At night, the cool night wind dispelled the summer heat, but it could not dispel the irritability in Harry's heart.

The street lights overhead made a beeping sound due to poor contact, and the flashing lights made people feel quite uncomfortable.

Kicking away the pebbles in the middle of the road, Harry reluctantly walked towards his 'home' with the soy sauce bottle in his hand.

He really wanted to watch the previous speed racing. It's not that he likes flying cars very much. In fact, he still prefers his Firebolt to flying cars.

Mainly, he could take advantage of watching the game and stay away from the Dursleys' home. That's what he really wants.

Unfortunately, this time, Ron's father only received votes from four people.

(Ron’s five brothers have all graduated, so the Ministry of Magic does not count them in the employee benefits list.)

Harry was too embarrassed to take the place of Ron's family, so he shamelessly went to watch the game.

It was not that Harry had never thought about buying the tickets himself, but unfortunately, minors had to be purchased by their parents on their behalf, and his birthday was still a few days away when the tickets were sold.

‘Oh, shit! ’

As for asking my uncle and aunt for help?


He doesn't have a fever.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't have that many galleons.

Before graduating from Hogwarts, he did not have free control over the property left to him by his parents. For example, he didn't worry about spending money on daily snacks, but the price of tickets for the speed racing competition was not comparable to those snacks.

"Oh~! Why hasn't school started yet?"

With a sigh, Harry dragged his heavy steps and reluctantly picked up some speed. He couldn't go back too late, or the Dursleys would have another reason to sneer at him.

Although it’s not much better when there’s no reason…

"Haha, I'm very happy to hear that students love learning so much."

Suddenly, a voice of Harry thinking day and night came from the dark alley beside him. Along with the heavy footsteps, a familiar figure appeared in front of Harry for the first time in a long time.

"Professor Dumbledore! Why are you here? Are you planning to return to Hogwarts to be the principal again?"

Harry asked with surprise and expectation in his eyes.

God knows how he survived the previous school year. If the Dursleys hadn't been really competitive and had Ron and Neville by their side, he might have wanted to drop out of school.

This is really in line with the saying, 'Which is the lesser of two powers that harm each other' is better than worse!

"Unfortunately, it's not the case. I came here specifically to find you today. Come here, kid, I'll take you to a place."

Dumbledore said kindly.

However, the content of his words quickly dimmed the light in Harry's eyes.

"But Professor, I still have to send the soy sauce back."

As he spoke, Harry raised the soy sauce bottle in his hand.

That's right, he came out to make soy sauce.

"Haha, don't worry, kid. Before I came to look for you, I already said hello to your uncle and aunt and obtained their consent."

Slowly walking up to Harry, Dumbledore put a hand on Harry's shoulder without giving Harry another chance to speak.

The space was slightly distorted, and the two of them disappeared into the night, and the street lamp above their heads that had been extinguished at some point also lit up again.


Bent over and retching, Harry tightly grasped Dumbledore's robes with one hand to barely prevent himself from falling.

Speaking of which, this was his first time traveling as a phantom. Although I have had the experience of using the Portkey twice before, the feeling of traveling with a phantom is completely different. If there is any similarity between the two, it is that they both make people not want to experience it a second time.

"Here you are, Dumbledore. And Harry, long time no see."

There was another familiar voice, and Harry suddenly realized that he seemed to know quite a few people?

Taking a deep breath, Harry managed to stand upright.

"Long time no see, Mr. Arthur, it's nice to see you. By the way, where is this place? Are you at a party?"

Harry looked around suspiciously. He discovered that besides Ron's father Arthur, there were several other people here.

Among them were Professor McGonagall, whom he was familiar with, Professor Moody and Professor Lupin, who had previously served as Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, and the last middle-aged male wizard he did not know.

Speaking of which, these people were gathering together, why did they bring him here? He didn't think he would have anything in common with these adults.

"Don't worry, kid, you will know soon. First, let me introduce you. I think you should know these people, and this one is Kingsley Shacklebolt. An Auror from the Ministry of Magic."

Dumbledore introduced.


Harry looked at Shacklebolt in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this ordinary-looking wizard would turn out to be a famous Auror!

Harry always wanted to be an Auror. In his opinion, Aurors are the most powerful wizards, even more powerful than the professors at Hogwarts.

Except, of course, Professor Dumbledore.

‘Boom~! ’

The sound of a wooden stick hitting the ground was heard, and then Moody's hoarse voice echoed in the room.

"Albus, are you really confused? Or has the curse invaded your brain and confused your thinking?

Harry was just a student, and even among all the students at Hogwarts, he was far from outstanding.

Now, you actually want to give him such an important task?

With all due respect, you might as well leave it to that brat from the Menethil family! "

As an Auror who has dealt with dark wizards all his life, Moody doesn't really believe in prophecies.

In contrast, he trusts his own intuition and judgment more.

If the current Aurors were as alert as he was, instead of treating his behavior as crazy, Barty Crouch Jr. would never have been able to pretend to be him, or even sneak into Hogg. Watts went undiscovered for so long.

“Of course, Mr. Menethil is a very good wizard, beyond imagination.

But some things cannot be accomplished with strength alone.

Trust me, Alastor, only Harry can truly defeat Voldemort. "

Dumbledore said slowly.

Although the people here are his most trusted friends, there are some things that he still doesn't want to tell others.

Because he had witnessed many prophecies made by Gellert, Dumbledore had always believed in the power of prophecies. He firmly believed that under his arrangement, as long as Harry grew up smoothly, he would be able to kill Voldemort completely.

Therefore, he wanted to eliminate any possibility of accidents, especially after he could no longer keep an eye on Harry.

As for Bell, in Dumbledore's mind, that was actually an insurance policy.

If Harry finally loses to Voldemort, then with Bell's existence, there must be someone who can contain Voldemort.

And as long as there is enough time to grow, Voldemort will definitely not be Bell's opponent.

As for whether Bell will become the third generation Dark Lord, to be honest, he does have this worry.

But there was no way. The reality was that he had no time and was too tired.

Presumably, Gellert must be very tired...

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