The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 679 Graduation Ceremony

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

After saying goodbye to Mr. Tie Zhesheng, Bell walked up to Hermione and apologized.

He had noticed it when Hermione came before, but it was at the critical moment of refining the weapon and he couldn't distract her to say hello. As a result, Hermione was left waiting for a long time without realizing it.

"It's okay. It's getting late. You must be hungry, right? Come on, let's go have dinner quickly."

Stepping forward to hold Bell's arm, Hermione wiped the sweat from her boyfriend's forehead and said softly.

At this time, the sky outside had darkened, and it was probably past 6 o'clock. You know, she came here after lunch, which meant that Bell hadn't eaten lunch, so he must be hungry now.

"Indeed, if you don't tell me, I haven't felt anything. As soon as you tell me, I feel like my chest is touching my back. Let's go, after dinner, I still have to clean up in the evening."

With that said, Bell and Hermione walked out together.

He has not forgotten that tomorrow is the day to return to England, mainly because he dare not forget. If it was because of him that he returned late, the mother at home would have eaten him alive.

The next morning was the college’s graduation ceremony.

Of course, it's called a ceremony, but there's really not much to do. The dean came on stage to say a few words and left in less than half an hour. The rest of the time is left to the students themselves.

Familiar classmates and teachers bid farewell to each other and blessed each other. The sadness of parting filled the entire academy.

Although with the convenience of magic, distance cannot prevent the two monks from meeting each other. But after work, everyone will be busier and busier, and the time we spend together day and night like now is probably impossible to happen again. Even though the two people were not on good terms, under the influence of this parting atmosphere, they rarely exchanged pleasantries with each other and wished each other all the best in the future.

The morning passed quickly, the last meal ended in a slightly silent atmosphere, and everyone finally embarked on a new journey in life.

"Hey! Bell! You're too late this time!"

Beside the gate of the academy, Lu Feitian looked at Bell with a smile and said.

He still remembers being late during the winter vacation (actually he was not late), so he deliberately ran to the entrance of the academy early this time.

"I'm late, there's still half an hour before the agreed time. Do you have so much free time? You don't even have to say goodbye to your classmates?"

After giving Lu Feitian a blank look and looking at the careless smile on his face, Bell couldn't help but ask curiously.

It's really the other party's expression that doesn't match the current atmosphere.

"What's there to say goodbye to? If you want to see me, you can see me tomorrow. If you don't want to see me, you can't even say goodbye. And I hate that kind of atmosphere the most. It makes me feel uncomfortable all over."

Lu Feitian curled his lips and said with a look of disgust.

"Okay, let's go. I've been looking forward to the next trip for a long time!"

When Bell invited him to visit the UK before, he agreed without thinking. Although it took a lot of effort to convince my family...

That's the UK! That's Europe! He has grown so old that he has never even been to Japan, South Korea, Russia and other countries next door, let alone Europe!

I heard that the non-spiritual people in Europe like to defecate anywhere? I don't know if it's true.

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to it!

"What's the rush? Not everyone has arrived yet."

"Hey!? Is there anyone else? Aren't Sister Ma and Zhang Zi going later?"

Lu Feitian said in surprise.

Unlike him who is unreliable... ahem, casual and free-spirited, both of them believe that they should go home and discuss the next plan with their families first, and then see if they can spare time to go to Europe for a graduation travel.

"I don't just know the three of you."

Seeing Lu Feitian's genuinely surprised expression, Bell almost wanted to hit someone.

"Besides you, there are..."

"Yo! Bell! You guys are early enough!"

Before Bell could finish speaking, a distant shout interrupted him.

"Is that you? You guy, you don't go out to find a job honestly, why are you just here to join in the fun?"

As soon as he saw Wang Shouqiang's 'cheesy face', Lu Feitian felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Thanks to the rules of the second game, within half a month, the three teams in each academy were "falling apart". They did not dare to turn their backs to members of other teams for fear of being stabbed in the back.

Therefore, when he found out that Wang Shouqiang was also traveling with them, Lu Feitian immediately felt a chill running down his spine. You know, Wang Shouqiang is even more sinister than the 'hypocrite' Li Xin. He can be called the 'number one true villain' in Yandu Academy!

Of course, Wang Shouqiang will never admit this slander.

Just kidding, in front of Bell, how could he have the shame to claim to be number one?

You know, he only got a general's flag, but Bell was forced to take away all his rewards. It can be said that he suffered a huge loss!

"Hmph! I am such an outstanding graduate, and so many companies are vying for it. Why are you so anxious? But you, your family is so free? Are you willing to let a free laborer like you go out to have fun?"

Wang Shouqiang also felt unhappy when he discovered that Lu Feitian was behind him. Just as Lu Feitian was wary of him, he was also wary of the other party. For a 'smart guy' like him who likes to win by surprise, what he hates the most is guys like Lu Feitian who don't play by the rules.

Back then, he spent a whole night analyzing one hundred and eight possibilities and prepared a complete countermeasure. As a result, the other party chose what he thought was the stupidest and most impossible approach. God knows how he felt at that time. In short, after that, he regarded Lu Feitian as his lifelong enemy.

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble, or be careful of being laughed at."

Seeing that the two wanted to continue bickering, Bell pointed in the distance. Over there, 5 girls were walking together.

When they saw that the newcomer was a girl, Lu and Wang immediately straightened their backs and acted like gentlemen, no longer bothering to quarrel with each other.

"Okay, Belle, when did you hook up with so many girls? Aren't you afraid that your girlfriend will strangle you to death?"

While making a gesture of not squinting, Wang Shouqiang whispered to Bell.

"What are you thinking about? Those are all friends of Zannah and Hermione. I don't know them at all."

Among the five people coming now, two of them are Hermione's classmates, and they have a close friendship created by copying notes.

The other three are Shanna's classmates, and they seem to have a very close relationship with the little girl.

It is said that after learning that Shanna invited her friends to visit the UK, there was a group of little girls in the courtyard vying to come. But those little ones were too young, and the adults at home would not trust them to go to the distant and unfamiliar European wilds.

For this reason, there seemed to be some trouble in the middle courtyard, which made Bell realize the extraordinary charm of his sister once again.

‘As expected of my Shanna! ’

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