The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 680 The Head of Ghosts

‘Wow! ’

The salty sea breeze mixed with the sound of waves hit Hermione's face, making her dazed for a moment.

"Bell, don't we take a plane back?"

Looking at the familiar sea in front of her, Hermione said she was not happy at all. You know, compared to airplanes, cruises are very slow. She was so eager to return home that she didn't want to float on the sea for a few more days.

And the most important thing is that her parents also thought that she would fly back, so they might not have prepared a welcome banquet at this time. If she had been floating at sea for a week, all the delicious food prepared by her mother would have gone bad.

"Huh? Didn't I say that before?"

Bell looked at his sister in confusion.

"No. But that kind of thing is fine anyway. Brother, please call out Little Bell and Little Wolf!"

Shanna said with excitement on her face.

She didn't care if she took a boat or a plane, why not take a boat? All she wants now is to introduce Little Bell to her friends. You know, she has already shown off to everyone that she has a fun little sister. It's a pity that her words are unfounded and no one believes her.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me."

With that said, Bell opened the suitcase and shouted into it:

"Little Bell~! Little Wolf~! Come out to play~!"

After shouting, Bell turned to look at Hermione.

"Maybe I was busy and forgot before, but it's okay, I can give you a surprise. As for what the surprise is, you will know later."

‘It’s more of a surprise than a shock! ’

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bell and said nothing.

After all, Bell can't be entirely blamed for this? Since he has been staying in the academy and cannot go out, things like buying air tickets are all handled by Bell's family.

After all, Muggle mobile phones cannot do online shopping like personal terminals, and there is no signal in the academy.

She was so filled with the joy of being able to go home soon that she forgot to check with Bell, and subconsciously thought that they would take the same flight back to England as when they came. So she also has some responsibility in this matter?

But how should she explain it to her parents later?

‘Alas~! ’

Just when Hermione was in distress, a little head suddenly popped out of the suitcase. There is a long snow-white braid on the little head, and a pair of big bright eyes on the delicate little face look at Bell.

"Brother Bell, can we really come out?"

Little Bell asked cautiously.

Ever since she was adopted by Big Brother Bell, she has been living in this magical suitcase and was told not to run out at will.

She had no dissatisfaction with this.

Rather, compared to the cold and dark outside world, she prefers the space inside this suitcase, which is small but full of warmth and beauty. Therefore, after hearing Brother Bell's call, to be honest, she was actually reluctant to go out.


"Little Lingdang, come quickly, I'll introduce you to some big sisters."

Before Bell could finish speaking, Shanna, who was already impatient, hugged Little Bell from behind and 'pulled' him out. The little wolf who was following Xiao Lingdang immediately jumped out after seeing his eldest sister going out.

Unlike his eldest sister, Xiaolang still likes the vast outside world. Because here, he can run around happily.

"Sister Shanna, wait, wait!"

The little bell waved its hands helplessly, trying to get back into the suitcase.

She wasn't even mentally prepared yet!

But unfortunately, the little guy's resistance was of no use in front of Shanna. In the end, he could only be like a large doll, being held by Shanna to show off to her friends.

"I said, you are so brave, you actually dare to..."

"The beauty hidden in the golden house!"

Bell and Lu Feitian both turned to look at Wang Shouqiang.

Is this guy taught Chinese by a physical education teacher? Can you speak?

"Ahem, just kidding, don't mind. But having said that, Bell, you dare to bring outsiders into the academy privately. You are so brave! If the gentlemen find out about this, you will be dead. La."

After coughing twice, Wang Shouqiang changed the subject and helped Lu Feitian finish the rest of his words.

"The situation is special, so I had to do it as a last resort. But now that we have all left the academy, it doesn't matter."

Bell shrugged and said casually.

In fact, he wasn't really afraid of being discovered by the gentlemen of the academy. After all, even if he was discovered, he would at most be deported to the UK. Although that would disrupt his plan, it really wasn't a big deal.

"That's right. Speaking of which, where is this place? Why are we staying here?"

After nodding, seeing that Bell had no intention of elaborating, Lu Feitian asked another question.

After all, which student has never done something like breaking the rules of the academy? At most, the plot is not as serious as Bell's. In addition, they have all graduated now. Is it possible that he should go back to the academy to find his husband and report Bell?

He can't do that kind of thing!

Maybe Wang Shouqiang next to him can do it?

"Wait for someone and then get on the boat."

Bell replied succinctly.

"Who are you waiting for...Okay, I understand...why is that guy here!"

Lu Feitian showed an expression of disgust when he saw something dirty.

Speaking of which, Bell is a very well-connected guy. When did he hook up with people from three other academies?

"Ha! I still want to ask, why are you, stupid ass, here?"

Lu Liang also looked at Lu Feitian with disgust.

It was because of this shameful and conspicuous thing that many people privately called him 'Old Donkey' after returning to the academy. This really almost pissed him off.

"Brother Xia, Miss Jiang, long time no see."

Ignoring Er Lu, who was "similar to each other" at the side, Bell greeted the other two people with a smile.

The two are Xia Yuntian from Kunlun Academy and Jiang Xiaoyun from Jinling Academy. Among them, Xia Yuntian, like Lu Liang, can be regarded as an acquaintance with Beier. Jiang Xiaoyun was the friend invited by Hermione.

By the way, it seems that the two also met through copying notes.

‘So how much does my girlfriend like notes? ’

Everyone had arrived, and after a few simple greetings, Bell took out a boat ticket from his arms. He called everyone to the beach, and then poured magic power into the tickets.

A brilliant golden light was seen rising up, and within a short while, a thick fog suddenly formed, shrouding Bell and the others.

‘Woo~! ’

A loud whistle sounded, and a huge black figure quickly drove out of the thick fog.

"Welcome everyone to board the first magical cruise ship built by the Menethil family - [Ghost Head]. I hope everyone can spend a pleasant day on the ship."

Turning back to look at the stunned people, Bell said with a smile.

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