The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 674 Let’s get over that little thing!

"How about it?"

Bell asked Zannah who was emerging from the ground.

"No, the underground is sealed too."

Shaking her head with a heavy look on her face, Shanna whispered.

"That's it...Oh~! It's troublesome!"

Hearing this, Bell lamented with a sad look on his face.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Shanna frowned, her face full of unwillingness.


Sighing again, Bell raised his right leg, as if substantial magic was wrapped around it.

"I'll fight~!"

‘Boom~! ’

The defensive array in front of several people shattered instantly, and a thunderous explosion erupted.

Just like Bell was unable to lay out a powerful defensive barrier, other players were also unable to lay out a powerful magic circle without the materials.

Unless more than a dozen people stay at the array nodes all day long to act as human batteries.

Therefore, the defensive array in front of us is actually not very strong and can only serve as an early warning.


Hermione looked at the brother and sister in front of her speechlessly, who had either heavy faces or sighs.

So it’s troublesome as promised!

Just lift your leg and you're in trouble?

How lazy are you!

In fact, what Hermione didn't know was that the Bell brothers were really not acting in a sketch... maybe?

As a well-known trap master far (academy) and near (Hogwarts), Zannah also wanted to personally challenge the traps set by other contestants.

On the one hand, I hope to get inspiration from it.

On the other hand, she also hopes to tell everyone that as the second generation descendant of the 'violent cracking method' (so you guess who the first generation is), she is not only powerful in setting traps, but also has a level of cracking traps. Wait!

Unfortunately, just after she came to her hometown of Kunlun Academy with confidence, she was surprised to find that the other party refused to let her in! ?

The entire walled city of Kunlun Academy is surrounded by a huge defensive array, which is so tight that outsiders cannot sneak in at all.

So how can she break through the traps along the way, appear in front of the opponent without anyone noticing, and scare the opponent?

Speaking of which, Shanna, as the descendant of the 'violent cracking method', doesn't know where she got the confidence to be able to do it without being noticed?

Anyway, Bell doesn't know, but since his sister has made a request, as an older brother, he can only try his best to satisfy her, right?

Although it failed in the end...

"Who! How dare you invade my territory!"

Just when the Bell brothers and sisters were full of regrets, they noticed that the Kunlun Academy's left-behind team soon appeared in front of Bell and others after noticing the broken magic circle.

It can be seen from the lines of the appearance that this person must be a... chuunibyou.

"Beat, beat, rob! Men stand on the left, women stand on the right, and everyone who is neither a man nor a woman stand in the middle. Hand over your valuables to me!"

Since the other party didn't cooperate, Bell didn't bother to talk around politely with the other party, and straightforwardly stated the purpose of his and others' trip.


Except for Shanna, everyone including the teammates behind Bell looked at him speechlessly.

So when did their purpose become robbery?

How come they don’t know!

"Damn! You dare to trick us! Look at the sword!"

A member of the left-behind team with a bad temper pulled out the long sword from his waist without saying a word. He extended his sword fingers with his right hand, controlled the flying sword to rotate rapidly, turned into a sword wheel, and slashed at Bell angrily.

The wand swung slightly, and a translucent shield emerged, accurately intercepting the sword wheel in front of it. The sword wheel cut rapidly on the shield, flashing with dazzling sparks.

"Sister, someone beats your brother, what should you do?"

Against the harsh friction sound, Bell loudly complained to Shanna beside him.

"Brother, don't be afraid, wait until I do it for him!"

Seeing that someone dared to 'bully' her brother in front of her, the protective Shanna couldn't bear it immediately.

The little girl took a deep breath, raised her wand and fired a magic blast, including all five people on the opposite side within the attack range.

"Remember to keep your breath!"

Bell worriedly warned her sister's back.

According to the rules of the competition, no one can be hurt too seriously.

"So what are you still doing? Hurry up and get in!"

Bell said dissatisfiedly as he glanced at Roy and Bugit, who were standing behind him like General Hengha.

Could it be that these two guys have become addicted to cooking recently and really think they are chefs? The fight has begun, why don't you hurry up and help!

You know, 1 vs. 5, Shanna will have a hard time. If one of them is not good, it is not impossible to get injured.


As if awakening from a dream, Roy and Bugit also quickly took out their wands and rushed towards the battlefield not far away.

Although their strength is at the bottom, if they just provide cover for Shanna, it will still be no problem at all.

"Hermione~ Look, do you want to go up and play for a while?"

After one last glare at the two seniors who had no eyesight, Bell turned around and cautiously consulted his girlfriend.


Hermione finally understood that this guy Bell was not here to capture the flag at all!

He's just here to play!

Her boyfriend was not motivated, so Hermione had no choice but to work harder on her own. She also took out her wand and rushed towards the battlefield quickly. She wanted to help Zannah defeat these enemies quickly. When that time came, she didn't believe that Bell dared to stop her from searching for the commander's station!

Looking at his girlfriend's retreating back, Bell always felt that Hermione seemed to be very emotionally unstable recently?

Could it be that it's her menstrual period?

Bell, who didn't feel that it was his fault at all, just found a place with good lighting, sat down and basked in the sun leisurely.

Just as Hermione thought, he came to his hometown of Kunlun Academy today simply to relieve his sister's boredom.

Commonly known as ‘playing’.

What? What about Capture the Flag?

This flag must be grabbed, otherwise Hermione might have to eat him.

However, you can only grab one side, no more!

To be honest, it's not that Bell is arrogant. If he really wants to take action, he is confident that he can grab all 12 flags.

Without it, it's just because he 'runs' fast.

As long as he rushes in and gets the flag, he can use his flying shoes to burst into supersonic speeds, ensuring that no one can catch up with him.

As for whether he can rush in?

If more than 40 people blocked him, he really wouldn't be able to rush in. But if there were only a dozen or so people, he would really not be afraid.

Not to mention, he also has teammates.

Therefore, he really doesn't dare to capture the flag now. If he grabs a flag so quickly, if another flag accidentally hits his face later, will he catch it or not?

Did you pick it up? What if you get first place?

Can't you answer it? Hermione's situation was really difficult.

Therefore, Bell can only wait until the game is almost over before grabbing a random flag.

In order to save the monks' face, he really had good intentions! Therefore, even if the matter of the festival is over, no one is allowed to mention it again!

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