The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 669 A good girl who is diligent and thrifty

It was a dark and stormy night...well, there was no moon under the sea at all.

The magic circle that covers the playing field will periodically emit light of varying intensity to distinguish day from night.

At the moment when the magic circle's light was dimmest, a sneaky black shadow sneaked into the castle where Bell and others were.


A cry like a night owl came from the mouth of the black shadow, which seemed so awkward in this dark and deep seabed.

"Okay! Stop barking! I've been waiting for you for a long time, why are you so late?"

Bell's voice rang out in the darkness, frightening the black shadow's body.

"I'll go! You scared me to death!"

Black Shadow couldn't help but exclaimed.

From the sound, it can be distinguished that the black shadow is none other than Wang Shouqiang, who is familiar with Bell.

"I have to wait for the weather."

After calming down, Wang Shouqiang explained the reason why he was late.

Although it is no different from no explanation...

Rolling his eyes at the other person, Bell said that he was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

"Come here, I'll take you to get the flag."

After saying that, Bell turned around and walked towards the interior of the castle.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shouqiang hurriedly followed. He walked behind Bell step by step, trying his best to walk in the other person's footsteps.

There was no way, the experience of the past few days had left a profound impact on him. Even now, he still often dreams about the miserable appearance of those poor guys, and sits up in the middle of the night.

Wake up with a smile.


In short, he didn't want to experience the feeling of being transformed into a human form and being carried back.

Under Bell's leadership, the two of them walked around the castle with familiarity, avoiding all traps, and successfully arrived at the core area of ​​the castle without making any noise.

"Hold on."

Bell waved his hand to Wang Shouqiang behind him, signaling him to stay where he was and not move.

They have now arrived at the location of Dianjiangtai. The barriers and traps in front of them cannot be bypassed. It will take him some time to remove them.

"Bell? What are you doing?"

However, just when Bell had disarmed half of the trap, Hermione's sleepy voice suddenly came from behind, scaring away all the laziness caused by the late night in Bell's mind.

Looking at her boyfriend's stiff back in a daze, the sleepy-eyed Hermione couldn't realize what the other person was doing for a moment.

"H-Hermione? Why are you here?"

Cold sweat slowly slid down his back. At this moment, Bell felt as if he had been caught cheating.

By the way, what the hell does that feel like! He didn't cheat at all, okay?

"Me? I got up to use the bathroom, so I came here to take a look."

When she mentioned this, Hermione couldn't help but feel depressed again.

This guy Bell didn't even arrange for anyone to keep vigil! As soon as night came, these guys slept like dead pigs one by one. If someone sneaks in and steals the flag, they may not know it even if the count is cleared!

In desperation, Hermione could only work harder on her own. She would come to Dianjiangtai several times every night to inspect.

With this anger, the sleepiness in Hermione's mind immediately decreased a lot, and she also noticed that there was another person standing not far from her boyfriend?

"Who are you!"

Hermione looked at the guy with a wary face, but she didn't take out her wand.

She didn't think that a guy that even she could see at a glance could hide from Bell's perception at such a close distance. In other words, the other party was brought in by Bell and could barely be considered a guest?

"Uh, He..."


"Ahem, it's Miss Granger, long time no see."

Faced with Hermione's threatening gaze, Wang Shouqiang awkwardly took off his mask and said hello to Hermione.

"It's you!"

With an exclamation, Hermione used her fastest, no, exceeded the limit speed, took out her wand, and pointed it steadily at Wang Shouqiang, without any trembling at the tip of the wand.

Hermione would never forget this face as long as she lived. It was this guy who, with his men, took away her precious points card in the first game!

You know, that was the first time someone had taken something away from her since she was so old!

And now, the other party still dares to appear in front of her?

This is asking for death!

Wang Shouqiang, who had no idea that he had topped Hermione's blacklist and would not fall off the top spot in the foreseeable future, saw that Hermione was about to start filming if she disagreed with him, so he had no choice but to ask for help. His eyes turned to Bell, who was watching the excitement.

‘So take care of your women. ’

Wang Shouqiang was not afraid of Hermione. As long as he put on the armor, even if he stood still and let the opponent hit him, the opponent would not be able to break through his defense.

Having strength means being so confident.

However, he was afraid that he might accidentally injure Hermione. In that case, with the protective character of the guy next to him, he might be in a worse situation than the previous Lao Gao!

"Ahem, Hermione, calm down. Calm down first and listen to me slowly talking to you, okay?"

Seeing that the situation had developed to this point, Bell had no choice but to prepare in advance to face the "storm" of his girlfriend.

He originally planned to cook the uncooked rice and then explain it to Hermione. However, it now appears that the plan has been ruined.

By the way, Hermione patrols here every night? Why didn't he know?

Was he sleeping so well?

Bell, who had no idea at all, couldn't help but wonder if his girlfriend secretly learned [Stealth] at some point?

"Calm down? What do you want me to do...Okay, tell me, why does this guy show up here? He can't be here just to get some free time, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Hermione decided to give Bell a chance to quibble first.

However, if Bell really dared to use an excuse like 'the other party came here to eat grilled fish' to deal with her, then don't blame her for being cruel.

Don’t even look at what time it is!

"Well, this matter is actually like this..."

Next, Bell introduced Hermione in detail to this secret transaction based on the precious friendship between him and Wang Shouqiang.

Although everyone is a live broadcast after all.

"What!? You actually want to give our general flag to this guy!?"

Hermione looked at Belle in disbelief.

If she had known earlier, she might as well not have listened to Bell's explanation, and she became even more angry after hearing this!

"No! Absolutely not!"

Hermione said firmly.

She discovered that she had been so pampered by Bell recently, so much so that he just sat back and watched as his points cards were taken away. However, just a few days later, he actually dared to sell his points directly! ?

If this continues, I'm afraid Bell... I'm afraid he might even dare to pluck out little Fina's tail hair and sell it!

Although that doesn’t seem like a big deal?

Ahem, in short, that is her general least one-fifth of it belongs to her!

So she will never allow Bell's prodigal behavior!

That’s one point for one hour!

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