The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 686 Speeding Race

There was a commotion, and many spectators suspected that the Menethil family had too much money for Gringotts to hold, so they came here to act as money-spenders.

The goblins expressed serious dissatisfaction with this 'slander'.

Just kidding, no matter how much gold they have, Gringotts can hold it!

This group of money-hungry goblins decided that as soon as the competition was over, they would go to the Menethil family to sell the newly built treasury this year.

If you don’t need the money, you can give it to them. Why give it to those ‘drivers’ for free!

The players who also felt that the Menethil family was here to give them free money also expressed generously that they warmly welcomed the little princess of the Menethil family to play!

By the way, according to the news they heard before, didn't the Menethil family have two descendants in this generation? Why didn't the other one come?

And at this moment when everyone is "happy", if there is anyone who is the most unhappy, then that person is not the jealous and crazy Ma Jingjing, but our special guest Shanna.

The little girl waved her fist in the direction of the host in dissatisfaction, wanting to punch the host.

So she had clearly told the other party not to add the last part! The other party had promised her before, but now he changed his mind?

Sure enough, what little Gabrielle said makes sense. You can't believe a word of what these adults say!

"Ahem, although I think everyone already knows the rules of the competition very well, as a professional host and commentator, I still have to explain the rules of the speeding competition to you again."

Perhaps sensing Shanna's 'murderous intent', the host shuddered and quickly continued his work.

"First of all, during the competition, the speed of the flying car must not exceed one thousand kilometers per hour!"

Because the speed of the speeding car is so fast, simply competing in speed is not enjoyable at all.

After all, even surveillance cameras can't catch up with the speeding car, so what are you looking at? Lonely?

Therefore, for the sake of entertainment, the speed racing is not a competition of speed, but...

“Secondly, the track of this competition covers three environments: sky, land and ocean, with a total of 200 traps arranged.

Among them, 100 traps are officially arranged by our dear organizer, the Menethil family.

By the way, in order to bring you the ultimate experience, fully 30 of the 100 traps this time are from our dear trap master - Master Baltar Rexxar! "

"Oh—! Lexa! Lexa!"

As soon as they heard Lexa's name, the audience immediately burst into excitement.

Everyone stood up and chanted Rexxar's name to express their admiration for this master.

Contrary to the excitement of the audience, the contestants all showed constipation-like expressions. Although some of them have not challenged the traps set by Lexa, they have still seen the relevant film and television materials.

Regarding the other party's trap, they just want to say:

‘I’ll take your sister! ’

Ahem, civilization, everyone should be civilized.

Half of the traps in each speeding race will be laid by the Menethil family, while the other half will be designed by lucky spectators drawn at random.

On the one hand, this increases audience engagement.

On the other hand, it can also reduce the cost of preparing for the competition.

You know, it is not an easy task to design a trap that is full of tricks and difficult to crack.

In addition, if any lucky spectator sets up an ingenious trap, the Menethil family can also spend money to buy the other party's creativity and enrich their own trap library. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

But the lucky audience is mostly amateurs. To be honest, the traps set by these people are basically not very difficult.

The reason why the word "basic" is used is because when the base is large enough, one or two special cases will always appear.

Baltar Rexxar is a special case among special cases, a genius among geniuses!

The trap that Lexa laid out at the beginning blocked the players in that game for a whole month! Among them was a tough player who, after crashing ten speeding cars, was finally carried to the Magic Hospital for Injuries and Injuries...

It is said that it took the player a whole year to finally adjust his mentality and be able to return to the competition and make money to pay off his debts...

(Speed ​​cars are very expensive, especially professionally modified racing cars.)

In fact, the very memorable trap was not cracked by the players until the end. Instead, the material used to set up the trap reached its limit, causing the trap to collapse and disintegrate.

After that game, the Menethil family immediately spent a lot of money to hire Rexxar as the chief trap designer for the speeding game. Under the leadership of Master Rexxar, the number of traps in the Menethil family not only increased dramatically, but the overall difficulty coefficient of the traps also increased by 30%.

It's really gratifying, Coca-Cola...

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why the speed racing game has become popular all over the world in just a few years, reaching a level of popularity that is not inferior to that of Quidditch, can be said to be Master Rexxar's greatest contribution.

“The remaining 100 traps are still set by our lucky viewers.

However, I think everyone should know that, unlike usual competitions, in order to ensure the enjoyment of this competition, the lucky spectators this time are not randomly selected, but chosen by our dear Menethil family. , it took a lot of effort and several months to carefully select from many submissions, guaranteed to be exciting! "

By the way, I don’t know how much money William paid this host? The other person kept saying 'dear', which made Bell's skin crawl.

"Third point, during the game, unless you encounter a major crisis, it is strictly forbidden to use magic spells to attack or block traps!

Similarly, you are not allowed to use magic spells to directly attack other players!

Listen clearly, it’s ‘direct’!

I have already made it so obvious. If you still can’t understand, then you deserve to be tricked.

Finally, the entire track is marked by a magic cursor, and players must travel within the track. Once off the track, you must return from the point of departure before the race can continue.

Every speeding car is tracked and filmed by surveillance cameras. If you secretly violate the rules, the audience will not agree!

Next, please enjoy the track of this competition! "

As soon as the host finished speaking, the four huge screens floating in the air lit up, showing images of the track to everyone.

Of course, these images were recorded in advance, and no traps were laid out at that time. So in the next game, no one knows what the players will encounter.

Yes, no one knows, including William, Bell and other ‘organizers’.

As the saying goes, the unknown is the most attractive.

In order to ensure the charm of the competition and prevent the leakage of competition content, multiple groups will be responsible for laying out the track before each competition, and the content of each other will be kept strictly confidential.

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