The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 688 I would rather break than bend!

The space was slightly distorted, and Shanna's figure appeared quietly in the box.


As soon as she appeared, Zannah puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Originally, she quite liked that guy Lexa. The traps designed by the other party always bring her a lot of fun and inspiration.

But now, looking at the continuous explosions below, she really wanted to give that bad guy Lexa a set of combo punches.

Her beloved Bena number is still down there!

"Don't worry, an explosion of this magnitude cannot damage the Bena."

After rubbing Shanna's little head lovingly, Bell said with a smile.

The purpose of the trap is to block players and delay time, not to kill people or destroy cars. Although the current scene is grand, the power of the explosion does not exceed the defense limit of the speeding car.

Not to mention, the Bena, which Bell has painstakingly improved, cannot be said in other aspects, but its defensive power is definitely better than that of ordinary racing cars.

Therefore, after the explosion is over, all we need to do is pick up the Bena and simply repair it, and it should be fine.

Of course, for safety reasons, Bell would still ask someone to conduct a comprehensive test on the Bena before letting his sister continue to compete.

After all, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

And while Bell was busy comforting his sister, a person in the box had his eyes turned red at this moment.

Ma Jingjing pressed her whole body against the floor-to-ceiling window of the box, staring at the continuous explosions below without blinking.

This is so exciting!

Sure enough, her decision to come to the UK to watch the game live despite her family's objections was a very wise one!

You know, as the legitimate daughter of a traditional sword cultivating family, Ma Jingjing has a heavy burden on her shoulders.

No, as soon as she graduated, her family started busy arranging blind dates for her. After all, there are always a few good boys. If you don’t pay close attention, what will you do if someone else snatches you away?

If you have a quick hand, you will have it, but if you have a slow hand, you will not have it!

And when time is so precious, Ma Jingjing actually wants to go to Europe, and she only leaves for a month. How can her family be relieved?

What if something happens?

However, as a swordsman who would rather bend than bend, Ma Jingjing said, don't talk to her so much, she is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble!

...that's right! she is not!

Ahem, in short, under Ma Jingjing's insistence, in the end, the Ma family still couldn't twist her.

Looking at his daughter's retreating figure, Father Ma shed tears of sadness.

"Why are you crying? My daughter is just going on a trip and not getting married. Isn't that what matters to you?"

The horse mother smiled and patted the horse father on the back.

Why didn't she know when her husband became so sentimental?

"No...I, I want to go too!"

Father Ma looked envious and jealous.

You know, he is also a swordsman and a racing fan!

This is the first world-class speed racing finals! He also wanted to go and watch such a memorable game!

"……Go to hell you!"

Sure enough, the reason why my daughter is like this is all because of this damn ghost!

"I've decided——!"

Suddenly, Ma Jingjing roared, attracting the attention of everyone in the box.

Everyone looked at Ma Jingjing curiously, wondering what happened to this senior Ma? Why is your hair standing on end?

"Uh, Sister Ma, what have you decided?"

Lu Feitian, who was startled by the other party's surprise, asked curiously.

So what other fantastic ideas did the other party have? But don't involve him!

"I-want to be a speedster!"

In fact, Ma Jingjing has had this idea for a long time, but she only showed a hint of this intention before, and she was unanimously opposed by her family.

As a large family with a long heritage, the Ma family's thoughts are relatively conservative. In their opinion, those speedsters just look more prosperous. How can they compare to entering the Monks Alliance to serve in a stable and prosperous position?

With Ma Jingjing's talent, it is not impossible to become an alliance elder in the future. Wouldn't it be much better than driving a speeding car or something?

Of course, Father Ma was not included in this idea.

Father Ma definitely supports his daughter's idea of ​​becoming a speedster.

In fact, if it weren't for the burden of family responsibilities, he would have wanted to become a speedster!

But unfortunately, with Ma Jingjing's grandparents suppressing her, Ma's father could only support his daughter mentally.

It has to be secretly...

"Ah? No, Sister Ma, can your family agree?"

Lu Feitian looked at Ma Jingjing with wide eyes.

This eldest sister really comes up with whatever she wants!

"I don't care! If they don't agree, I...I will run away from home!"

Ma Jingjing said firmly.

Anyway, she has run away from home countless times since she was a child. It can be said that she is well versed in driving and doing business.

It’s just that I used to walk relatively close and couldn’t get out of my house...

But this time, she will definitely go far!

"...Okay, as long as you're happy."

As childhood sweethearts who grew up together, Lu Feitian was not too familiar with Ma Jingjing's temperament.

He knew very well that as long as the other party decided something, even ten bulls could not bring it back. So he simply stopped persuading him. At most, he would help the other party if he couldn't afford to eat in the future.

There was no need to watch the game for the time being. The group of people either stayed in the box to watch the song and dance performances, or ran outside in small groups to play.

Just like the Quidditch World Cup that year, after so many wizards gathered together, many people who were good at doing business quickly spontaneously set up commercial streets and sold all kinds of interesting gadgets.

Those exotic items are full of attraction for everyone in the academy who are going abroad for the first time. If it weren't for the limited funds in their hands, these guys might not have bought everything they saw.

Sitting in the box, Bell was bored and thinking about what to do next.

As soon as the previous explosion subsided, Shanna couldn't wait to drag Felice and Reina, two good sisters she hadn't seen for a long time, and ran out to find her Bena.

And Hermione is...

"Huh? Didn't you go play with your friends?"

Turning to look at his girlfriend who suddenly sat next to him, Bell asked doubtfully.

During this time, Hermione had been busy spending time with her friends. After all, everyone came from afar, and they were unfamiliar with the place and even the language. Of course, Hermione had to fulfill her duty as a landlord and take good care of everyone.

"Sister Huang Quan took them shopping."

Leaning against Bell, Hermione took a deep breath.

She hasn't had close contact with her boyfriend for many days, and now even the familiar scent of him makes her miss him so much.

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