The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 666 Shanna’s Trap Classroom (Part 2)

For the sake of the honor of that poor stone wall, which was first shattered and then blown to smithereens, it is necessary to emphasize again that it was really just an ordinary stone wall.

Flint is also a stone!

As we all know, many odors contain flammable and explosive gases. And this kind of 'Super Concentrated Troll Perfume' that Zannah collected and refined from the body fluids of hundreds of trolls is the best among them!

This can be understood very intuitively from the two charred humanoid objects on the ground.

A stone wall, or to be precise a flint wall, will inevitably produce some small sparks after being broken into pieces. And when these sparks meet the mist of the ultra-concentrated troll perfume, they immediately act like thunder from the sky stirring up the earth's fire. It's a blast!

By the way, in order to improve customer satisfaction, this rich 'scent' perfume that spans the ages in the magical world also has a very strong adsorption effect. Its smell can even penetrate into the skin, thus retaining its fragrance for a long time.

At least as the inventor of this perfume, Shanna said that she currently does not have any effective way to quickly remove the smell of this perfume.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, for at least the next month, the two people on the ground will transform into humanoid self-propelled biochemical weapons, clearing the place wherever they go. Its popularity is comparable to that of an ugly guy without a nose!

I hope this will not leave any psychological shadow on the two of them...

"Hey, Xiaoli, do you think it's a little cold here?"

Tightening her collar, Xiaomei asked her companion. In this way, she tried to dispel some bad associations in her mind.

"Really? Maybe because this is the bottom of the sea?"

Xiaoli said casually.

She really didn't feel cold, but there was some humidity. After all, this is the bottom of the sea. Even if there is a magic circle to isolate the sea water, that's all. Gentlemen are not considerate enough to remove the moisture.


‘Buzz~buzz~pat! ’

Before Xiaomei could finish her words, she heard a sound that sounded like a bad electric light connection. Then, in less than two seconds, the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

"What, what's going on!?"

Xiaomei shouted in panic.

"Don't panic! Pay attention to defense! We must have encountered a trap! Dawn Glimmer!"

A pale yellow warm light shone out, easily dispelling the darkness around the two of them.

But before the two of them could relax, a feeling of suffocation hit their hearts. Like the rising sun, the light not only failed to bring any warmth to the two of them, but also made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

"Sword Qi!"

The sharp sword energy simulated by the aggregation of spiritual power passed through the neck of the person in front of him without any hindrance and disappeared into the darkness.

"No, don't be afraid. This, this is just an illusion. Let's look for it. The magic circle that generated the illusion must be nearby!"

Seeing that the woman in front of her, who was wearing a simple white dress with her long hair covering her face, was unscathed by her companion's sword attack, Xiaoli was not only not worried, but also relieved. .

It turned out that this woman who appeared in front of them silently was not an enemy, but just a phantom!

In fact, if you calm down and observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that this woman's exposed hands and feet are frighteningly pale. How could a normal person have skin of this color?


Suddenly, there was a suppressed scream beside her, which made Xiaoli, who was trying hard to find the phantom magic circle, tremble all over. She turned sharply to look at her companions.

"What, what happened!?"

"I, I just felt that there was someone behind me!"

Xiaomei covered the back of her neck with a horrified look on her face and looked behind her nervously.

Just now, she felt a cold air blowing on the back of her neck, as if... it was like someone exhaled behind her!

"Hey, there's no one there! There's no one there! Xiaomei, you are serious too, don't scare yourself!"

After carefully searching around behind her, Xiaoli found no one and turned around with a smile.

"Okay, come and find E--!"

Xiaoli let out the same scream as Xiaomei.

It turned out that when she turned around, she was horrified to see that the figure of the woman in white had appeared only a few meters away from them at some point.


The crisp laughter reached their ears, but at this time the two women did not find it pleasant at all.

"X-Xiao Li! She, she smiles, smiles, smiles!"

Taking a step back, Xiaomei almost fell down due to weak legs. She grabbed her companion's arm tightly, her face full of horror.

"Really, Xiaomei, don't stop joking all the time, then it's just an illusion!"

Looking at the woman with a sinister smile on her lips, Xiaoli tried her best to comfort her companion.

However, his trembling voice was really unconvincing.


The same laughter sounded again, and the woman slowly moved her steps, staggering, and walked towards the two of them.

"Ah——! Don't come here! Sword energy, sword energy, sword energy..."

The dense sword energy shot out quickly and quickly disappeared into the darkness without causing a ripple. The woman was still approaching the two of them slowly but firmly, and even slowly raised her hand towards them.

As the woman approached, a faint but extremely clear rotten smell entered the nostrils of the two women, just like the smell of a rotting corpse.

"Ah——! Help——!"

The rancid smell was the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing Xiaomei to be so frightened that she ran out in a panic.

"Xiaomei! Wait for me!"

Facts have proved that large numbers of people often not only fail to embolden courage, but also accelerate the spread of fear. Xiaoli, who was originally calm, was influenced by her companions, and her mind went blank at the moment. She just wanted to get away from that terrifying woman as soon as possible.

In fact, as Xiaoli said at the beginning, this woman in white is really just an ordinary phantom. The inscriptions that generated her are also on the ceiling above her head. There are at most a lot of them, densely covering the entire ceiling, thus ensuring that the illusion can always exist.

However, everyone on earth knows that the ghosts in ghost movies are fake and fictitious and do not exist in reality. But when it comes time to watch a ghost movie, how many people can truly feel no emotion at all?

Not to mention, the image of this woman was inspired by Zannah in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and it took her more than a month to finally create it with the help of hundreds of kind-hearted volunteers at Hogwarts. Completely finalized.

It is said that because the image of this woman is so "frozen", she has successfully become the dream "lover" of many young wizards. Her charm is so great that it does not distinguish between men and women. To this day, many people still dream about her. .

Moreover, in order to improve the user experience, Shanna also specially added a weak fear spell to the final product.

This is a brand new version that none of the little wizards at Hogwarts have ever experienced!

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