the senior leaders of each academy, it was finally decided that Bell's team's general flag would provide the team with 1 point for every hour it stayed on the general point stand. If the flag is taken away, 25 points will be deducted.

In other words, Bell and others only need the cat to keep the flag at home.

Finally, when the general flag is placed on the general platform of another academy, it will be teleported back to its original position. Each general flag can be snatched three times. The game will not end until all the general flags have been snatched.

With different thoughts in mind, everyone was sent to their respective strongholds.

The competition will officially start at 12 noon sharp for everyone on the shore to watch while eating. Before that, it was preparation time for the players. Players can discuss strategies, allocate interests, or strengthen the defense of the stronghold.

Different from the intrigues, coercion and inducements in other strongholds, Bell's team's stronghold is much more deserted and peaceful at the moment.

After all, they don't need to think about 'backstabbing' or being 'backstabbed'.

But this does not mean that Bell and others can have it easy.

There is no doubt that Bell's squad is the weakest side in this game.

If it was a direct confrontation, even if 15 people from other academies came together, Bell would not be weak.

But the problem is that the other party will only fight with him if he is stupid.

But not everyone is as 'above and aboveboard' as Ma Jingjing.

If a group of people were randomly assigned to go around and steal the flag, Bell would really have no good solution.

Not to mention, the people waiting to come over may not be just 15 people, but 60 people.

In that case, Bell would be submerged in the vast ocean of the people.

Therefore, they must now strengthen the defense of the stronghold as much as possible.

‘The team currently has 41 points. If all three general flags are taken away, 75 points will be deducted. In other words, as long as you can survive 34 hours, there will be no embarrassing situation of negative points! ’

Bell was calculating little things in his mind in a very hopeless manner.

"Then first, let's build a castle."

Looking at the small shabby house in front of him that seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind, Bell couldn't help complaining about the stinginess of the academy.

At least install a door!

Pointing the wand at the ground, Bell closed his eyes slightly and imagined the style of the castle in his mind.

Although he couldn't attach a strong defensive barrier to the castle because he didn't have decent materials on hand. But designing the castle more complicated should still be able to delay time to some extent... right?

To be honest, Bell didn't know how many housewreckers there were in other teams. But even if each of those guys is proficient in earthquake techniques, he should be able to gain a few minutes by burying the platform with rubble.

Although it doesn't seem to make any sense?

After about 3 minutes, Bell finally completed the design of the castle in his mind. As for whether the structure was reasonable or not, that was not something he could care about.

He's not a construction guy, so how can he know that?

Fortunately, with the existence of magical power, there is no need to worry about the castle collapsing before the game starts.

The wand was slowly raised, and with Bell's movement, a dark castle emerged from the ground amid a rumble.

After a while, a majestic castle covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters stood in this underwater open space.

He breathed a long sigh of relief. It was not an easy task for Bell to use transformation to transform such a large building in a short period of time. But there is no time for him to rest now. He has to strengthen the castle as much as possible before the game officially starts.

Next, under Bell's command, Hermione, Roy, and Brigitte were busy reinforcing or setting up magic traps at various points in the castle.

What? You ask where Shanna went?

Bell has always been ashamed of his sister's outstanding talent.

Therefore, after the castle was completed, he let the little girl develop her own whims.

I hope no one will be too miserably trapped by the little girl’s trap in the future, leaving some psychological shadow...

"Okay, Hermione, stop it."

After looking at the time, Bell stopped Hermione from continuing to fortify the castle.

"But, Bell, we still have time, we can also reinforce it more."

Hermione said worriedly.

Hermione was so worried that she wanted to pull her hair when she thought about the difficulties she and others would face next.

She just couldn't understand, how could the points be negative? Think of it as borrowing money!

When she thought that after the game, she and others might even owe the academy dozens of points, Hermione simply didn't know what to do.

How does this make her go back and face her fellow folks at Hogwarts... Ahem, professors!

"Take a rest and eat something. We have to keep ourselves in good condition, otherwise we will waste all our magic power on the castle. Then when others come over, won't we have to sit aside and watch?"

After inviting Hermione to sit next to him, Bell took out some food and handed it to her.

So, Hermione still lacks exercise. Bell is now starting to think about it, how about taking advantage of this rare opportunity to get a negative score?

This was definitely not because he wanted to be lazy because it was troublesome, he really just wanted to give Hermione a valuable experience.

After all, there is a first time for everything. If you get a negative score this time, and if you encounter a similar situation next time, then Hermione's lower limit... ahem, it's the mentality, it will be much better, right?

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