Chapter 68 Bell in Penello’s Eyes

Everyone sat happily in the auditorium, tasting delicious pumpkin pie and drinking sweet pumpkin juice.

But Bell didn't.

After Penello accidentally saw Bell walking into the auditorium, he first glanced around, then went to the Gryffindor table to say something, and then left the auditorium.

Penello was puzzled by Bell's unusual behavior. Driven by curiosity, she chose to follow him secretly.

Then she was surprised to see Bell actually enter the girls' bathroom! He just walked into the girls' bathroom without any hesitation or hesitation!


‘Could it be that when he mysteriously disappeared, he was actually hiding in the girls’ bathroom! ? ’

Penello took out her magic wand and rushed over. She must reveal Bell's true identity today. If you dare to enter the girls' bathroom at such a young age, you will be able to do it when you grow up! ? This pervert must be severely punished!

However, just when Penello rushed to the door of the girls' bathroom and was about to cast the spell, she heard Bell talking to someone inside.

Penello, who was afraid that Bell had helpers, quickly hid and decided to observe the situation before making a decision. Then she realized that she seemed to have misunderstood.

A little witch was bullied by her classmates and stayed in the bathroom all afternoon. When Bell learned about it, she came to comfort her! ? Are you acting in a movie?

Knowing that he had misunderstood, although he still disagreed with Bell's behavior of entering the girls' bathroom, since there was a reason and no one else saw it, Penelo was not going to stand up and say anything.

She hid outside and secretly listened to the conversation between the two people. As she listened, she became a little jealous.

Why wasn't there such a person to comfort her in the first place?

After noticing the two people starting to walk out, Penello quickly ran to a corner and hid.

'So why should I hide? ’

Just when Penello wanted to wait for Bell and the others to leave before returning to the auditorium, she suddenly discovered to her horror that a giant monster was walking from the opposite direction! ?

Penello was horrified! Unlike Hermione who was still a first-year student, as a fifth-year student who had received education at Hogwarts for four years, she clearly understood the terror of a troll through her ears and eyes. With her spell, not even the troll's skin can be broken.

As for the two first-year students not far away, she was not included in her combat power at all. It would be nice if those two little guys didn't cause any trouble for her.

Penello was caught in the battle between heaven and man, hesitating whether to rush out to save the two people or run away to find the professors. But at this moment, she heard the conversation between Bell and Hermione.

What is Bell talking about? Trolls are gentle, talkative creatures! ? Merlin's stupidity! She has read a lot of books, and this kind of half-hearted lie cannot deceive her!

Penello wondered if Bale had been frightened out of his wits. Shouldn't the knowledge related to trolls be common sense to young wizards who come from wizarding families?

However, reality is always more outrageous than drama. Just after Bell said, "Go away," the giant monster actually rolled away obediently! ?

What an international joke!

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

As a mature fifth grader, Penelope is not as easy to fool as Hermione. Although she didn't know what happened, she was sure that Bell must have done something!

In the days that followed, Penelope found that Bell spent a lot more time with Hermione.

Of course, it doesn't matter. Importantly, after her investigation, she discovered that Hermione, like her, was also a Muggle-born little witch.

A pure-blooded young wizard who came from the top wealthy family in the wizarding world actually became good friends with a young wizard who was born as a Muggle? This is not magic at all! So you are actually acting in a TV series?

Penello became even more curious about Bell. She had never wanted to understand a person and what he was thinking as much as she did now.

After racking his brains, coming up with various methods, and then rejecting them one by one, Penello finally decided to give up on himself and strike directly.

She began to take the initiative to contact Bell. Then she soon discovered that it was not difficult. She began to understand why Bell and Hermione became friends.

On the evening of the last day of the Christmas vacation, the little wizards who had returned home for the holidays all returned to Hogwarts.

Watching Bell and Hermione walk into the auditorium together and then separate, Penello suddenly felt a little jealous, so she couldn't help teasing Bell.

"Senior Penello, long time no see. Also, Hermione is not my girlfriend, we are just ordinary friends." Bell explained with a smile. "Senior, didn't you go home during the vacation?"

"Yeah, my dad had work to do over Christmas, so I stayed at school. How was your vacation?"


As soon as this topic was mentioned, Bell immediately became excited.

"Let me tell you, I haven't seen my sister for several months. After I went back this time, my sister...and then Shanna...then guess what, Shanna... Shanna..."


Looking at the excited Bell, Penello tried hard to maintain a polite smile. She discovered a new side of Bell. However, she really didn't know how to evaluate this.

Listening to Bell talking endlessly about his sister Shanna, 5 minutes passed, and 10 minutes passed, but Bell still had no intention of stopping at all.

If no one interrupted, Penello had no doubt that Bale would be able to keep talking until tomorrow morning. As her eyes rolled around, she unexpectedly discovered a new member.

"What a cute kitten! Is it Bell your pet?" Penello said, covering her mouth.

"This is Fina, it's a Christmas gift from Shanna!"

Bell puffed out his chest proudly.

Regarding Fina's race, Bell didn't intend to tell others. After all, Fina is too dangerous, and she bought it from a smuggler, so it would be better to avoid one thing. Bell hates trouble.

As for what Fina will do when she grows up? Hagrid has grown to 3.5 meters tall, and no one has said anything wrong. So isn’t it normal for Fina to grow to 2 meters tall and 3 meters long?

"Can I hug it?"

Penelo seemed to like the look of Fina.

"Of course, just wait a moment."

Bell held Fina in front of her and stared at it seriously.

"This is my senior sister, she is a good person. Now she wants to hug you, but you must not bite her, or you will not have dinner."

Faced with the threat of food shortage from her unscrupulous master, even though Fina was somewhat reluctant, she could only succumb to the power.

It jumped onto the dining table, walked gracefully in front of Penello, squatted down, and stretched out its two front paws towards Penello.



Looking at the cute and smart Fina, Penello tried not to scream. She gently held Fina in her arms and stroked its little head.

"Bell, where did your sister buy Fina? I also want to buy one as a pet."

"Um...this, it is said that it was bought abroad. There is no such variety in the UK."

Two drops of sweat dropped from Bell's forehead.

Penello looked at Fina regretfully, hugged her for a while, and then reluctantly returned it to Bell.

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