The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 677 The game ends

The second game of the four-court competition is over.

Compared with the first game which took a month, the second game only took half a month. It has to be said that Bell took the greatest credit.

Although no one will thank him...

At the end of the game, Bell's team succeeded in winning only one flag as Bell had planned, and finally ranked third.

In the last two days, Hermione had been whispering in Bell's ears, wanting to grab another general's flag, but Bell refused on the grounds that her injury had not healed.

Yes, Bale is injured.

Although it was just a minor injury that could be healed with a little effort and magic, he was definitely injured.

In that last battle, he was injured by Lu Liang.

Looking back on that battle, even if several days have passed, Belldu will still feel amazed.

Sure enough, the heroes of the world should not be underestimated!

At the end of the battle, Lu Liang's explosive strength even surpassed Ma Jingjing's, catching up with Huang Quan who was chasing after him in a berserk state.

Without warning, Bell was accidentally punched by the opponent. Although he used the Iron Armor Curse in time to block the opponent's iron fist, one of his ribs was still broken by the force of the fist that penetrated.

As a price for injuring Bell, Lu Liang has not yet woken up.

According to the doctor, Lu Liang's energy and energy were consumed too much, and he would have to sleep for a few more days before he could wake up. And even after waking up, there will be a period of weakness, and he may not be able to participate in the third game.

Although the doctor said so, Bell knew that Lu Liang would be able to recover before the start of the third game. Just because the other party was Lu Liang, the man who injured him!

Speaking of which, over the years, Bell has really never been injured except during training. The last person who injured him seemed to be Voldemort's noseless monster?

I wonder if Lu Liang would be proud if he learned about this? Or will it cause diaphragm?

After the second game, the players were given a week's rest as usual.

Eat when you need to eat, play when you need to play, recuperate when you need to recover, and take notes when you need to take notes.

Of course, only Hermione was doing the last one.

As the saying goes, only after losing can one learn to cherish. It had been two months since she had been unable to sit in the classroom and listen carefully and take notes. Hermione felt tingling all over her body. If she were asked to choose now, she would definitely hesitate for a long time before finally deciding to participate in the Fourth Academy Competition.

While eating and drinking, the happy time of the week passed quickly, and it was time to announce the much-loved competition items.

Of course, the word "joyful" here is used to describe the audience, while the contestants all looked solemn and secretly gritted their teeth.

I don’t know what kind of ‘underworld’ rules that guy who ‘damaged Yin’s virtue’ will set this time?

Maybe he felt the resentment of the players? Of course, the main reason is that after the first two games, there is not much time left in this school year. We can't delay the graduates' job search, right?

So, amid the dissatisfied boos from the audience, the players breathed a sigh of relief.

The third game - the arena game!

The competition adopts a round-robin format, and each team has to play against the other 12 teams.

The arena competition is divided into four games, three games are 1 vs 1, and one game is 5 vs 5.

1 vs 1: 2 points are awarded for a win, 1 point for a draw, and 1 point is deducted for a defeat.

5 vs 5: 4 points for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 2 points for a defeat.

The race will be held on the sea, eliminating the need to patch the ground.

For the next week, the sea was roaring day and night. Although the rules of the arena competition are simple, there is no need for everyone to think too much, and it is over. However, due to the round-robin format, there are nearly a hundred games in total, so the burden on the players is not light at all.

Fortunately, once the referee believes that the strength of the two sides is roughly the same, and if the fight continues to become a simple war of attrition, he will immediately call a stop and determine the two sides to be a draw.

Otherwise, this third game might become the longest one in this four-court competition.

Not to mention others, just the battle between Shanna and Ma Jingjing. Shanna, who has mastered the water escape technique, can spend a year with Ma Jingjing.

After all, there are so many fish in the sea, so there is no need to worry about starving to death.

In the last third game, Bell only participated in the 5 vs 5 group battle, and the 1 vs 1 was left to the other four people.

With his current level, this level of duel really has no training effect on him. It is not as big as the improvement he gets from the 'Practical Training Version 3.0' every morning.

Therefore, for this rare opportunity of actual combat, let Hermione and others go on the field to practice. And he only needs to take action in group battles, help his team win, and win back the points lost in one-on-one battles to ensure that the team's ranking will not fall.

In this way, under Bell's "point control", in the end, Bell and his team, a team of international students from Hogwarts, successfully won the third place in the four-house competition.

Seeing that her team was only 2 points away from second place on the ranking list, Hermione was so angry that she didn't give Bell a good look all day long.

On the last day of the competition, she said that Bell should participate in a 1 vs 1, so that their rankings could be further improved. But Bell, that lazy guy, really had no ambition at all. He lay flat on the ground and refused to get up no matter what. What else could he say, he's afraid of heights?

How can any wizard be afraid of heights?

Seeing Senior Ma and others walking up to the podium with their heads held high, Hermione said she wasn't jealous, that was... no! She wouldn't say she wasn't jealous!

She is very jealous!

Yes, although Yandu Academy was unfortunately at the bottom at the end of the first game, after hard work in the last two games, Yandu Academy finally won the championship of this four-academy competition.

This is also reasonable. Not to mention that Bell, the 'point giving boy', gave Yandu Academy 100 points in vain (actually it was not given in vain), let's just say that in the third game of duel, Ma Jingjing's strength was also unique. of.

Except for the draw with Shanna, Ma Jingjing won all the other matches. The sharpness of his sword is simply unstoppable.

Although Lu Liang made a breakthrough in the battle with Bell, he was exhausted after all. Even after participating in the third game, he was far from returning to his peak level.

Therefore, the third arena competition can be said to have completely become Ma Jingjing's personal show, gaining countless points for Yandu Academy.

Looking at Dean Han's old face on the high platform, which almost turned into a chrysanthemum when he smiled, Bell smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame.

To be honest, in the past year, the senior officials of Yandu Academy have really taken good care of these international students. Now, being able to help the old dean feel so happy can be regarded as repaying some favors.

In Bell's mind, he 'shamelessly' took the credit for Yandu Academy's championship victory and secretly put it on his own head...

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