The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 681 Born at the wrong time

"Baby! Do you miss your mother?"

As soon as the cruise ship stopped, a figure jumped off the ship and held Belle in his arms.

"Uh, mom, why are you here?"

Not to mention how embarrassed Bell was at the moment. Being hugged tightly by his mother in front of so many people, Bell was so embarrassed that he wanted to kill someone.

"I'll pick you up!"

With that said, Elena let go of her son and gently hugged her little daughter.

You know, since her children were born, this is the first time she has been separated from her children for a seems to be less than a year?

In short, this is the first time she has been separated from her children for such a long time.

Therefore, when she learned that Bell decided to take the newly launched Magic Cruise Line to return to the UK, she decisively left her job to William once again and ran to welcome her children home as soon as possible.

So she was definitely not trying to be lazy, really!

"Are these all your friends? Hello everyone, welcome to the Menethil family."

At this moment, Elena finally noticed the group of people not far away, and greeted everyone with a smile.

Elena is very happy that her son can make so many friends, especially there are many girls among them.

Don't get me wrong, she doesn't have any bad thoughts, but she should be prepared for everything. As a 'qualified' mother, she always has to consider various possible situations for her son, right?

"Some are, and some are friends of Zannah and Hermione."

Bell briefly introduced everyone.

This is not a good place for small talk. If the cruise ship stays here for too long, it will inevitably make the Monk Alliance think too much.

You know, this is the first time that the cultivation world has direct navigation with foreign countries. It is said that the alliance's big bosses discussed it for a long time before finally agreeing to the Menethil family's application for navigation. Therefore, at this critical stage of building mutual trust, it is necessary to do all the details well.

Walking in the magnificent cabin, everyone looked left and right, their eyes almost exhausted.

Although some of them are also from big families, they have seen various scenes, big or small, so far. However, Chinese monks have always rejected luxury and advocated nature and frugality to help themselves realize the 'way of heaven'. So everyone has never seen such a magnificent decoration.

You know, in order to attract customers and recoup the huge initial investment with profits, William did his best to decorate the interior of the cruise ship to an unimaginable level of luxury. Even Bell and Shanna were surprised at this time, let alone others.

"My dear, when you said food and accommodation were included, I was a little embarrassed. Now it seems that I need to eat more."

Wang Shouqiang sighed to Bell while admiring everything around him.

By the way, isn't the Bell family selling magic weapons? Since when did selling magical artifacts become so profitable?

In Wang Shouqiang's impression, if you buy a magic weapon or something, you can use it until you die, right? Therefore, shops selling magic weapons are generally deserted, and you may not see many customers all day long.

"Haha, feel free to eat, but you are not allowed to go back until you gain ten pounds of meat!"

Bell teased with a smile.

In fact, although selling magic props makes money, it doesn't make much money, at least not enough to support the Menethil family's extravagance in exploring the universe, establishing an ecological park, and building a luxury cruise ship.

All of this actually depends mainly on the minerals on Mars.

Although it is a bit extravagant to use Arcane for things like setting up barriers and building cruise ships, there is no other way. Who said that his family has so many Arcane that they can't use them up.

After arranging the room, everyone ran to play in groups. There are many entertainment facilities on this magic oil tanker, which William modified based on Muggle cruise ships. I believe it will be enough for everyone to have fun for a night.

The cruise ship will arrive in the UK tomorrow morning, which is not much slower than taking a plane, so the problem Hermione is worried about does not exist.

"Baby, isn't that little girl the one who entertained us when we went to Japan? Why did she come here? Also, what is your relationship?"

Looking at Huang Quan who was sitting quietly not far away, Elena asked her son in a low voice.

At this moment, everyone, including Hermione, ran with their friends to explore the 'mysteries' inside the cruise ship. As for Bell, he had been focusing on refining weapons and could not recover after just one night, so he did not go crazy with everyone, but found a quiet place, ordered a drink and rested leisurely.

Huang Quan, who was not familiar with anyone else, chose to go with Bell. It was only then that Elena noticed the existence of Huang Quan.

She had quite a deep impression on Huang Quan, and her son had gone to Japan to cause trouble again before. A woman's intuition told her that there must be something fishy between the two!

"Huang Quan, for some reason, she is hanging out with me now. Is it just a relationship between boss and employee?"

Although he is a 'black-hearted boss', he does not pay wages to his 'employees'.

To be honest, Bell didn't want to say too much about the contract between himself and Huang Quan. After all, some things cannot be explained clearly, and the description will only become darker and darker.

That's why he deliberately concealed the news, causing his parents to still think that he went to Japan to find partners and open up business routes.

It’s just that the identities of those partners are a bit special...

"Oh~! That's it~!"

Elena gave her son a meaningful look, she wouldn't believe it when it comes to 'boss' and 'employees'. She had secretly observed just now that the little girl from Huangquan spent more than half the time with her eyes fixed on her son.

Moreover, now that everyone else has gone to play, the other party is the only one left to accompany her son. If there is nothing fishy here, she doesn't believe it.

But now that her son doesn't want to say more, she doesn't plan to ask anymore. No matter what, it's always a good thing if my son is better than me, right?

Of course, if that guy William dares to have such a ‘female employee’ by his side, then, haha...

After waving, the mixing equipment on the bar not far away immediately jumped up, quickly made a cocktail for Elena, and delivered it to Elena's hands on a tray.

Next, while drinking, Elena asked her son about his life and study experience in the academy in the past year.

She was very interested in how the academy was different from Hogwarts.

Especially when she heard about the competition between the four houses, Elena couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, Elena was extremely dissatisfied. When she was in school at Hogwarts, let alone fun activities like the Four Houses Competition, she didn't even make it to the Triwizard Tournament!

This is so irritating!

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