Chapter 69 Accidentally missed 100 million

Busy time always flies by. Bell is busy learning magic knowledge and conducting magic experiments every day.

The day after the Easter vacation, Hermione suddenly found him and asked Bell to review with her, especially the History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts courses. Because the exam is coming soon, it will be too late if you don’t study hard.

"Hermione, if I remember correctly, our exam is at the end of June, right?"

"That's right."

"But it's only the beginning of April, right? There are still more than two months left, so you don't have to be so anxious."

Although Bell didn't know what day it was today, it was definitely in April.

Looking at the little witch with a serious face and tense body, Bell felt that the pressure she put on herself was a little too much, which was not good.

"The weather is nice today and the temperature is very comfortable. How about we go for a walk to the Black Lake to relax?"

"No! Bell, two months is not a long time! I still feel like the day I came to Hogwarts was yesterday, but in fact more than half a year has passed. So if you don't seize the time to review now, , you will find that there is an exam tomorrow, and you haven’t reviewed anything yet!”

Hermione stared at Bell seriously, obviously not intending to accept his proposal.

"And you've never heard of History of Magic or Defense Against the Dark Arts! If you want to get good grades at the end of the term, you need to start reviewing early!"

After saying that, without waiting for Bell to retort, Hermione pulled him towards the library.

In fact, Bell really wanted to say that even if he didn't review anything, he didn't need to worry about the exam at all, and he didn't care about the quality of his grades. However, in order not to irritate the already nervous little witch, Bell obediently kept her mouth shut.

The content of the first-grade courses was not difficult for Bell. But just like many middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s, they don’t know how to solve elementary school math problems. They haven’t been exposed to it for a long time, and they don’t know how to answer very simple questions.

With this in mind, Bell thought it would be good to review before the exam, so that at least he could use less brainpower when taking the written test. As for whether to review now or review in 2 months, it actually makes no difference. So Bell let Hermione pull him to the library.

After reading in the library for a while, a burly and oversized man sneaked into the library.

In Hogwarts, the only person with such a physique is undoubtedly the keykeeper and gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid.

Bell has never had any contact with Hagrid. Although he doesn't hate Hagrid's straight-headedness, he doesn't like talking nonsense to people with bad brains either. As for how you can know that Hagrid is mentally ill even though you have never had any contact with him? You can tell just by looking at how he looks now.

Come on, Hagrid is about 3.5 meters tall, and his head is almost touching the ceiling when he stands there. He looks so sneaky now, so does he not want others to notice him? Or do you hope to attract others’ attention?

"Hagrid? Why did he come to the library? He looked so sneaky. What did he want to do?"

Apparently Hermione also had Hagrid's attention. So Bell said that his appearance was more suspicious.

Hermione and Hagrid were not familiar with each other. After all, no one would dare to approach a 3.5-meter-tall giant, let alone a group of young wizards. You have to know that the giant monster is only so tall. What if he gets eaten by him if he approaches casually?

"Who knows? Never mind."

Bell shrugged casually.

He had a vague impression of this, but even though he searched his memory with Legilimency, he couldn't find any relevant content.

Bell didn't understand why. Logically speaking, since he had an impression, it meant that he should have seen the relevant content before, so using Legilimency, he should be able to find the corresponding memory.

But Bell had searched his memories of previous lives several times, and he had already reviewed all the few memories he could find related to "Harry Potter." But he still often feels a subtle sense of familiarity with some scenes that he doesn't remember.

Perhaps there are many areas about memory that wizards have not learned about.

If Bell had checked the titles of the books Hagrid borrowed, he would have regretted his indifference.

Because those books are all related to fire dragons, including "Fire Dragon Species in Britain and Ireland", "From Fire Dragon Eggs to Hell" and "A Guide to Raising Fire Dragons".

Seeing the titles of these books, it is not difficult to think that Hagrid wants to raise a fire dragon, or even that he is raising a fire dragon.

It is illegal to raise fire dragons privately. Because of the danger and untamable nature of fire dragons, a bill banning the raising of fire dragons was officially passed at the Wizards' Conference in 1709. So even though Bell had already raised a ferret that was no less dangerous than a fire dragon, he never thought about raising a fire dragon.

But this does not affect his interest in fire dragons. Although his family has opened several dragon farms in recent years, and Bell has seen or used many parts from various fire dragons, he has never seen a living fire dragon.

If he knew that Hagrid had a fire dragon egg in his hand, maybe he could use some harmless tricks to get the egg and play with it?

As a Chinese in my previous life, there is no doubt about my love for dragons. After all, I am the descendant of dragons.

Of course, at first, Bell looked down upon these so-called fire dragons, thinking that they were just winged lizards, and they were simply too much compared to dragons or something like that.

But after detailed investigation of the information about 'dragons', Bell discovered that perhaps the Western dragon and the Eastern dragon have the same ancestor - Yinglong.

In Chinese myths and legends, Yinglong is a winged creation dragon god, which is often called the ‘ancestral dragon’. The image of Yinglong is very much like a combination of Western dragon and Eastern dragon.

Therefore, Bell speculated that Yinglong should be a powerful magical animal that once existed in the East. Over time, perhaps affected by the movement of continental plates? Some of the Yinglongs who migrated to the west evolved into giant dragons, while those who stayed in the east evolved into divine dragons. Later, until modern times, the giant dragon evolved into the fire dragon, and the divine dragon evolved into the sea dragon.

Powerful creatures do not mean they are suitable for survival, because the more powerful the creature, the fewer the number of offspring and the longer it takes to grow. This can easily lead to erasure due to some accidents.

Just like in nature, the weakest insects are always the ones with the strongest vitality and the largest population. Some powerful animals, such as lions, tigers, elephants, giant whales, etc., are more likely to face the crisis of extinction.

Therefore, it is very important for the survival of the species to appropriately reduce the average power of the race and find a balance between strength and quantity.

Of course, all this is Bell's speculation, and only God knows what the facts are.

In any case, because of Bell's indifferent personality, he missed the opportunity to buy an SSR... ahem, a rare fire dragon cub.

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