[Armor Protection]!

After taking out her wand and casting an Iron Armor Charm on herself, Hermione continued to move forward.

To be honest, she didn't want to come here at all. It was so hot here that even the thermostat badge couldn't offset the heat in the air.

But there is no other way, there is a holiday tomorrow, and it is also the day for their group to return to the UK. But that guy Bell, I don't know what he is busy with. He has been in the weapon refining hall for two full days and two nights, and he hasn't come out yet.

Hermione was really afraid that Bell would lose track of time as soon as he got busy. Changing the departure date is very troublesome, and she really doesn't want to delay it for another day.

The thought of being able to go home and reunite with her parents immediately made her feel itchy and she wished she could just apparate back home.

Of course that's impossible, she doesn't have that ability.

Even she herself didn't know how she was holding on these days.

‘Dang~dang~! ’

As soon as he walked into the door of the Refining Hall, the sounds of gold and iron clashing could be heard in the distance. Hermione looked up and saw a huge furnace standing in the center of the Refining Hall.

The furnace is filled with hot magma, and the surrounding air is distorted by the high temperature, making the scenery near the furnace blurry. But Hermione still seemed to have a telepathic connection, and immediately spotted Bell sitting cross-legged next to the furnace.

At this time, Bell had his eyes closed tightly, focusing all his attention on spiritual perception, paying attention to every change in the sword embryo in front of him.

Slowing down her pace, Hermione tiptoed to a place not far from Bell and stood there, quietly watching Bell refine the weapon. She could tell that her boyfriend was at a critical moment refining the weapon and could not be disturbed.

As for returning to China tomorrow?

Then we can only pray that Bell will finish it quickly.

Otherwise, what else can be done?

Under the control of Bell's magic power, the magma in the furnace floated up, formed into a hammer in the air, and hammered hard on the sword embryo above.

‘Dang~! ’

There was another loud sound of gold and iron clashing.

Just like that, with Hermione watching quietly, I don't know how long it took, and I didn't know how many times she was beaten. Suddenly, the situation took a new turn. This time, what rose in the furnace was no longer magma, but pure flames.

The surging flames gathered into a pillar of fire, shrouding the sword embryo in it. The oncoming heat wave forced Hermione to quickly retreat a distance. Even under the protection of the Iron Armor Curse, she still felt unbearably hot, which showed how high the temperature of the flames was.

In less than a minute, the pillar of fire began to slowly retract, and finally dissipated in the furnace, leaving only the sword embryo, still floating in the air. Different from the red and hot appearance before, which was bathed in high-temperature flames just a second ago, now, the long sword magically takes on an icy blue color.

A faint cold mist spread out from the sword body, colliding with the heat wave rising from the furnace below, causing bursts of explosions.

Silently, a majestic figure suddenly appeared in the weapon refining hall. The man waved to the ice-blue sword in mid-air, and the newly-baked sword flew into his hand obediently.

‘Dang~! ’

Tie Zhesheng tapped the sword in his hand hard with his fingers. After listening for a while, Tie Zhesheng nodded with satisfaction and handed the sword back to Bell who had stood up at some point.

"Not bad! Although there are still some flaws in the details, you are very good at mastering the spirit refining technique in such a short period of time!"

Looking at the slightly decadent Bell, Tie Zhesheng praised loudly.

To be honest, Bell's talent in weapon refining is only average at best. As the weapon-refining master in charge of the weapon-refining hall of Yandu Academy, Tie Zhesheng has seen many students with weapon-refining talents superior to Bell over the years.

Not to mention, Wang Shouqiang, who is in the same grade as Bell, has much more talent in weapon refining than Bell. Even he couldn't find many faults with the armor that Wang Shouqiang had refined.

However, Bell is the fastest student he has ever seen in mastering the spiritual alchemy technique in all these years.

As the saying goes, hard work can make up for failure, especially in less than a month at the end of this school year, Bell almost lived in this weapon refining hall (actually he had lived there for several days).

It can be said that even when eating and sleeping, Bell's mind has been thinking about the relevant knowledge of spiritual refining without relaxing for a moment.

These days, there are very few students like Bell who are dedicated to learning spiritual alchemy. Even if there are those who are interested in the art of weapon refining, most of them will choose to practice the art of tempering. After all, the magic weapons produced by the art of spiritual refining cannot be sold.

"It's all thanks to Mr.'s good teaching."

After taking the Ice Sword, Bell bowed to Tie Zhesheng and thanked him.

In the past month, whenever he had questions, he would immediately ask the other party. And the other party will always put down what he is doing to answer his questions immediately.

It can be said that without the help of the other party, the time for him to successfully forge the ice sword would have been delayed for at least another month.

"There's no need to compliment me. I know how good my teaching is."

Waving his hand, Tie Zhesheng showed a hint of loneliness on his face.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, his teaching level is really average, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to teach a master-level student in weapon refining for so many years.

I can only say that it is one thing to understand it yourself, but it is another thing to tell others.

Therefore, Bell's progress so quickly is mainly due to himself. At best, he just pushed him from behind.

"But you have to remember that the art of weapon refining is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Now you are still far away from a true master of weapon refining. After you go back, you must not slack off and practice diligently. , keep improving!"

After sighing for a while, Tie Zhesheng suddenly warned Bell with a serious face.

He is really optimistic about Bell and hopes that he can achieve success in weapon refining.

Ever since he realized that he could not break through the master level bottleneck and advance to the master level of weapon refinement, Tie Zhesheng's biggest wish was to train a student of the master weapon refiner.

After all, one generation cannot be worse than the other, right?

Among the students he has taught over the years, Bell is the most promising to break through to the master of weapon refining.

Although Wang Shouqiang, the little guy, had better weapon refining talent, he was so focused on refining the family armor that he cut off his future.

Therefore, even though Bell was a foreigner, Tie Zhesheng could only place his hopes on him for the time being. Until he finds the next seedling...

"Yes, sir, I will definitely practice more frequently!"

Bell nodded in agreement.

His current level is far from ideal. He doesn't want his future exclusive weapon to be just like the ice sword in his hand now, which is neither good nor bad. Therefore, at least until he can reproduce the long sword in his memory, weapon refining will be one of his primary research subjects.

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