Chapter 67 Penelo ‘Who is Menethil? ’

Soon after school started, Penello started paying attention to Bell.

This is certainly not because Bale is handsome or anything. No matter how handsome a person is, he will not be so outstanding when he is 11 years old.

When Penello met Bell for the first time during the sorting ceremony, his only impression of Bell was that he could eat. The food eaten by one person was almost as much as that of 5 or 6 little wizards combined. Penello was shocked at the time.

She thought, if she had such a younger brother, her father would definitely be worried about having to eat every day, right?

Watching Bell devouring his food, Penello wanted to laugh, but miraculously, not only did he not feel rude, but he felt generous.

What a strange person.

Penello didn't see Bale much after that. Because Bell always gets up early and rarely stays in the Ravenclaw lounge, Penelo rarely meets Bell, and she gradually forgets that there is such an interesting little wizard in her college. .

Peneiro first started paying attention to Bale over dinner.

That night, because she had something to discuss with Professor Flitwick about the prefects, Penelope went to the professors' table to find Professor Flitwick before dinner started.

After the discussion, on her way back to the Ravenclaw table, she unexpectedly overheard the conversation of several young wizards at the Slytherin table.

"Have you gone to Menethil?" one Slytherin wizard asked another.

"No. I asked someone in Ravenclaw before, and they said that Menethil rarely appears in the lounge. I don't know where to find him. I can't go to Ravenclaw. He squatted at the door of the lounge, right? Considering the reputation of our college, if I don't go well, people might think I'm here to cause trouble! My family has repeatedly asked me to leave a good impression on others. "

"Hmph! Having said all that, I think you haven't looked for it seriously at all!"

"You still have the nerve to talk about me? It's as if you have seriously looked for it!"

After saying that, he glared at the other party dissatisfiedly. It's obvious that the eldest brother is not talking about the second brother. What do you mean by saying it clearly like this? ?


The first little wizard sighed.

"After all, we are respectable people no matter what. Now we are asked to go to other colleges to take the initiative to make friends with a first-year freshman. It really doesn't look good on my face! As far as I know, even the heirs of the Malfoy family are still Without action, they are still in the same grade."

"Who says otherwise! Tell me, why was the heir of the Menethil family not sorted into Slytherin, but instead went to Ravenclaw?"

"How do I know? When my family asked me if I could talk to Menethil, I told them that Menethil was assigned to Ravenclaw, and I had no chance to talk to him. As a result, I The family was also shocked, I heard them say that all members of the Menethil family were born in Slytherin."

"Then what should we do?"

Looking at the two sad little snakes, Penello was very surprised.

She knew one of the two men. The man enrolled in school with her, and she had forgotten his name, but she still clearly remembered that when Penelo first enrolled in school 4 years ago, every time Penelo saw him, there would be some little wizards around him. He stood among the people, talking loudly to others about magic, family, and all kinds of amazing things.

Gradually, Penello, who was new to the magical world, became more and more aware of the gap between himself and young wizards who came from wizarding families, especially pure-blood families.

She envies other people's magic props, and she can't join other people's conversations. Everything that was taken for granted to others was so strange to her. So she could only spend all her time studying, working hard alone in this place far away from her family.

And just today, she actually saw that the little wizard from a pure-blood family that she envied and envied back then was racking his brains to think of how to please a new student! ? And this new student is from his own college! ?

Penelo was curious, who was the so-called Menethil? She felt she needed to investigate.

Penelope began to investigate Menethil, asking everyone she knew in Ravenclaw, but surprisingly no one knew who Menethil was.

It wasn't until Penelope saw the Ravenclaw student directory in Professor Flitwick's office that she learned that Menethil's full name was Bael Menethil.

Penello thought of the little wizard who ate and drank so much at the opening party. It was hard for her to believe that such a person could have such an extraordinary life experience.

After starting to pay attention to Bell again, Penello found that Bell's performance completely subverted her view of the so-called pure blood and the so-called aristocrat.

Aren't purebloods supposed to walk with their heads held high, look at people through their nostrils, and speak a few words that don't stray from their family background? While they are annoying, they have to envy their noble manners and etiquette, and yearn for the banquet and life they talk about?

But why is Bell completely different?

In Penello's eyes, Bell is just a very quiet little boy. Every time I see him, he is quietly reading or doing homework by himself, and he seems to have no friends. But I was able to say hello and chat with the people around me. It is said that his grades are pretty good? But being placed in Ravenclaw House is not something worth bragging about.

In Penello's view, Bell is so ordinary, even ordinary to the point of being ordinary. If there is anything unusual about him, it is that he often disappears and no one knows where he has gone.

Bell's life is very regular. Penelo can tell him exactly what time he will be at every day and where he will appear, and there will be almost no mistakes.

Gradually, Penello became bored. She even doubted whether Bell was really a child? Can a child really be so self-disciplined? Even her father might not be able to do this.

Penello wanted to give up. She felt so stupid, so what exactly did she want to do? Even if you understand what kind of person Bell is and what kind of family background he has, what can you do? What does all this have to do with her?

However, everything changed that night.

It was Halloween Eve. After the afternoon classes, everyone happily came to the auditorium and prepared to enjoy the banquet.

The auditorium was beautifully decorated that day. Pumpkins the size of carriages were hollowed out and hung on the ceiling, countless bats were flying in the air, and all kinds of beautiful trinkets were placed in the auditorium. All this makes the auditorium look like a scene from a fairy tale.

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