The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 683 Unshirkable responsibility!

Before you knew it, half a month had passed since Bell returned home.

In the past half month, everyone in the cultivation world not only visited Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village, but also looked at Hogwarts Castle, the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake from a distance. Under the leadership of Hermione, , visited all the famous attractions in the UK, and even went to France on the opposite side for a tour.

This made Bell very nervous. After all, strictly speaking, this group of people entered the country illegally.

Although there are many countries in this land of Europe, wizards will visit other countries from time to time, but no one will apply for entry one by one.

After all, it would be too troublesome to spend two weeks applying for entry to the country just to visit one country.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic in various countries chooses to turn a blind eye to this situation, and no one will take it seriously.

However, all of this is based on the fact that foreign wizards do not cause trouble.

As for her sister's ability to cause trouble, Bell is quite aware of it.

It wasn't until the next day that Bell didn't read the news about the French Ministry of Magic being blown up in the Daily Prophet that he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Sure enough, my sister is still very measured when doing things! ’

Daily Prophet:

‘It is reported that two Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic were attacked by unknown persons yesterday afternoon.

Because the attacker wiped the Auror's memory, the French Ministry of Magic has still not been able to identify the prisoner.

The author believes that regarding this incident, our country's Ministry of Magic should carry forward the spirit of internationalism and send Aurors to support the French Ministry of Magic. At least it should teach the French Aurors how to avoid being hit by oncoming trucks and losing their memory during patrols. ...'


Today, the relationship between the British and French people is as harmonious and friendly as ever.

Getting back to the topic, after half a month of rest, everyone's condition has been almost adjusted. Now, it's time to get down to business.

You know, everyone came all the way this time not just for fun.

At least the main purpose is not...

At 9 o'clock in the morning, everyone, including Bell, gathered at the beach, preparing to welcome friends they had not seen for a long time.

The familiar thick fog floated up, and after the customary whistle sound, the [Ghost Head] magic cruise ship stopped at the shore.

As soon as the cruise ship stopped, many wizards on the deck swarmed down. They were either excitedly discussing their previous experiences on the cruise, or talking about their expectations for the next step.

"Sister Huangquan~!"


Caught off guard, Bell flew out sideways. He got up from the beach in disgrace and looked at the little Kagura whom he hadn't seen for a long time with twitching eyes. At this time, the other party was hanging on Huang Quan's body, expressing his longing with tears in his eyes.

So why did this little girl rush over and kick him while shouting Huang Quan's name?

This is too much fun!


As if sensing the resentment in Bell's eyes, Kagura turned around and glared at Bell viciously.

The other party had the guts to stand so close to his sister before. Who else would he kick if he didn't?

And she had wanted to kick him for a long time, but today she finally succeeded in sneak attack!

However, Kagura was happy, but the other little girl in the field was very unhappy at this time.

"Who are you!?"

Zannah angrily pulled out her wand and pointed it at Kagura.

If the other party wasn't currently in Sister Huang Quan's arms, she would have just thrown an explosive spell at him.

Are you kidding, someone dared to bully her brother in front of her?

Do you really think she can't lift the wand?

"Who are you?"

Feeling Shanna's explicit hostility, Kagura also stared back not to be outdone.

If she hadn't been holding her sister with both hands and couldn't spare any time, she would have even pulled out the knife now.

Aoi often teaches through his personal terminal, but this time Kagura will not do something stupid like abandoning the sword and instead focus on using the shikigami. The most important thing is that her knife did not kill her dearest sister.

"Kagura! Don't be rude!"

Huang Quan slapped Kagura's head angrily. She discovered that without her own guidance, Kagura's temperament seemed to have a tendency to grow wildly?

" name is Tsuchimiya Kagura. It's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me."

After being scolded, Kagura humbly introduced herself.

"Ahem, Shanna, this is Huang Quan's sister. You should have heard of her when you were a child. She just made a joke with me, so don't take it too seriously."

Bell, who appeared next to Shanna at an unknown moment, put his hand on Shanna's shoulder and motioned for his sister to put away her wand.

If the two little girls continue to confront each other like this, the wizards around them may even take out their melon seeds.

"Sanna, your friend is here, let's go and greet him!"

With that said, Bell dragged his sister and walked towards the people in the academy who were walking not far away, temporarily ending the tense look between the two little girls.

Because some people had to deal with work issues or family matters, they did not come to the UK with Bell and others.

But that doesn't mean they won't come.

You know, as the elites of major academies, wherever there are arduous tasks, they will be there!

A monk will never be n...ahem! It is to never evade responsibility!

Not to mention that there are people who provide food and accommodation...

"Kagura, how did you convince the stubborn people in your family to let you come to England alone?"

While Bell was busy reminiscing with friends, Huang Quan also chatted with Kagura about home affairs.

To be honest, she was really surprised that Kagura could come over.

Not to mention, it seems that Kagura came here alone?

"How could I possibly convince those stubborn old men? So I ran away secretly."

Kagura winked playfully.


Even without seeing it with his own eyes, Huang Quan could imagine how chaotic the Tu Gong family would be at this moment.

This is really... interesting to think about!

Although Huang Quan still looks like a lady on the surface at this time, under the subtle influence of the Killing Stone, inside, he has long since changed into a temperament that is afraid of chaos in the world.

So for Kagura's willful sneaking out, if it were her before, she might have given her a few symbolic reprimands.

And now?

It’s okay if you don’t help with suggestions!

After all, this was not a good place for chatting. After a brief exchange of greetings, the group boarded Zannah's brand new [Bena No. Mod] and returned to the castle of the Menethil family.

Since there were too many people to pick up, Bell was afraid that someone would accidentally get lost and cause trouble, so he took the risk of being exposed and allowed Shanna to take out the super speed car that he had painstakingly modified for half a month a day in advance.

Of course, it is said to be a super speed car, but it is nothing more than that the safety performance has been improved to a higher level than before.

After all, under the restrictions of the rules, it was impossible for him to transform the Bena into a Transformer.

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