The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 667 Shanna’s Trap Lesson (Part 2)

The fear spell attached to the illusion is very weak. Even an ordinary person will only feel a burst of heart palpitations for no reason, and then forget about the 'illusion', let alone a monk.

However, the originally trivial fear spell, combined with the appearance of a woman, the dark environment, and a breeze, finally caused the two powerful monks to flee.

You know, this castle is full of all kinds of traps at this moment, and the two people's behavior of running with their heads down is very dangerous. I hope these two female classmates won't step on something...

‘Boom~! ’

Cough cough cough...

Shanna said that the traps she set were never single. They were always one link within another, and eventually ended in an explosion trap.


‘Boom~! ’

A more violent explosion came.


Zannah's eyes widened in surprise. What happened to the second explosion? She just set up an explosion trap here!

Moreover, the trap here is set so that it will only be triggered when a girl passes by. Considering that everyone is a girl, she also deliberately weakened the power of the explosion trap.

But in the next moment, Shanna reacted. After all, the only person in this castle whose hobbies are so similar to hers is her brother.

"That's it! This is what my brother is teaching me. No matter what time, you can never show mercy to your enemies!"

The little girl nodded understandingly and reflected for two seconds.

(But no, it’s really just a coincidence.)


Suddenly, the two people from Jinling Academy raised their staffs and looked warily at the corner not far away.

Just now, they heard a strange noise there.

After being attacked by Bell before, everyone had raised their alert level to the highest level and would not let go of any disturbance around them.

"Why are you shouting? It's just because you have a loud voice, isn't it?"

A louder shout came from the corner, and the next second, two monks turned the corner and appeared. It can be distinguished from their snow-white gowns that they are contestants from Kunlun Academy.

"Humph! It turns out that I have paralysis of both faces. What a bad luck!"

One person from Jinling Academy curled his lips in displeasure and relaxed his tense body slightly. However, he did not put down the staff in his hand.

Although the purpose of everyone's trip was to seize the general flag of Bell and others, until the general flag was found, it was a silent agreement not to invade each other. But who knows if people from Kunlun Academy, no, it should be said from the other three academies, will make a surprise attack?

After all, those people don't have the noble sentiments of the people in Jinling Academy. No matter what bad things they do, it's not surprising!

Obviously, the two people at Kunlun Academy thought so too, so when they turned the corner, they both raised their staffs, blatantly showing that they did not believe in each other's character.

In this way, the two groups of people pointed their staffs at each other and slowly walked into this spacious hall.

Suddenly, just after all four people entered the hall, the exciting music suddenly started, frightening all four people.

At this moment, all four of them showed their talents as top students. Within a second, they all locked onto the fifth 'person' who suddenly appeared in the hall and pointed their staffs at him.


"Pfft~! Hahaha~!"*2

Explosive laughter came from the mouths of the two people at Jinling Academy. At this moment, both of them had to admit that the trap here was so powerful that it successfully caused severe pain in their abdomens!


"Why are you laughing! What's so funny!"

One person from Kunlun Academy waved his staff angrily and destroyed several magic characters on the wall. Those phantom runes emitted colorful light, as if they were deliberately telling others that they were there.

As the magic text was destroyed, the figure in the hall who was posing to the music also disappeared.

The two people from Jinling Academy forced themselves to stand up straight and wiped the tears from their eyes.

Still smiling...

"Oh, we just laughed, why..."

Before the man could finish speaking, music sounded again in the hall, and at the same time, another illusion appeared in everyone's eyes.



"Ahem, I, I didn't laugh, really!"

Under the angry gaze of his companion, the contestant from Kunlun Academy hurriedly suppressed his smile and put on an upright look.

It's really not his fault. The other party imitated the monkey too much, which caused him to lose his composure for a moment.

He waved his staff angrily again, and the magic text that lit up in another place in the hall was destroyed again.

Then, as expected, the third piece of music played, simulating the illusion of Kunlun Academy contestants. After dancing in women's clothing and simulating monkeys, it also showed a third form - cooking while standing on its head!

"Haha, hahaha~!"

After seeing the person from Kunlun Academy, or to be precise, that person's illusion, spitting rice out of his nose, the two people from Jinling Academy were completely overwhelmed.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, they would all want to lie down and roll on the ground.

"I said, don't laugh!"

He waved his staff angrily for the third time, but this time, the target of the attack was no longer the magic writing on the wall, but the two people from Jinling Academy who were laughing so hard.

He was already holding in his anger when they were quarreling outside the castle. Now, the two people opposite him dared to laugh at him like this. If he could bear this, then he would no longer need to practice any magic in the future. He might as well change his career to learn ninjutsu and become a Ninja Turtle.

"Do it! How dare you, thief!"

Being suddenly attacked, the two people at Jinling Academy were shocked and angry. Without saying a word, they responded with the same two attack spells.

Another person from Kunlun Academy, who originally wanted to break up the fight, saw that the other party was shamelessly fighting two against one, so naturally he couldn't just watch his companion being bullied. He didn't care if his companion made the first move, he only knew that his family could not be bullied by other family members!

As a result, a big battle took place in this hall.

As the battle situation intensified, the concentration of spiritual power in the air gradually increased, and the fluctuations of spiritual power became more and more chaotic. And when these two indicators reach a certain threshold...

‘Boom~! ’

The highest level of breaking up a fight is to bring down both parties involved in the fight, and then the world will be at peace again.

By the way, this trap will only be triggered when someone enters from both ends of the hall at the same time.

In addition, the inspiration for this trap also comes from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Defense Against the Dark Arts is an excellent course!

"What the hell is this?"


"...Of course I know this is a groundhog. I mean, what does it mean when a groundhog suddenly pops out here?"

"have no idea."


He held his forehead speechlessly, so why was he assigned to a group with this guy?

While the two were chatting, the prairie dog blinked his eyes and opened his mouth in dissatisfaction after realizing that the two big guys in front of him dared to ignore him.


"I'll go! What the hell!"

With a sudden wave of his staff, the man smashed the groundhog into rubble.

He had just been startled by the sudden shouting!

The two people, who didn't understand what kind of trick they were playing, shook their heads and continued to explore.

However, after walking a few steps, another prairie dog emerged from the ground.


Perhaps to express dissatisfaction with the 'killing' of his companion, this marmot opened its small mouth as soon as it emerged from the ground.

A shout that was louder than before made their ears hurt. Even after crushing the second groundhog, both of them felt their ears ringing.

"This is crazy! It's not over yet!"

Seeing the third prairie dog emerging from the ground in front of him, the player waved his staff hatefully and hit it with a spell before the opponent could open his mouth.

He was really fed up with this kind of evil trap!

‘Boom~! ’

Fortunately, this player no longer has to endure the many other 'bad taste' traps in the castle.

The following are the key points. Write them all down for the exam.

The power of a spell never lies in its power. Even a spell with a very weak effect can have a huge effect as long as the timing is right.

For example, a certain fear spell, and some violent spells, etc...

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