The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 670 What kind of lights are you turning on at night?

"Hermione, you have to know that this game will only end when all the flags are snatched. In other words, sooner or later, this flag will not be able to be held.

Not to mention, after so many days, those people's injuries should have recovered. Next, it won't be as peaceful as the past few days. "

Bell used reason and emotion to try to persuade his 'housekeeper'.

"But, even then, we can still guard for a while. Every additional hour we guard will give us one more point."

That’s a whole point!

You know, they spent so many days and paid such a high price in the first game, and they only scored more than 40 points.

And now, in just three or four days, it has already reached more than 70 points!

Although these points are destined to be deducted in the end...

But the points earned next are all net income!

These days, she counts the time with her fingers every day, but she finally looks forward to this moment!

"How can it be so easy to defend! Next, everyone who has suffered a loss will definitely not enter the castle again. That means that at least 80% of the many traps we have laid will be useless. And there is no With the help of the trap, the five of us alone can’t last long.”

Bell's face looked pitiful, weak and helpless. You know, once things really develop to that point, he will not be the one who suffers the most.

He didn't want to bother guarding that broken flag! If you have that time, you might as well lie on the soft bed and roll around.


"Moreover, no matter how long we can hold on in the end, we will definitely be exhausted and bruised, and we will basically say goodbye to the rest of the game.

Think about it, if we take the initiative to send the flag out and let others fight for it, and we recharge our batteries, and wait until everyone else is defeated and both are injured, then suddenly take action and win the general flag, one will be 100 points. ! How long do we have to wait to save 100 points? "

As he talked, Bell himself became excited.

Yes! Why hadn't he thought of this before?

It must be Wang Shouqiang's fault! It's all that guy's fault, he always gets close to him, causing his IQ to be lowered by him!

"Can we really get it?"

Hermione's eyes couldn't help but light up when she heard the huge number '100 points'.

That’s a full 100 points! Grabbing a general flag is worth 100 points, and there are a total of 12 general flags outside, so that’s a full 1,200 points?

Oh my God! When she thought about the possibility of gaining so many points, Hermione just felt endless happiness surrounding herself.

Although that is impossible...

"Of course! You have to believe in the strength of our team, we are very strong!"

Bell patted his chest proudly.

Just kidding, if he couldn't grab a general's flag in such a situation of intrigues and backstabbing, then he might as well go back to his own castle and wait to die as a mealworm.

" you really want to give it to this guy? Can we change it to someone else?"

Hermione openly expressed her dissatisfaction with Wang Shouqiang.

There's no way, they British people just have their say!

"Well, this...he paid a high price."

Bell racked his brains, but in the end he couldn't figure out how to help Wang Shouqiang, the guy in black, clear his name, so he just broke the pot and gave the most practical reason.

Speaking of which, Wang Shouqiang didn’t know what he was thinking, but he came wearing night clothes. He didn't look like a good person to begin with, but when he put on such an outfit, he almost threw an explosive spell at him when they met before.

"……Oh well."

Nodding, Hermione reluctantly accepted Bell's 'realistic' reason.

After all, it is our precious general flag, and it should indeed be sold at a high price. Otherwise, how could it be worthy of being ‘raised’ by them for so many days?

"Great! Bell, let's hurry up!"

Seeing that Hermione finally relented, Wang Shouqiang, who was waiting anxiously on the sidelines, quickly jumped out to show off his presence.

You know, he has three flags to transport tonight, and time is very tight. After all, their 'hometown' of Yandu Academy is not like here in Bell, where there is not even a person on patrol duty at night.

After he returns later, he has to carefully avoid the patrols of the other two teams. That's not easy at all.

Under Wang Shouqiang's eager gaze, Bell spent less than 5 minutes to remove the surrounding arrangements of the general station.

Seeing Wang Shouqiang happily raising his flag, Bell yawned in boredom. It should be early in the morning now. At this time, he would have gone to bed long ago.

"I think you should have memorized the road. You can get the flag yourself later. I'm going back to sleep."

Waving his hand, Bell said that the other party was already a mature dog, no, a mature adult, and he should handle small things like pulling out the flag by himself.

"No! You have to help me keep an eye on it!"

Wang Shouqiang hurriedly stopped Bell who was about to leave.

Although it was the dead of night in the early hours of the morning, logically speaking, if he sent the flag back without anyone noticing, there should be no problem.

But as the saying goes, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected! What if something unexpected happens?

Therefore, without the great god Bell behind him, he really felt a little guilty.

"What's there to see... ok, ok, I'll just watch from outside the castle, okay?

Don't worry, if I really encounter an enemy, I promise to arrive within ten seconds. "

Seeing the other party's high bid, Bell reluctantly agreed to the other party's request and decided to postpone the time to fall asleep a little further.

Wang Shouqiang, who felt relieved after receiving Bell's assurance, became overjoyed again. He couldn't put it down and caressed the general's flag in his hand, as if he were caressing his lover's skin.

Although he has no lover...

Walking outside the castle, Wang Shouqiang covered his face again, took a deep breath, and strode forward...

"Uh, Bell, stop making trouble. Why are you turning on the lights at night? What if someone sees you? Turn them off! Turn them off!"

Wang Shouqiang looked at Bell behind him with a dissatisfied look on his face. This guy just likes to joke around, regardless of the occasion!

"Okay, don't lie to yourself, is it interesting?"

"...Fuck it! This is too tricky!"

Wang Shouqiang cursed angrily.

Don't let him know who designed these messy things, otherwise...otherwise he won't be able to do anything...

It turned out that just as Wang Shouqiang had taken a few steps, and before he had time to speed up, he saw a bright beam of light shooting down from the magic circle above his head, shining directly on him.

To be more precise, it shined on the general's flag in his hand.

This is great, the plan of 'stealing the flag' was completely ruined. Wang Shouqiang was not naive enough to think that everyone else slept like a dead pig at night and didn't even notice such a conspicuous light beam.

"What should I do now?"

Wang Shouqiang looked at Bell, trying to find a way to retreat from the enemy.

"Hmm...have you ever heard of the Human Cannon?"

Rubbing his chin, Bell suddenly thought of a good idea.

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