The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 668 It’s so irritating!

‘Boom~! ’

Listening to the explosions ringing in his ears from time to time, Bell couldn't help but feel worried about this. It would be too tragic for this castle to be blown up by my sister instead of being demolished by the invaders.

Of course, the word 'miserable' here is used to describe the group of intruders...

Although Bell had always known that his sister was a true genius, the little girl's performance today still exceeded his imagination.

This is too excellent! As expected of her own sister!

‘Boom~! ’

There was another explosion, and then Bell saw Wang Shouqiang, with three of his teammates, crawling out of the window and flying towards the balcony where he was.

"You idiot, what are you doing here again?"

Bell looked at Wang Shouqiang with disgust, and at the same time guarded the drink in his hand.

This is not outside. The amount of drinks in his hand is very limited. He doesn't even have enough for himself, so he won't give it to others.

"Hehe~ It's been a long time since we brothers got together. I'll come up and chat with you for a while."

Wang Shouqiang said with a smile.

At this moment, everyone in Wang Shouqiang's team had disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and their faces were black and blue, all of which were caused by the bombing just now.

Originally, Wang Shouqiang was worried that Bell and others would not be able to hold the flag. Don't let someone snatch the flag away from Bell before he can hand it over to him. That would be a tragedy.

That's why he took his teammates to search in the castle. There is absolutely no idea of ​​grabbing the general's flag based on one's ability and then not having to pay Bell! Absolutely...well a little bit...

Well, who hasn’t taken a chance yet, right?

However, reality slapped him hard.

One second he had just finished laughing at the charred humanoid object on the ground, and the next second he almost went to keep him company. Who would have thought that a trap that had already been blown up once would be blown up a second time?

Fortunately, there were many of them, otherwise they would have been accidentally injured by 'friendly forces'.

No, after being taught by reality, or by Shanna's trap, Wang Shouqiang decisively gave up on taking chances, and led everyone in his team to come to talk to Bell.


Bell rolled his eyes disdainfully.

He didn't even bother to talk to the guy in front of him who was as thick-skinned as himself.

Long time no see?

How about the meal we had together last night?

So there is only one truth, this guy is coveting his Coke!

At night, squatting beside the campfire, Bell and his party were preparing to have dinner again.

Today is already the third day since the start of the second game. By tomorrow afternoon, the Bell team will have accumulated 75 points. That way, even if the flag is taken away three times, they at least don't have to worry about the team's points being reduced.

Looking at the empty venue outside the castle, Bell missed the excitement on the first day.

That afternoon, after battling wits with many traps in the castle for several hours, everyone in the four academies failed to hold on until dark and regretfully withdrew from the castle.

Of course, the word 'regret' here is used to describe Shanna. Little girls rarely have such fun.

Seeing the miserable looks of the other academy members, everyone finally regained some psychological balance, and then they left without looking back.

This time they came rashly and were not well prepared. When they come back next time when they are ready, they will definitely demolish this ruined castle!

Demolish it outside!

Whoever wants to enter next time, they will never enter that castle in the 'underworld' again!

"Brother~! It's so boring~!"

Sitting cross-legged by the campfire, Shanna put her chin in her hands and complained unhappily.

During the first game, although they didn't do much in the first few days, she could at least study the novel herbs every day. And the most important thing is that at that time, she could eat delicious sea dragon meat every day!

But now, all I can do is chew some seaweed...

There was no other way. The gentlemen had approached Bell before and strictly prohibited him from bringing seeds into the competition venue again, saying it would have a bad influence.

Where is the impact?

However, no matter how unhappy he was, his arms could not twist his thighs, so Bell had no choice but to give up the glorious career of a farmer.

And with the appetite of the Bell brothers and sisters, the little food they brought in has been eaten up by them long ago. Now everyone can only collect some aquatic plants such as kelp and make soup every day.

The smell is really fishy! It made Shanna want to go on a hunger strike altogether.

Anyway, even if she doesn't eat for a week or two, nothing will happen to her.

"○(^Van^)っHiahiahia! Look, what is this!"

As he spoke, Bell suddenly took out two big fish from his sleeves.

Knowing his sister's temper, he guessed that Shanna would soon reach the limit of her patience.

Mainly because he couldn't bear it anymore...

Therefore, during the day today, he secretly...

"Belle~! What is this!"

Hermione grabbed Belle's ear and yelled angrily.

She said that during the day today, she couldn't find Bell anywhere for a while. It turns out that this guy actually sneaked to the edge of the magic circle to 'fish'?

Can you still see the big picture?

What if another team attacks when Bell is not around? The rest of them can't stop those 'hungry wolves'!

"Uh... fish?"


"Ahem, calm down, my dear, you must calm down!"

Seeing that his girlfriend was on the verge of transforming into a Saiyan, Bell quickly spoke to comfort her.

But it's of no use...

"Hermione, don't worry, Zannah is here, what are you afraid of?

Moreover, those guys were seriously injured before and are still recovering from their injuries. They have no time to wander around. Haven't you seen that everyone is very quiet these days? "

By the way, Bell learned this from a kind-hearted 'fishing friend' when he went to 'fish' on the edge of the magic circle.


Glancing at Zannah who was already happily grilling fish, Hermione didn't believe that she would help her guard the flag.

Although in terms of results, Shanna was able to repel the enemy army before, and it was indeed Shanna who took the greatest credit. But she wasn't so naive as to think that Shanna could care so much about the game.

That's just incidental to playing!

Therefore, in order to make Bell realize his mistake, Hermione had no choice but to do so! I can only turn on the preaching mode again...

"This kind of sea fish is not delicious, so don't catch it next time, just catch the big ones, the meaty ones!"

She spat out the slightly bitter fish meat in her mouth. Hermione grabbed another piece of grilled fish and took a big bite.

"Hmm~ This tastes good too!"

It's all Bell's fault, he's always angry with her and makes her hungry!

Flames suddenly rose, and Bell burned the fish next to him to ashes with a fire spell.

This guy looks okay, but why is his meat so unpalatable? What a waste of good skin!

After destroying the corpse and removing traces of it, Bell took out a new sea fish from his cuff and handled it skillfully.

There were so many fish in the sea, and he didn't know any of them, so naturally he didn't know which ones were delicious.

Therefore, when he was 'fishing' before, he caught one of every fish he could catch and brought it back for a taste test.

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