The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 701 The station was attacked

It’s September 1st again.

In the morning, the group simply packed up and took the speed train to platform nine and three-quarters.

After passing through the wall at the entrance, the bustling platform was once again revealed in front of everyone.

Little Bell and Little Wolf looked at the Hogwarts Express curiously. Although they had seen many speeding cars before, this was their first time seeing such a long 'speeding car'.

After rubbing the heads of the two little guys, Bell motioned them to move forward and not block the passage.

This year, the little wolf will also attend Hogwarts. Although even Xiaolang himself didn't know how old he was, judging from the magic power in the opponent's body, there was no doubt that he was over 11 years old.

Bell, who was too lazy to bother, simply pretended that the little wolf was 11 years old.

And Little Bell, although she is only 9 years old this year, will also go to Hogwarts with Bell and others.

There is no way, currently only Bell has the ability to rely on his exquisite magic control to suppress the Obscurus in the little bell without harming it.

Moreover, after this period of observation and research, Bell discovered that as long as the little bell remained in a happy state, the growth rate of Obscurus in its body would slow down. Coupled with Bell's help in suppressing it, the magic power can grow faster than Obscurus.

This is good news.

This means that as long as the current state continues, in a few years, Xiaoling will be able to suppress or even control Obscurus without relying on external forces and relying solely on its own magic power.

By that time, the little one no longer needs to worry about premature death.


Bell suddenly frowned.

He was just looking for Hermione. Without even thinking about it, he knew that Hermione would definitely come to the station early to wait for him again today.

As a result, before Hermione could be found, Bell discovered some suspicious persons.

Those people seemed to be walking back and forth on the platform casually, but if you observe carefully, you can find that their walking route has always been not far or close to the fireplace.

Moreover, these people's eyes would glance towards the fireplace every few seconds.

These guys...could they be Harry's admirers?

In fact, in the past few years, quite a few wizards have come to Platform Nine and Three Quarters to watch Harry himself. There are wizards from England, France, and all countries.

This may be the trouble with being famous.

After shaking his head, Bell continued to move forward. He had already found Hermione, who was waving to him from the car window.

After waving to indicate that he had seen it, Bell smiled...


A translucent shield emerged on Bell's body, then shattered, and a new armor spell was generated, finally blocking all attacks.

Putting down his hand, Bell looked at the group of suspicious people with a gloomy expression.

Someone actually attacked him on platform nine and three-quarters, and from the power of the spell and the previously motionless earrings, it could be seen that none of these wizards were ordinary.

"Damn! Why is this kid's shield so hard!"

one of the attackers said in surprise.

Originally, they were caught off guard when the target did not appear from the fireplace, but walked in from the station entrance.

Now, the sneak attack that was determined to win did not achieve any results, which made the attackers feel a little shaken.

"Stop talking nonsense! Keep attacking! We have superior numbers..."

Before he could finish giving the order, the wizard who seemed to be the leader flew backwards, rolled on the ground a few times and then became motionless.

Glancing at the [Elder Wand] in his hand, Bell couldn't help but be surprised.

Although he had long known that the [Elder Wand] was much stronger than ordinary wands, he was still amazed by the power of the Elder Wand after using it for the first time. Compared with using his previous wand, when casting spells with the [Elder Wand], the power of his spells increased by nearly 30%.

This is an incredible increase!


"All petrified!"

"Confinement quickly!"

When Bell launched a counterattack, the attackers who had been unable to attack because they were far away and blocked by passers-by also quickly approached.

As soon as they got close, they raised their wands and cast the spell without saying a word.

And unlike the previous sneak attack, this time, their attack targets included everyone in Bell's party, so William and Elena, who were about to cast a spell to counterattack, quickly canceled the spell and went all out to defend.

"Don't kill, leave the ones alive."

Completely contrary to the actions of his parents, Bell not only did not continue to cast spells, but also put away his wand and turned around.

Shanna, who had a spiritual connection with her brother, immediately dodged and came behind her brother, blocking the enemy's attack.

Squatting down, Bell placed one hand on the top of Little Bell's head and rubbed it vigorously. The other hand was gently placed on the little guy's back. The azure magic light lit up in the palm of his hand, making the little guy's body appear. The black energy was suppressed.

"Don't be afraid, big brother is here and won't let you get hurt."

Bell comforted softly.


Looking nervously at the magic light flashing in front of her eyes, after hesitating for a while, Little Bell nodded and relaxed a little.



Just when Bell was busy comforting Little Bell, screams suddenly came from behind. Bell looked back helplessly, and sure enough he saw bewitching blood flowers blooming one after another in the air.

So didn’t he say not to kill anyone?

"Damn! The target's strength exceeds expectations! The wind is so tight! Ah!"

With a 'pop', this 'outstanding bird' also fell under Huang Quan's knife.

In the end, none of the attackers could escape, and they all fell on platform nine and three-quarters.

Of course, Huang Quan did not do all of this alone. Unless the Killing Stone is completely activated, she doesn't have that much power.

Don't forget, the Bell family and the attackers aren't the only ones here. There are also many students and parents here. Although many of these parents are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, there are also some who are courageous and courageous.

After recovering from the initial surprise, many parents spontaneously launched attacks on the group of attackers who were obviously not good people.

The result was that the attackers were drowned in a sea of ​​people. Those who were knocked down by spells such as the sleeping curse and the petrification curse were considered lucky. The worst thing is those guys who were interrupted in the middle of the Apparition cast.

It would be okay if the body parts that had gone to nowhere could be retrieved in a short period of time, but if they could not be retrieved, they would be left with missing arms and legs at best, or left completely cold at worst.

Therefore, if you don't reach a certain level, you really shouldn't cast space spells like Apparition in battle.

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