The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 691 Lucky Audience

Time goes back a few seconds.

After following the guidance of the magic mark and entering the cave from the sea, Duolong actually wanted to slow down the car.

Although he is confident in his ability to control a speeding car, it does not mean that he will be arrogant. You know, although he is temporarily ranked first, this is not entirely a good thing.

First, it means that everything ahead is full of unknowns. He must be careful and cautious, cautious and cautious, otherwise he may be trapped in a trap if he is careless. By that time, let alone being number one, it is not impossible to fall to the bottom in one breath.

However, the facts have once again proved that luck is not allowed.

The brakes failed!

As soon as he stepped on it, Doron found that the speeding car did not slow down as he expected.

While he was shocked, Duolong also felt very lucky. Fortunately, there was no problem with his flying car when he avoided the trap before. But now, he has enough time to solve the problem.

Since the braking system of the speeding car failed, Duolong could only choose to slow down manually. Fortunately, the magic power in the energy storage was injected by him personally, so there would be no obstacles in controlling it. As long as he is given another second, he can control the magic power in the speeding car to return to the energy storage, thereby reducing the speed.

However, just this second of delay caused him to embark on a 'path of no return'. Looking at the huge mouth that seemed to lead to the bottomless abyss in front of him, Doron closed his eyes in despair.

"Niangxi p..."

"Viewers, please forgive my ignorance. But when I took the Care of Magical Creatures class at the magic school, I really had never heard of this magical animal!

Is that really a magical animal? Wasn't it transformed by transfiguration?

Good news, the organizer has just sent me detailed information about that magical animal. I have to say that the Menethil family handles things safely!

The Menethil family, your most caring friends, are always worthy of your trust!

I believe that many viewers, like me, are very curious about that terrifying creature.

Don't hide it, the blank expression on your face has already given you away. Everyone is a scumbag, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Closer to home, that magical animal is called the ‘Throat of the Abyss’.

I have to say, this name is so appropriate. I just seemed to have really seen the abyss.

What? Is the Maw of the Abyss the most powerful magical creature on the surface?

Oh, buy it! Isn't the most powerful magical creature on the surface a fire dragon?

Let me take a look again. According to the data, even the strongest species of fire dragon cannot last more than a few rounds if it confronts the Throat of the Abyss head-on! ?

This is really shocking. It’s really a matter of learning.

By the way... Player Dolon is probably still alive, right?

But why have I never heard of such a powerful magical creature? I believe many viewers have the same doubts as me, but don’t worry, there are introductions below.

The Maw of the Abyss is an underground creature that hates light. In fact, most of the Maw of the Abyss will never come out of the ground or even come close to the surface throughout their lives, so they are very difficult to encounter.

I see!

oh? There is one last paragraph here.

The Maw of the Abyss defecates every seven days?

Poor Doron player. I hope this Throat of the Abyss has not just used the toilet, otherwise by the time the Dolon player is pulled out, the game may not be over. "

The host's impassioned explanation once again made the audience burst into cheers.

They don't care whether that Duolong will turn into excrement, they just know that just for this first day of competition, they have come all the way to England in vain!

With Duolong's lessons learned, the other contestants who were seduced decisively drove off the track and sent their speeding cars back to the maintenance center for inspection.

They were not those spectators. As professionals, they could all see that Doron had a chance to avoid being swallowed by the Throat of the Abyss in the end.

After all, although the attack of the Throat of the Abyss was unexpected, the attack speed was actually not very fast.

But the result was that Doron, as if rushing to reincarnate, plunged into the mouth of the Throat of the Abyss. If there was something wrong with the flying car, they didn't believe it anyway.

Seeing that the contestants had withdrawn, the audience also left in groups. It was already dark now, and the song and dance performance prepared by the Menethil family was not 24 hours a day, so there was no point in staying here any longer.

Go back and have a good rest and recharge your batteries. I believe tomorrow’s game will be even more exciting.

Although it is visible to the naked eye, many people will probably be too excited to sleep tonight...

At 8 o'clock in the morning the next day, as if it was agreed upon, all the players returned to the track together and "officially" started the competition.

Of course, this also includes a special guest.

Shanna, who had endured it all night, was now liberated. Not to mention how anxious she was when she learned that some cunning guys had actually 'escaped'.

As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, Shanna suddenly...

"Contestant No. 101 Zannah Menethil! Please return to the starting point immediately! You are speeding!"


Amid the referee's roar, Shanna pouted and drove the speed car back with a dissatisfied look on her face. She was so excited that she forgot about the speed limit.

"Remember, you are not allowed to speed again. Once you exceed the speed limit three times, you must stay for an hour before you can start again!"

"I know, I know!"

Shanna waved her hand impatiently, signaling the referee to get out of the way. Then, he kicked the accelerator again and rushed out, but this time the speed was much slower.

After spending nearly an hour, Shanna passed through the ground thorn trap, the magnetic field trap and the locust trap, and finally saw the sea from a distance.

It has to be said that although Shanna's control of speeding cars is average, her reaction ability is better than other players.

Therefore, after passing three traps that were not difficult, Shanna simply surpassed the others and was temporarily at the forefront of the team.

Suddenly, Shanna spotted a familiar figure on the beach.

"Sister Huangquan~! Why are you here~!"

Poking her head out of the car window, Shanna waved hello to Huang Quan.

"Because I am a lucky spectator."

Huang Quan replied with a smile.

She was supposed to stay here yesterday, but because she had to take Hermione's friends shopping, mainly with Kagura, she ran away.

"Huh? Is that so?"

This is really the first time Shanna has heard about this. Before, she had been looking forward to the start of the game all day long and had not paid attention to other things.

"Then what's the trap here? Let me see!"

Shanna said excitedly.

She was really curious about what kind of trap Sister Huang Quan would set.

"It's me."

Huang Quan smiled and raised the [Lion King] in his hand.

"Okay, go over there quickly, the people behind are about to catch up. Don't worry, I will help you stop them for a while."

"Really!? Thank you, Sister Huang Quan!

But don’t block it for too long, otherwise it won’t be challenging and fun. "

"Okay, I understand, how about 5 minutes?"

With a thumbs up, Shanna set sail again, driving her beloved little speeder towards the sea.

She is the champion~!

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