The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 690 Temporarily ranked first

"What? An hour!?"

Arthur's vision went dark, and he almost fainted and lay on the ground.

He simply couldn't imagine that he would have to carry this stench for an entire hour. If an acquaintance ran into him, how could he have the nerve to go out in the future?

At this time, Arthur had not noticed the change in his 'face'. When he found out that his entire head, even the red hair that symbolized his family lineage, had turned shit yellow, he didn't know if he would be so angry that he wanted to kill his relatives out of justice?

"Bell, wouldn't this be good?"

Hermione asked hesitantly when she heard the roar coming from behind her.

To be honest, she didn't agree with Bell's approach that would bring disaster to the fish in the pond. Or to put it more bluntly, she actually... really wanted to see Bell's embarrassment after being successfully pranked!

"It's okay, don't look at Mr. Arthur looking so angry, but in fact the more this happens, the better the relationship between father and son will be... probably."

Bell, who had no idea that his girlfriend had secretly defected to the enemy, explained seriously.

And originally, it is very reasonable for the father to take the blame for the sons.

"Okay, it's rare to go shopping together, so let's focus on the real thing. Look at the grilled fish over there, it looks very delicious. How about we go buy one and try it?"

Bell pointed to a stall not far away and said.

Waves of attractive aroma were wafting out from the stall, and many people were attracted by the aroma.

Hermione rolled her eyes at her boyfriend in displeasure. Only Bell was out shopping with his girlfriend and thinking about eating.

"No, I used to eat grilled fish every day, but now I don't want to eat fish, nor do I want to eat barbecue. Let's find something vegetarian, okay?"

Hermione said coquettishly.

When I participated in the Four Academy Competition, during the month of the first game, I spent most of the time eating barbecue. During the half month of the second game, I kept eating grilled fish.

Now that she saw that the grilled fish didn't spit out, it was all thanks to the barbecue ingredients prepared by the house elves. It was so delicious that you won't get tired of eating it.

Otherwise, she might never want to eat fish again in her life.

"Okay, then let's move forward."

Swallowing the saliva in his mouth, Bell reluctantly took one last look at the tempting grilled fish on the grill, and forced himself to look away.

As a staunch carnivore, he has always been fond of meat. Not to mention just eating barbecue for more than a month, even if he eats it for more than a year, he will never get tired of it!

Of course, it still needs to be eaten with other foods, especially cola, which is the soul of barbecue!

But since Hermione wanted to eat some vegetarian food now, there was certainly no reason for him to be dissatisfied.

After looking around, Bell found that there was no food that met Hermione's requirements at the nearby stalls, so he decisively pulled Hermione and strode forward.

Speaking of which, it's almost noon now, so it's time to think about lunch.

After playing until the lights started to go up, Bell and Hermione, who were still not satisfied, returned to the box.

Of course, it was impossible for the two of them to eat all the time for more than half a day. In fact, while shopping, Bell picked out a lot of beautiful and fun gadgets for Hermione.

Similarly, Hermione also bought a lot of things and gave them to Bell as gifts.

These things are not expensive, not even worth 3 Galleons when put together. After all, this is just a temporary commercial street, not a big shopping mall, and the prices of goods are generally very low. Even though there are some expensive products, Bell and Hermione will not buy those flashy things.

But as the saying goes, sending goose feathers thousands of miles away is more about affection than courtesy. The gift given by the lover they cherish, even if it is just a pebble on the roadside, in the eyes of two people, it is a priceless treasure in the world.

"Hey! Are you two finally willing to come back? I thought you were looking for a place to spend the night."

Seeing Bell and Hermione pushing the door open, Hermione's friend Li Wenshu immediately started teasing.

This made Hermione blush successfully. Even though she and Bell were already an 'old married couple', she still felt very embarrassed when her good friend teased her like this.

After giving Bell a shy look, Hermione pounced on her friends and started fooling around with them.

"By the way, what's going on now? Wow! Senior Sister Ma, what's wrong with you?"

Bell looked at Ma Jingjing in shock. At this time, the opponent's eyes were so red that he could hardly distinguish his pupils. If Zhang Xu and Lu Feitian weren't still alive, he would have really thought that the opponent was going berserk.

"What's wrong with me? I'm fine!"

While speaking, Ma Jingjing's eyes were still staring at the screen in mid-air without blinking.

"What else can I do? I kept staring at the screen and couldn't bear to blink, and then it became like this."

Lu Feitian said helplessly.

"Uh...Senior Ma, how about you try this bottle of Wangyue brand eye drops?"

Bell took out a small transparent medicine bottle from his pocket and handed it to Ma Jingjing.

The eye drops produced by Lena's family are indeed very useful. Of course, it's impossible to really become as bright and moist as Moonmon's eyes.

After Ma Jingjing took the eye drops, Bell also looked at the screen in the air. At this time, the screen was completely dark, with only the light emitted by the speeding car illuminating a small nearby area.

"There are really some people who are not afraid of death. Where are they?"

You know, the impact of the first wave of meteorites and explosions was not small at all. Even Shanna's Bena number is still undergoing inspection.

Although the little girl was anxious, she would still carry out her brother's instructions with quality and quantity. So Shanna is still guarding her beloved little speed car in the maintenance center.

Bell didn't believe that the flying car currently flying at high speed on the screen could surpass the Bena in terms of safety performance. The opponent must have been lucky enough to return to the field so quickly and did not conduct a comprehensive inspection of the speeding car.

"Just landed in France."

Lu Liang came over and joined the conversation.

"Oh!? Who is this player? He is very skilled!"

It is not an easy task to cross the English Channel and land on the European continent in such a short time. No wonder the other party has the courage to take risks.

Before Lu Liang could speak again, the host's explanation came from outside, answering Bell's question.

"Look! The one currently in first place is Dolon from Jamaica!

Just now, Doron successfully passed through many traps in the English Channel and entered the track on the European continent.

I believe no one expected that the initial part of this track would be underground.

Now you can see that the light underground is very bad. In this case, players usually choose to reduce their speed to increase their fault tolerance. But according to calculations, the Duolong player did not reduce his speed. Is he really so confident in his skills?

oh! what is that! No! Player Doron, Player Doron was eaten! "

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