The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 675 Elite Monsters in the Arena

"Sanna~! This is the bottom of the sea, and the humidity is too heavy. Use fire spells to get twice the result with half the effort~"

From a distance, when he saw his sister waving her wand and shooting out hot fireballs, Bell couldn't help but remind her loudly.

"But, I really want to use the Explosive Curse."

After a magic shock knocked back the enemy in front of her, Zannah took a moment to express that she was not a person who was in a hurry, and her love for the explosive spell was unswerving!

"Uh... maybe you could try ice blast?"

After sweating, Bell tried to suggest.


Shanna suddenly woke up.

Although the ice explosion does not have the spectacular scene of sparks like the explosion spell, the picture of the ice crystals flying has a different kind of beauty.

After being awakened by her brother, Shanna twisted the wand in her hand and released rhombus-shaped ice picks all over the sky, hitting the enemy who was attacking again.

The momentum of the ice cone was obviously greater than that of the previous flame. In addition to the influence of environmental factors, this is also related to the fact that Shanna is better at ice spells.

So why does Zannah prefer explosive spells so much?

this is a problem……

The battle did not last long before it was over. This was certainly not because due to Hermione's 'brave' performance, the remaining team was quickly defeated. It was because, after receiving the signal from their companions, the other two teams that went out quickly rushed back.

Enemy reinforcements arrived, and being 'outnumbered', Bell made a decisive choice...

"The wind is so tight!"

With a loud shout, Bell cast a protective barrier between the two sides, and then ran away without looking back.

Under Bell's guerrilla strategy of shooting one shot and moving to another, over the next week or so, Bell's team became completely popular.

The players who are still in the arena have reached a consensus on fire prevention, theft prevention and pest prevention... no, the Bell Prevention Team.

Now, as soon as the Bell team appears, everyone will rush there in a swarm.

Don't get me wrong, they are not there to encircle and suppress Bell and others, but to seize the general's flag.

Everyone has discovered that the Bell team is a "shit stirrup". They just look for people to fight and don't capture the flag at all.

This also means that with the help of Bell and others, the probability of others successfully grabbing the flag will be greatly increased. There were four general flags before, and they were successfully snatched away with the help of Bell and others.

Faced with the "selfless" behavior of Bell and others who sacrificed themselves for others, of course some people thought of "thanking" them. For example, the people at Jinling Academy who were the first to have their general flag taken away were so excited that they wanted to thank the eighteen generations of ancestors such as Bell and others.

As a result, two people from Jinling Academy completely withdrew from the competition due to serious injuries...

There was no other way. After accidentally falling into the siege of Jinling Academy and failing to escape, Bell had no choice but to take action himself.

With the lessons learned from Jinling Academy, no one took the attention of Bell and others again. Just think that there are more waves of elite monsters on the map.

Except for the two people sent out by Bell, after more than a week of high-intensity battles, nearly half of the players have withdrawn from the game due to injuries so far.

Even Zannah, Hermione and others were injured many times in battles. However, under Bell's care, several of them were only slightly injured. After returning to the castle for treatment and some sleep, they would be fine.

I have to say that compared to the tepid first game, this second game was indeed much more intense.

"Bell, there are only three general flags left now. When are you going to grab them?"

Another early morning, when she saw Bell, Hermione asked with all her face.

These days, she simply didn't have to suffer too much. Every time she saw a general's flag being taken by someone else, she felt as if a piece of her heart had been ripped out, feeling extremely empty and uncomfortable.

Those are all her points!

(It’s not actually...)

After seeing yet another flag being snatched away last night, Hermione, who had been counting on her fingers, couldn't sit still.

Her fingers are all running out!

"There are only three sides left? So fast?"

Bell said in surprise.

He really hadn't paid close attention to the specific battle for the general's flag before. He had been too busy watching fish these days...


Due to the "generous" efforts of everyone at Jinling Academy to test the law, no one would ever specifically target Bell and others. This also allows Bell to devote more energy to... daze.

But if you stay in a daze for a long time, you will always feel bored. So, after scratching his head and thinking for a long time, Bell finally found something to do to pass the time - watching fish.

Not to mention, Bell calmed down and found that the fish ecology in the sea was really interesting. It was far from being summed up by the phrase "big fish eats small fish".

Small fish may also eat larger fish.

"Bae! Er! When are you going to capture the flag!"

Seeing that Bell didn't pay much attention to the game and was still in a daze at this time, Hermione tugged Bell's arm dissatisfied and asked again.

"Oh...oh! Let's do it today!"

Withdrawing his thoughts from the rich and colorful marine ecology, Bell said without thinking.

Capture the flag, it's a trivial matter, just come back later.

Even before when everyone was so fierce, Bell was confident that no one could stop him, not to mention the current situation where half of the players have withdrawn and the remaining half are exhausted.

After dinner, Bell and his party set off again "vigorously and high-spirited".

(In fact, Roy and Bugit were almost exhausted, and Hermione was also exhausted. They relied on their obsession with points to hold on. Only Bell, who had been playing soy sauce, and Shanna, who was extremely energetic, were the only ones. , and still feel full of energy.)

"Brother, which group of people are we going to play with today?"

Shanna asked expectantly.

For more than a week, the little girl simply couldn't be too comfortable.

There are many "good-hearted people" who play with her every day, but the key is that her brother is always watching her. The little girl said that she would not get tired of this kind of life in a few years.

"Today... I have to ask Hermione about this. My dear, who do the remaining three general flags belong to?"

Bell fully developed his spirit of seeking knowledge by asking questions when he didn't understand anything, and successfully earned Hermione's eye roll as a 'compliment'.

"Except for Jinling Academy, it's a family affair!"

Hermione said angrily.

Due to Jinling Academy's decision-making errors, Bell sent two of them out first. As a result, in the subsequent battle for the general flags, Jinling Academy unfortunately fell into a passive position and lost all the general flags first.

"That's it... let's go to Bashu Academy today."

After thinking for a while, Bell finally made the decision.

First of all, Yandu Academy must be excluded.

Not to mention that everyone was so familiar with each other, Bell was embarrassed to take action. Let’s just say Shanna wouldn’t want to go to Yandu Academy.

Every time Ma Jingjing saw Shanna, she would rush up to her and pester her endlessly. After such a long time, Shanna no longer wanted to fight with her.

After all, Shanna is no longer the innocent little girl she used to be. She now has many "good-hearted people" to play with her, and she can even eat and pour a bowl, and she no longer cares about being pressed down and beaten by Ma Jingjing.

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