The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 689 Encountering Twins

Putting his arms around Hermione's slender waist, Bell put his cheek on Hermione's hair and rubbed it hard.

Hermione missed his embrace, so why didn't he miss Hermione's warmth? It's just that they can't always show affection in front of their friends. Otherwise, if those singles are stimulated to the point where they can't bear it anymore, then they still have to be annoyed to death by those people?

After a moment of tenderness, Bell and Hermione held hands and left the box.

Walking on the busy road, looking at the densely packed stalls on both sides of the road, at this moment, the noisy environment did not affect the inner peace of the two people at all.

However, in this world, there will never be a shortage of people who don’t understand the charm.

"Hey! Bell, Hermione, long time no see!"

"You two are still so in love!"

"Fortunately Ron isn't here..."

George quickly covered his brother's mouth. He found that, for some reason, the tacit understanding between Fred and himself was getting worse and worse recently.

And what's more, Fred would often sneak out alone at night, and sometimes he wouldn't even come back until the morning.

He asked the other party several times what he was doing at night. But Fred always hesitated, saying that he just couldn't sleep at night and wanted to go out for some fresh air.

Of course he didn't believe this nonsense. Who can breathe through the whole night?

But Fred refused to tell the truth, and there was nothing he could do.

"Ahem, I mean, you two were away a year ago, and I missed to death!"

Feeling Bell's unkind gaze, Fred decisively narrowed the scope of his attack and targeted Bell alone.

As he said that, he stepped forward and hugged Bell warmly, as if he really missed Bell.

In fact, strictly speaking, the relationship between the twins and Bell is really not bad. Although both Percy and Ron hate Belle, this does not have any impact on the twins.

After all, Percy and Ron didn't really like the look of them either.

And the most important thing is that the twins and Shanna have a very good relationship, and the two parties often exchange various experiences.

Geniuses are always lonely.

As well-known pranksters at Hogwarts, the twins often lament that they have no successors!

When they think about how boring Hogwarts will become after they graduate, they often have trouble sleeping. As a result, they have to get up in the middle of the night and cherish every second to burn themselves.

Until they stepped into Shanna's trap...

‘WTF! ? ’

The twins, who have focused on pranking for more than ten years, have been imitated and never surpassed. They can no longer remember the last time they were pranked.

Maybe it never happened?

Feeling that their 'throne' was threatened, the twins decisively started a fight with Shanna, and then the two sides became acquainted and shook hands to make peace.

Finally, the twins who have inherited someone no longer have to get up every night to shine.

Mainly because I'm afraid of stepping into Shanna's trap...

Unlike the twins' traps that were purely mischievous, Shanna's traps were often actually destructive. Although they were not very powerful, they were still very painful when hit.

"By the way, when did you come back?"

"How's it going over there? Is it fun?"


"Prank props..."

"Girls from the academy..."


George's eyes twitched and he looked at his good brother.

So what the hell are girls? Can there be some tacit understanding?

Fred looked away awkwardly, not daring to look into his best brother's eyes.

Slip of the tongue! It was really just a slip of the tongue!

"Haha, what are you two doing here? You must have graduated, right?"

After chuckling twice, Bell kindly helped the two of them change the topic.

To be honest, he really felt a little nostalgic after seeing his classmates from Hogwarts again after a year.

"No, that's right! We have graduated!"

Fred spoke first, trying to make up for his previous mistake.

"We have a joke shop now, right in Diagon Alley."

Thanks to the emergence of Magic Network, the twins accumulated a lot of capital by opening an online store before they graduated. Although they were tricked a lot by Ludo Bagman, it was enough for them to rent a small store in a remote location in Diagon Alley.

"And today we are here to sell our products. What do you think, Bell and Hermione, would you like to see our masterpiece? It's guaranteed to be interesting!"

George picked up a flying car model from the stall and handed it to Bell and the others.

This is a prank product they specially developed in order to cope with this speeding competition.

This flying car model looks like a model, but in fact, it is indeed a model...

‘Pfft~! ’

A familiar sound sounded, and the foul-smelling light yellow smoke sprayed out from the magic jet at the rear of the speeding car.

Speaking of which, the twins learned how to make this stinky smell from Shanna. It's just that the two of them have limited potion skills, and they can't make that kind of super strong 'perfume' that stinks in the wind.

And it’s not necessary.

In addition, the twins specially added a dyeing function to the gas based on the characteristics of this odor that can penetrate into the skin. Once this light yellow odor is sprayed on the face, not only will the stink last for an hour, but even the head and face will be dyed shit yellow.

"Ouch! shit!"

Angry roars sounded, but the expectant expressions on the twins' faces were completely frozen.

It can be said that it is the twins' dream to play tricks on Belle once. Although they didn't think they would be successful this time, they still had some hope in their hearts.

Who would have thought that after the stench came out, Bell and Hermione suddenly disappeared for some reason. The next thing that appeared in front of the twins was their father's shit-yellow face.

"You two! How many times have I told you not to make these messy toys anymore, but you just refuse to listen!"

After learning that his twin sons were setting up a stall here, Arthur decided to come and have a look. One is to cheer up his sons, and the other is to prevent these two boys from causing any trouble. He still has a good idea of ​​the twins' trouble-making abilities.

From a distance, he noticed Bell's figure, so he walked over quickly, intending to say hello to Bell.

As a result, Bell suddenly disappeared for some reason, and before he could react what happened, a cloud of stench hit his face.

“Clean up!

Ugh~! Why does it still stink so much! What the hell is this! "

He tapped his body with the wand, but then Arthur discovered that his spell had no effect.

"Well, Dad, the cleaning spell cannot eliminate this smell. In fact, there is currently no good way to remove this smell. We can only wait for an hour for the smell to dissipate automatically."

George suppressed a smile and taught his father about their proud works.

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