The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 687 The unexpected first day

As the organizer of the speed competition, William unceremoniously placed the starting point of this very memorable first world-class speed competition at Cheddar Gorge in the UK.

Starting from Cheddar Gorge, after a surface track, the players need to enter the English Channel, then land in France, circle the European continent, go deep into the Atlantic Ocean, and finally return to the UK.

Looking at the magnificent scenes shown on the screen, the audience even had the feeling that they were not watching a speeding race, but appreciating an epic.

The vast blue sky, the magnificent earth, the mysterious deep sea, and the deep caves, all of these make everyone feel excited and want to explore the mysteries of this world for themselves.

After a 20-minute brief introduction, the screen turned and showed the figures of the contestants.

“Okay, everyone already has a preliminary understanding of the track for this competition.

Next, let us follow the players to experience those thrilling and exciting traps!

The players are all ready now, the game may start at any time, don’t blink!

If your eyes feel dry due to staring wide for a long time, you can try this moon-watching eye drop produced by the Catalana family.

Moon-Watching Eye Drops are effective in just one drop, ensuring your eyes are as bright and moist as the Moon-Watching Beast. "

In the last few minutes before the start of the game, the host did not forget to insert an advertisement. I have to say that he was indeed very professional!

"Okay, now the referee is in place! The referee raised his wand and the countdown started! 3, 2, 1, the game begins~!"

‘Boom boom boom~! ’

The ground was shaking, and many spectators fell back to their seats without being able to stand firm.

Everyone stared blankly at the messy bottom of the canyon not far away.

At this time, after the game officially started, the speeding cars that were supposed to rush out at high speed were lying in pieces next to huge craters one after another, motionless.

As for these speeding cars, they were actually quite lucky. Some of the unlucky ones were directly crushed by meteorites at the bottom of the pit, and they didn't know whether they were still alive.


As a professional host and commentator, Michael was the first to recover from the shock.

He stood up excitedly, looked around, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Are all the dark wizards these days so arrogant? How dare they go to such a grand competition to carry out terrorist attacks? Aren't they afraid of being torn apart by fanatical racing fans?

What! ?

……oh oh……

Ahem, dear viewers, I have just been informed by the staff that the sudden wave of meteorite rain was not an attack by a dark wizard, but the first trap of this competition. Please don't be nervous. "


After hearing the host's explanation, a group of wizards silently put away their wands.

You should have told me earlier! They almost ran away just now!


After he settled down, endless excitement surged into his heart.

"Lexxa~! Lexa~!"

The crowd spontaneously chanted in unison.

There is no need to ask, such a wicked... ahem, such an unexpected trap, it must be the handiwork of Master Rexxar!

Climbing out of the speed car window in disgrace, Zannah shook her dizzy head, then took out her wand and looked around warily.

She really didn't expect that someone would dare to come here to cause trouble?

You know, even if the strict security is excluded, there are about 50,000 wizards in the audience alone!

(Because the track circled the European continent, many European wizards went to the nearest track to wait instead of coming to the UK.)

When she thought of carrying out a terrorist attack in front of so many wizards, Zannah felt... This was really exciting!

She must catch the other person later and have a good exchange of feelings with him.

As the saying goes, when three people are walking together, there must be a teacher. This is what her brother taught her!

However, before Shanna noticed the attacker, she heard the host's commentary coming from afar.

‘Tch~! ’

Pouting her lips in displeasure, the little girl put away her wand and turned around to climb back into the speeding car.

Since these meteorites were not attacks by terrorists, she would continue to compete. You know, her small goal this time is to win the championship!

She must take the championship trophy back and let her brother praise her!

‘! ? Disapparate! ’

As soon as a hand was placed on the roof of the speeding car, Zannah was suddenly startled, and then without hesitation, she disapparated and left the canyon.

‘Boom boom boom~! ’

As soon as Shanna's figure disappeared, all the meteorites on the ground exploded.

The gravel was flying and the dust was flying. It was as if the entire canyon had been plowed through by dense missiles. It was a terrible sight.


Silence, deathly silence, struck the scene again.

The audience stared dumbfoundedly at the messy bottom of the canyon, and were speechless for a moment.

So how much grudge does Master Rexxar have against these players? As for such a 'dead hand'?

But they like it!

"Oh—! Lexa—!"

More intense shouts rang out, and the audience fell into hysterical frenzy.

In this way, amidst the enthusiastic shouts of the audience, the first day of the first world-class speed competition came to an end less than 5 minutes after the start of the competition...

There was no way, although the players all ran away before the meteorite exploded.

After all, as speedsters, they may not be strong, but their reflexes are definitely the best.

But the problem is that in such a short moment, they can run away on their own, which is already very good, and there is no time to take their beloved speeding car with them.

As a result, the poor speedsters at the center of the explosion were all destroyed.

The players don't dare to continue the race with a half-impaired speed car, otherwise, they might be the ones who are half-impaired next time.

(The regulations of the competition require that the replacement of the speeding car must be applied for one day in advance, and the speeding car must be submitted to the competition team for inspection. After all, the competition is about technology, not financial resources. Changing the speeding car all the way and rushing through it is not allowed.)

The first day of competition ended so quickly that no one expected it. But instead of being dissatisfied, everyone was even more looking forward to the next game.

Of course, while the contestants are repairing their speed cars, they can't really let the audience wait. In fact, it is not uncommon for a racing competition to last for several days. The Menethil family has long accumulated rich experience in dealing with this.

The actors who had been prepared for a long time came on stage immediately and presented wonderful singing and dancing performances to everyone. Not only that, a famous reporter quickly rushed backstage. They had to seize the time to interview the players and produce "behind-the-scenes footage."

These are all part of the racing game.

It is precisely because of these that speed racing can capture the 'hearts' of everyone regardless of gender, age or child.

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