The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 676 A battle with no chance of winning

After excluding Yandu Academy, the only options before Bell and his party were Bashu Academy and Kunlun Academy.

Considering that after such a long period of competition, even his energetic sister's condition would inevitably decline a lot, Bell decisively chose Bashu Academy.

It's not because Bashu Academy is weaker, but Kunlun Academy's Chaos Sword Formation is indeed extremely powerful. If you neglect it, you will be easily injured. In comparison, the players from Bashu Academy are not that outstanding at least in terms of attack power, and their safety is relatively much higher.

The decision was made, and the group of five people quickly arrived outside the walled city of Bashu Academy.

At this time, the walled city has long lost its original grandeur. The magic circle surrounding the walled city has long been broken, and the wall of the walled city is also in dilapidated condition with a hole in the east and a hole in the west. Looking inside through the breach, more than half of the buildings in the walled city were in ruins, and no one was repairing them.

In fact, not only the walled city of Bashu Academy is in this miserable state, but the ‘hometowns’ of the other three academies are also basically like this.

Today, everyone no longer has the energy to pay attention to these fancy things. They must save their precious energy, physical and spiritual power as much as possible to deal with the battle that may come at any time.

"Is there anyone~? Is anyone home~!"

After pretending to knock twice on the wall, Bell shouted and walked unceremoniously into the enemy camp.

He is a polite man and always knocks before entering.

At this moment, Bell is probably the only one who is thinking about something weird. But she had to admit that after seeing Bell still looking so stupid, Hermione felt a little funny while being angry. This made the tension in her heart due to the upcoming 'war' subside a lot unconsciously.

Shouting and moving forward, Bell and his party soon arrived at the central area of ​​the walled city, and saw several people from Bashu Academy walking out of the room with tired faces.

"Bell, why are you here again? Didn't you just come yesterday?"

After yawning, Lu Liang looked at Bell and the others with twitching eyes, a look of constipation on his face.

"I miss you guys, I'll talk to you again for a while."

Bell said with a playful smile.

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. As for Bell, this "shit stirrup", while other players hate him with gnashing of teeth, there are also some who appreciate his strength. And Luliang is one of them.

Nearly two weeks have passed. By now, Lu Liang and Bell have become quite familiar with each other, and their interactions are naturally less unfamiliar and more casual.

"I believed you, you idiot! Seriously, Bell, can't you just rest for a few days? Can you let us take a breather too?"

After rolling his eyes, Lu Liang couldn't help complaining to Bell.

To be honest, Bell must bear at least half of the blame for why this game was so intense.

Originally, after everyone finished fighting on the first day, they definitely needed to take a break the next day to recuperate from their injuries. After all, although most of them hope that the game can end quickly so that they can enjoy their last college life before graduation, they are not really impatient enough to play with injuries.

However, the reality was that early the next morning, before they even got out of bed, Bell and his gang came knocking on the door, so what could they do? He could only endure the fatigue and injuries and get up to face the enemy.

Of course, when other people see this situation, they can't just watch. If you don't seize this rare opportunity, what if Bell and others come to your house tomorrow to cause trouble? Then when faced with the hungry wolves who have been resting for a day, they will use their heads to block it!

Therefore, the opportunity cannot be missed and the time will never come again, so everyone can only lament and gloat at the same time and run to take advantage of others' danger.

In the end, the situation developed into the "tragic" appearance it is now.

"Why are you resting? What time is it? I'm still sleeping. Get up quickly and have fun!"

Bell curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

In this poor place, one can't see the sun, two it's very humid, three it has no internet, four it's not good to eat, five...

In short, there is nothing good at all! He doesn't want to rest here!

It would be great to finish your work quickly and go back to rest comfortably. You know, considering this is a live broadcast, he hasn't been intimate with his girlfriend for a long time.

They even slept in separate rooms at night!

If things go on like this, what will happen if the relationship fades away?

"Also, Lao Liang, let me discuss something with you. Look, it's already here. Give me the last general flag you have left. After all, I gave it to you in the first place. As for you, please reciprocate the courtesy."

Bell knew that one of the general flags he threw outside the castle was taken away by Bashu Academy.


Rolling his eyes again, Lu Liang didn't even bother to complain about Bell, this irritating guy who wouldn't pay for his life.

What does it mean to give them a general flag?

You know, in order to bring back the flag from the other three academies' players, they paid a heavy price!

And the flag did not fall into the hands of his team in the end...

Of course, having said that, in his heart, Lu Liang really didn't mind giving the general flag to Bell. After all, the game has come to an end, and there are only three flags left. Anyway, the last general flag in their hands will be taken away sooner or later. It doesn't make much difference if it happens sooner or later. And the most important thing is that they can't beat Bell...

Now is not the time when the game just started. The grand scene where a group of them blocked Bell's house and beat him up can no longer be reproduced. Even if he doesn't give it, won't the other party take it himself?

"Come on! Let me experience your strength again!"

Rubbing his face, Lu Liang cheered up and issued what was probably his last challenge of the game to Bell.

Man, that's how weird it is. Many times, people know that something cannot be done, but some people still insist on doing it. Just like now, Lu Liang knew that he would definitely lose, but Lu Liang still chose to fight.

After all, this is a live broadcast. If Bell opens his mouth and they obediently hand over the flag, how can they have the nerve to go out to meet people in the future?

Moreover, even if he faced a battle with no chance of winning, he would dare to challenge as long as he still had breath.

If you don’t have this bit of courage, how can you be a monk?

You know, miracles are created!

‘Boom~! ’

After taking a few steps back, Bell looked at the big pit in front of him and Lu Liang, who was slowly standing up in the pit.

He could feel the other party's determination. Being able to have this battle with the opponent, this four-house competition is worth it!

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