The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 700 The end of an era also symbolizes the beginning of a new era

Chapter 700 The end of an era also symbolizes the beginning of a new era

"Albus, is there really, really no way out? We can go to Greece to find Karam. It is said that he is very good at lifting curses. If not, we can also..."

"Minerva, thank you, but I know my situation well and it's useless."

Harry looked at this and that curiously, and only now did he realize that except for Professor Moody, the faces of several others had more or less sad looks on their faces.

Inexplicably, a bad premonition hit Harry's heart. He felt that he might hear some very bad news later.

"Okay, time is limited, let's get to the point quickly.

Harry, and several of you here, are members of the Order of the Phoenix.

As for the Order of the Phoenix, you can understand it as an organization established to fight against Death Eaters.

I think you should know that Voldemort is not completely dead. Through investigations over the years, I have found out that Voldemort escaped the fate of death by making Horcruxes.

As for what a Horcrux is, you can ask Arthur or Minerva later.

According to my speculation, Voldemort should have created 7 Horcruxes. Two of them have been destroyed, and five remain.

Of course, this is just my speculation. You still need to explore it yourself next time.

The burden of defeating Voldemort rests with you, Harry. Those present will help you, and they can all be trusted.

Oh, yes, and Severus. "

After patting Harry on the shoulder, Dumbledore's expression was very complicated.

Ever since he accidentally fell into Voldemort's trap and died soon after, he has been trying hard to detect the location of the Horcruxes for the past year.

But I don’t know if Voldemort hid the Horcrux too well, or if he was just too unlucky?

In short, he only found out the location of one Horcrux, but it turned out that the Horcrux was still a fake and had been transferred by someone long ago.

It seems that perhaps only Harry, the 'Son of Prophecy', can find the location of the other Horcruxes through the induction of the same Horcruxes.

Yes, Dumbledore knew that Harry was a Horcrux too.

Back when Bell gave him Tom Riddle's diary and asked him to figure out the identity of the curse used by Voldemort, he discovered that Harry was also a Horcrux.

Perhaps even Voldemort himself was not aware of this, otherwise he would not have wanted to kill Harry after his resurrection.

Originally, if all of Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes could be destroyed within this year, Dumbledore planned to take Harry with him to sleep. Although I feel very sorry for Harry, sometimes sacrifice is inevitable.

However, now, he had to once again lament the power of prophecy and put the task of monitoring Harry into Arthur's hands.

"But professor, what about you?"

As we all know, the only person Voldemort fears is Professor Dumbledore.

It's not that Harry looked down on the other people, but if Professor Dumbledore wasn't around, he would always feel unsure.

"Me? I've lived long enough, it's time for me to have a good sleep."

Dumbledore said with a smile. However, the content of his words made Harry stunned for a moment, and he suspected that he was dreaming.

Late at night, outside the castle of the Menethil family.

Bell stood alone on the grass, looking up at the starry sky above his head, with mixed feelings in his heart that he couldn't describe.

‘Brush~! ’

A ray of darkness cut through the night sky and appeared behind Bell in an instant.

"what happens?"

Looking at Bell's motionless figure, Huang Quan glanced around and asked with a frown.

Through the connection with the shikigami contract, she had discovered that Bell suddenly ran outside the castle's defensive barrier.

She didn't care about it at the time.

Maybe some inspiration suddenly came to Bell's mind, so he ran out to experiment. In fact, although it doesn't happen often, it has happened a few times before.

But in the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. Not only did Bell stay outside and never come back, but there was no sign of testing the spell outside, which made Huang Quan worried.

Although she was very confident in Bell's strength, Bell had once said personally that there were wizards stronger than him in the UK.

So, Huang Quan quickly got up, got dressed, and ran out to check the situation.

"Nothing. Sorry for making you worry."

Taking a deep breath, Bell turned around and spoke softly.

He didn't expect Huang Quan to be so alert. He just stayed here for a while, but the other party also ran out.

At this time, Bell didn't even know that he had been standing still for half an hour. In his senses, only three to five minutes had passed.

"That wand isn't yours, is it?"

He frowned and glanced at the wand held in Bell's hand. In Huang Quan's impression, Bell's wand should be black, while this wand is pale.

And most importantly, she felt threatened by the wand. This was the first time she felt a dangerous aura from the wand.

You know, the wand itself is not dangerous. Only when it is held in the hand of a wizard can it cast powerful spells.

Weapons that can bring a sense of threat to people often have a certain spirituality, such as the [Lion King] in her hand.

"This, this is...a gift from an old man."

Looking down at the [Elder Wand] in his hand, Bell's tone was a little complicated.

Dumbledore suddenly came here before and made a deal with him. And this [Elder Wand] was the reward paid to him in advance by the other party.

To be honest, Bell deserves a lot of credit for this wand.

Because although it was said to be a transaction, he actually didn't pay anything. If things really develop to that point in the future, even without tonight's transaction, he will still do what Dumbledore expected.

So he knew that the reason why the other party gave him this wand was actually to give him stronger power.

This time, Bell really didn't know what to say.

Indeed, he has always regarded Dumbledore as his biggest imaginary enemy and was quite wary of him. And he didn't like Dumbledore at all or his behavior.

But what I have to admit is that the old professor really put in a lot of effort in dealing with Voldemort and maintaining peace in the magical world.

Although Bell does not agree with the other party's philosophy, this does not prevent him from paying the highest respect to the other party.

Now, the old professor has left, forever.

Bell didn't know whether he felt more relaxed or more regretful at this moment.

But he knew that tonight, an era would come to an end. Tomorrow, a new era will come.

And this new era will be created by him!

"Let's go, go back, tomorrow will be a new beginning."

Looking up at the starry sky above his head for the last time, Bell seemed to see a shooting star streak across the sky and disappear on the horizon.


Suppressing the doubts in his heart and looking at Bell's back at this moment, Huang Quan always felt that the other person's figure seemed to be much taller and straighter?

It felt like something that had been pressing on Bell's head disappeared. It was as if he suddenly supported something.

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