The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 692 Professional Explanation

Speaking of which, whether Huang Quan will be the lucky spectator was arranged by Bell. At that time, he was instructing his family to find a way to arrange Shanna into this competition. Huang Quan happened to be passing by, so he casually asked if the other party was interested in participating in the competition.

Originally, Bell really just asked casually. After all, Huang Quan, as everyone knows, apart from being able to chop with a knife, he only knows a few basic functional spells in onmyoji, let alone setting traps and so on.

This professionalism is inappropriate.

As a result, I didn't expect that after Huang Quan pondered for a while, he didn't know if he was resting in silence? He actually agreed.

After learning what Huang Quan planned to do, Bell couldn't help but observe two seconds of silence for the players.

Hopefully they won't be missing arms or legs.

"Hello everyone, I am your dear Michael!

After a night's rest, I have regained my strength and can give you wonderful explanations!

What? You said it's almost 10 o'clock now?

Ahem, doesn't this just prove how hard I worked on my explanation yesterday?

Okay, the joke ends here, let’s take a look at the situation of the players in the arena.

First of all, those in the first sequence are the ‘stupid birds’ who flew first yesterday.

Being able to return to the field at the same time as other players, it seems that their technical staff must have been up all night. I don’t know if there is overtime pay?

At this point, I have to mention that when it comes to ethical companies, the Menethil family must be the first.

The Menethil family business promises never to work overtime! In case of special circumstances, not even a copper nut will be missing! When looking for a job, the Menethil family is your first choice!

Closer to home, we can see that the first-tier players have successfully approached France.

Sure enough, after obtaining detailed information, the difficulty of passing through the trap is oh——! what happened! Player Cizer was sucked into the whirlpool that suddenly formed! He used magic spray to get out of the whirlpool!

Unfortunately, he failed.

It seems that even if someone has walked through it once, there is still no room for carelessness.

Except for the Cizer player, the other players did not encounter any surprises. They were about to enter the underground track. I wonder if someone will keep the poor Dolon player company later?

Okay, let's take a look at the players in the second tier.

oh! What did I see!

The person at the front of the second echelon is actually our lovely special guest, the little princess of the Menethil family?

Could it be said that the little princess is not here to bring warmth to the players? Or is it that these players are so exhausted that they can't even catch the free gold Galleons?

If I had known this, I would have signed up for this competition.

etc! How is this going? How could someone run into the track?

What about the staff? staff member! Take that woman away quickly! Otherwise, if you are hit by a speeding car later, you may not be able to fight!

What? oh oh……

I have just been notified that the young woman is one of the lucky spectators of this competition and she is there to... act as a trap! ?

What the hell is this?

Well, I have to say that studying hard is still very important. In just over a day, I have been fooled twice.

But it doesn’t matter, I am not alone, because of you, my dear audience friends, so I don’t feel inferior at all! "


The whole audience burst into boos, and the audience refused to admit that they were also bad students.

Although they are indeed...

“What a warm response!

Okay, let's turn our attention back to the track again.

The little princess of the Menethil family has approached the beautiful lucky spectator, and it seems that we will soon see the other party's trap.

oh? what happened? The little princess actually stopped?

As expected of one of the descendants of the Menethil family, this calm and unhurried determination is really like a general!

We can see that after a short conversation, the little princess set off again, she passed the lucky audience, she flew to the sea, she entered the bottom of the sea...

So what exactly is this trap? Why didn't I understand it?

Could it be that this beautiful girl with an oriental face actually has the blood of the Sphinx in her body and can force the other party to stop and answer her riddle?

This is such a vast world with all kinds of wonders!

Other contestants in the second echelon have also arrived at the beach. Whether this girl really has the magical blood of the Sphinx in her body will be revealed soon!

oh! What did I see again!

By the way, have I been surprised too many times during this period?

Putting this little thing aside for now, you can see that the beautiful oriental girl rushed towards the speeding car!

Isn't she afraid of being hit? ?

But having said that, this girl flies really fast, at least much faster than me.

With such skillful flying skills, I wonder if this girl is interested in participating in the Quidditch game? I can introduce her to her. Our Scottish national team lacks such beautiful and skilled female players. "


The boos started again.

The whole universe knows that the Scottish national team is a hot chick!

Winning the World Cup championship is also a hot chicken!

So such a good girl should join their England national team!

Huang Quan at this time, of course, had no idea that Quidditch fans from the Scottish national team and the English national team were about to start a fight over her.

Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care. She didn't want to be a professional Quidditch player.

With a 'dong' sound, Huang Quan landed on the front cover of a flying car.

"F! You want to die!"

Federico roared.

Suddenly seeing a man rushing in front of his car, Federico was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He was just here to compete, and he didn't want to risk a life for no apparent reason.

"Huh? Girl, you're very nice! Do you want to come sit in my car for a while and let's have a good chat?"

The next second, after seeing Huang Quan's face clearly, Federico felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him on a hot summer day, and all his anger disappeared in an instant.

What followed was an even more intense desire.

As an excellent speedster, Federico can be said to have countless women by virtue of his fame. But he swore that he had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life!

The other party's pure and beautiful face, the curvy figure, and the heroic temperament were all like deadly poison, deeply attracting him.

He can guarantee that if he can get such a beauty, he will become the prodigal son who returns and will never touch another woman again!


Of course, even though Federico was obsessed with sperm, he still understood the situation. When he invited Huang Quan to come into the car, he really just wanted to exchange feelings with the other party, and at most he would use his hands and feet. As for further communication, we can wait until we have a rest at night.

It seems that in this competition, he is destined to 'risk his life'.

Frowning, Huang Quan glanced at the person in front of him with disgust.

She hated the look in his eyes.

There was only one person in the world who could look at her like this. And that person is not the guy in front of him.

When she saw that the other party twisted her hips in disgust, a ray of red light appeared in Huang Quan's eyes, and she slowly took out the [Lion King] in her hand.

‘Brush~! ’

The sword flashed, and Huang Quan appeared behind the speeding car at some point.

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