The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 684 Elite Mission

‘Dong dong~! ’

Late at night, a slight knock on the door sounded, echoing in the silent corridor.

"You're here, come in first."

Opening the bedroom door, Bell saw Huang Quan's figure outside the door as expected. He didn't say anything more, simply stepped aside and motioned for Huang Quan to enter the room.

Don't get me wrong, he had no intention of doing anything to hurt Hermione while she was away.

In fact, during the day today, shortly after Huang Quan and Kagura reunited, Bell discovered that there was something wrong with Huang Quan's mood.

The other party hesitated to speak several times before, but because there were other people present, he held back in the end.

Therefore, Bell guessed that Huang Quan would probably come to find him in the dead of night when everyone was asleep.

It turned out that he was right. It's true that he hasn't gone to bed until now.

"Haha~! Tell me, what happened?"

Yawning, Bell slumped on the sofa and asked lazily.

‘I really want to go to bed. This guy Huang Quan is also true. Even if he chooses it at night, there is no need to choose it so late. ’

Looking at Huang Quan with a solemn expression in front of him, Bell thought with dissatisfaction. He almost fell asleep just now.

"Bell, I have something to ask you. Can you... strip the Bai Rui from Kagura's body?"

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Quan slowly expressed his request.

After the joy of meeting again after a long separation faded, she immediately noticed the bad condition inside Kagura's body. You know, the Tu Gong family has always used the power of the killing stone to forcibly seal and drive Bai Rui. From Huang Quan's own experience, it can be seen that the killing stone is not an easy item to deal with.

If you want to use the killing stone, you must either completely merge with it and become an evil spirit. Or, the power must be forcibly extracted at the cost of life.

As for the Tu Miya family, it is of course impossible for them to choose the first method. This also leads to the fact that very few of the heads of the Tugong family can live to be 40 years old, and none are over 50 years old!

Huang Quan doesn't care at all when other people die. But she couldn't helplessly watch Kagura's life force being continuously drained, and she eventually died young!

Unfortunately, she has been studying the art of swordsmanship for a long time, and she doesn't even know a few onmyoji techniques, let alone such difficult operations as cutting off the shikigami contract and peeling off Shirai and the killing stone.

"...Where is Kagura? What does she think?"

After a brief silence, Bell asked.

In the past six months, he had been studying the killing stone. Although he had not examined Kagura's body in detail, he could roughly guess what it would be like.

To be honest, he could understand Huang Quan's feelings. If the same thing happened to Shanna, he might go crazy.

But no matter what, this matter is Kagura's own business, and it is still up to the little girl to make her own decision.

Neither he nor Huang Quan can take over.

"I don't know, I-I haven't told Kagura about it yet."

In fact, Huang Quan knew that if she brought this matter up with Kagura, there would be a high probability that she would be rejected by him.

Even though Kagura is usually very obedient, she does whatever she says. But she knew very well that that little girl had a very stubborn temper. Once she made a decision, even nine cows couldn't pull her back.

Not to mention, Bai Rui is the shikigami passed down from generation to generation of the Tsuchiya family and is the symbol of the Tsuchiya family. As the head of the Tsuchimiya family, it is very normal that Kagura is unwilling to give up Bai Rui.

"Go talk to Kagura."

Bell said.

Seeing Huang Quan open his mouth to speak, he added:

"In fact, I don't know if I can safely separate the White Rui and the Killing Stone from Kagura's body. If we really want to do it, we must have Kagura's cooperation."

Bell knew that in order to prevent Bai Rui from breaking out of the seal, the Tsuchimiya family used the most stringent shikigami contract.

This kind of harshness is not only aimed at shikigami, but also against onmyoji.

Therefore, the contract between Kagura and Bai Rui is even stronger than that between him and Huang Quan. It is really not an easy task to cut off this level of contract and, most importantly, ensure that Kagura will not be irreparably traumatized.

Anyway, with Bell's current level, he has no confidence that he can do it.

"...I understand, I will discuss it with Kagura."

Not getting the desired result, Huang Quan stood up and walked out slightly disappointed.

In fact, she knew in her heart that Bell would most likely be unable to cut off the shikigami contract on Kagura. But until the results are revealed, she will always take chances.


Looking at Huang Quan's dejected back, Bell couldn't help but call out to him.

"...If you can't figure it out, bring Kagura to me. I will help you convince her."

After hesitating for a while, Bell still made this promise, which he didn't know whether he could fulfill.


Nodding heavily, Huang Quan showed his first smile tonight.


Staring at the closed door, Bell couldn't help but sigh tiredly.

So what kind of mistake did he make just now to make such a fucking promise?

But no matter what, after he said the words and splashed the water, it seemed that he had another headache after that.

Let’s talk about the headache later. At least for now, under the influence of the warm and cheerful atmosphere, Bell was able to put aside all his worries and enjoy a happy time with everyone.

Early in the morning, everyone got up early, and after eating, they set off fully armed.

"Ah——! Zhang Chi~! Come on Zhang Chi~! You are the strongest~!"

Ma Jingjing waved the national flag in her right hand and held a flying car model in her left hand. She shouted cheers at the top of her voice to a monk who had just arrived in the distance.

"She was... taken away?"

Bell looked at Zhang Xu beside him in disbelief.

It turns out that among the monks' spells, is there really such an evil trick as 'seizing the body'?

How terrifying!

"Uh, well...Sister Ma...she is actually an avid racing fan."

Zhang Xu covered his face, looking like he couldn't bear to look directly.

To be honest, he really wanted to stay away from the current Ma Jingjing. It’s so embarrassing!

Although people come all the way to the UK, it is indeed to cheer for their country’s players on the spot. But no matter what, there is no need to be so excited, right?

As promised, we are all ladies!

Of course, that's what I thought, but if Zhang Xu really wanted to take action, he would definitely not dare. He didn't want to have to settle the score afterwards.

"Is this like this? This is really not what one looks like!"

Bell had always thought that Ma Jingjing was not interested in anything other than fighting PK. I didn’t expect that the other party had such an ‘excellent’ hobby.

It seems that later, he will have to show the other party his latest model of speed car.

That flying car is currently only sold in the UK and cannot be bought in other countries!

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