The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 673 We are harmful... ahem, beneficial insects!

In fact, I really don't blame everyone for overthinking it. Even Wang Shouqiang sneaked back last night and saw the dianjiang stage being thrown outside casually. He was so stunned that he didn't dare to approach.

It can be said that among all the contestants, Wang Shouqiang can be regarded as one of the people who best understands Bell's strength. So he didn't want to be seriously injured and withdraw from the game so early.

Although he has already obtained 100 points, he does not need to worry about negative points. But who can have too many points?

What if he accidentally comes first? Who can say for sure, right?

Therefore, it is impossible for him to step on such an obvious 'trap'!

"Bell, why don't you just take the point back?"

Hermione suggested hesitantly.

When she thought that the dozens of points she had saved for several days might be deducted in the blink of an eye, she felt so distressed that she couldn't sleep well all night.

Although she could understand what Bell said, she could barely agree with it. But rational understanding was not enough to eliminate her emotional reluctance.

After tossing and turning all night, I woke up in the morning and saw that my general's flag was still there? Could it be that I was dreaming?

It was because of this huge contrast between reality and expectations that Hermione was so excited that she couldn't contain herself.

"Why are you collecting that thing? Just leave it there and throw it away."

Bell curled his lips, completely unmoved.

It's not like I'm afraid of the rain, just throw the clothes there. If no one pulls it out, you will make nothing, and if someone pulls it out, you will not lose anything.

Moreover, facing this big cake, he didn't think others could endure it for long.

You know, those who can participate in this competition are all smart people... most of them are smart people.

It won't be long before someone will figure out his intentions.

I would like to ask, what is the difference between Bell and others from other teams?

They only have one team.

This is a disadvantage that makes it difficult for Bell and others to compete head-on with the players from the other four academies.

But at the same time, this is also an advantage, because there is no need to worry about backstabbing from the same camp.

Therefore, the teams from the four academies did not dare to sell their general flags at will, even though they knew that doing so would free them from defensive pressure. Because once the flag is sold, all three teams will fall into the dilemma of losing points. If that happens, the internal fighting will intensify, and I'm afraid I won't even be able to sleep well by then.

Bell and others, on the other hand, have no worries about this at all, and can instead free up their hands to do things.

To sum up, the commander's platform may have been deliberately given up.

Of course, there are probably still traps...

Only under Bell's forceful tug did Hermione move. The moment the betting platform disappeared from sight, Hermione felt as if a piece of her heart had been cut out, as if a perfect test paper had been lost, which made her miserable.

Hermione, who couldn't calm down, glared at Bell angrily and decided not to say a word to him until after breakfast!

‘Aww~! ’

After taking a big bite of fish, Hermione decided to eat breakfast quickly today.

Do not misunderstand! She wanted to finish her meal quickly so that she could continue to look at her general's flag!

After all, once you take a look, you lose a second glance...

"Brother, it's so amazing! The diner's legs have grown and he ran outside on his own!"

At this time, Shanna ran into the restaurant with excitement on her face.

She accidentally saw the general ordering platform outside just now, but she was shocked. She decided to eat breakfast quickly today, and after finishing it, she would go outside to study the ordering station that would run out to bask in the sun.

The little girl slept until dawn and had no idea what happened last night.

Pillar of light? what is that?

"Ahem... Shanna, I didn't run out of the spot by myself, I threw it out."

Bell, who almost choked, explained helplessly.

So did he think about anything last night?

Absolutely not! That's all Wang Shouqiang's idea!

"Hey? Why? Are we not going to compete?"

Shanna looked at her brother in confusion.

Although the past few days have been quite boring, overall, she is still very satisfied with the competition so far.

At least it's more interesting than taking classes in the academy, isn't it?

Those bad guys in the academy won't take her to play Quidditch now!

"It's a competition, but we have to change the way. We don't keep the flag anymore, we grab other people's flags!"

Bell said with a smile.

This is a surprise he prepared for his sister. If it weren't for the fact that the little girl was so bored these days, they could actually stay there for another day or two and accumulate more points.

But how can points and other things be as important as the happiness of my own sister?

That's why he informed Wang Shouqiang and asked him to come over last night.


After being stunned for a moment, Shanna recovered from the sudden good news.

The little girl suddenly jumped up and cheered loudly.

Although it's fun to set up traps and watch the opponent jump into the pit, she still prefers a face-to-face duel, which is more exciting!

So, now that she knew that her brother had decided to take the initiative, the little girl was so happy that she started singing.

"We are pests~! We are pests~!"

"!? Shanna, where did you learn this song?"

Bell was immediately shocked when he heard his sister's lyrics.

Isn't this too honest? At least it needs to be covered up.

"I learned this from the little brats in the Central Court when I went to play with Miss Luna."

Shanna, who should belong to the middle school according to her age, unceremoniously slapped the title of 'little brat' on top of her peers.

"Ahem, Shanna, you have to know that when we grab someone else's flag, we are actually doing a good deed, so we are not pests. If anything, we are also beneficial insects."

Bell tried to reverse the perception that his sister was 'wrong'.

"Hey!? Are you doing good things?"

Zannah asked in surprise.

The little girl just realized today that snatching other people’s things can be a good thing?

"Of course! Think about it, we are at the bottom of the sea, we cannot eat well, sleep well every day, and even drink fruit juice drinks sparingly, how miserable it is!

And when we go to capture the flag, we are actually helping the game end quickly, so that we can go back for a big meal early.

Do you think this is a good thing? "

After listening to her brother's explanation, Shanna felt like she suddenly understood.

Yes! Why hadn't she thought of this before?

The only thing she was dissatisfied with about this competition was the food.

Although the sea dragon meat is delicious and the grilled fish is also very fragrant, the style is still too monotonous and not as colorful as the food in the academy canteen.

And most importantly, no dessert!

You know, she loves the dessert time after every meal!

Therefore, Shanna suddenly felt that what she was going to do next was so great and upright that she should be awarded a certificate!

"...Yes, it's your size——!"

After finally swallowing the last bite of fish and finishing her breakfast, Hermione jumped up and shouted angrily at Bell.

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