The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 705 ‘Hostage’


After scolding everyone in the auditorium, Professor McGonagall also curiously observed the little wolf's ears.

As the vice-principal of Hogwarts, of course she already knew the information about the new students by heart. Therefore, she already knew Xiaolang's identity.

To be honest, it would be a lie not to be curious about this kind of ‘wolf boy’ whom I have never heard of. But it's a pity that the first meeting between the two was not friendly. Otherwise, she would really want to touch each other's ears now to see if it was true?

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on the little wolf's head.


The sorting hat couldn't wait to announce the sorting results before it even touched Little Wolf's hair. It just wants to stay away from this dangerous naughty child and doesn't want to stay with him for a second.

Different from usual, this time, after hearing the results announced by the Sorting Hat, the little lions of Gryffindor House did not burst into warm welcome.

You know, werewolves are the second most popular trick used by parents to scare their children who don’t want to sleep (the first one is the mysterious man). Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that young wizards have grown up listening to the terrifying legends of werewolves.

Although I don’t know why the school allows a ‘werewolf’ to enroll, maybe it’s because of the wolfsbane potion developed in the past two years? But no matter what, everyone still has an instinctive fear of the little wolf.

Even some of the freshmen were so frightened that they sat down on the ground. The little guys felt their bladders tightening when they thought that they had been in the same room with a 'werewolf' for so long before waiting for others.

‘Wow! ’

As the wolf cub approached, the nearby lion cubs immediately made a large open space. The seat that was accidentally overturned fell to the ground, making a loud collision and causing chaos in the auditorium.


Professor McGonagall scolded again.

"Mr. Beilang is not a werewolf, and we should not discriminate against werewolves! They are wizards just like us! Now, everyone, sit down!"

Little lions, you look at me and I look at you. Finally, they were frightened by the majesty of Professor McGonagall and returned to their seats honestly.

Everyone looked at Xiaolang nervously, hoping that he would not sit near them. Although Professor McGonagall said that the other party is not a werewolf, no matter how you look at it, this does not look like a good master!

So let others try the water first.

"Little Wolf, come here."

After looking helplessly at her classmates and realizing that no one still welcomed Little Wolf, Hermione had no choice but to ask Little Wolf to come to her.

At this moment, Hermione actually missed the twins from the Weasley family who loved to play pranks. Putting aside each other's annoying temperament, in terms of courage, those two are indeed worthy Gryffindors.

Of course, maybe it can also be called, lest the world not be in chaos?

Seeing his own 'Wolf King''s exclusive 'she-wolf' calling him, the little wolf obediently walked over.

Only then did Bell, who was not far away, completely relax and look away.

None of the people in his family really gave him any peace of mind!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Shanna is the one who reassures him the most?

‘Sure enough, my sister is the best! ’

While Bell was busy sighing, the sorting ceremony was coming to an end. As the last young wizard took his seat amid applause, Snape stood up with a smile on his face.

“It’s nice to see everyone again.

To be honest, I have always been worried that some people will never be able to return to this school because of their recklessness and stupidity. "


Upon hearing Snape's speech, Gryffindor House erupted in uniform boos.

Everyone knows who the other person is.

"Very well, Gryffindor students, you are also very motivated this year.

So, as a reward, twenty points will be deducted from Gryffindor. I hope you can continue your efforts and reach new lows in the new school year! "


Even louder boos erupted. Regarding the deduction of points, the little lions expressed that they were not at all panicked and even wanted to laugh a little.

After the experience of the previous school year, the little lions have completely given up any hope for the Academy Cup.

Anyway, as long as Snape, the old bat, is still serving as the principal, their Gryffindor house will definitely be at the bottom, and it will be at the bottom with a huge score difference. So, does it make any difference whether there are a few more points or a few fewer points?

Rubbish trophies like the Academy Cup have no gold content at all, so as long as they can ensure they get the Quidditch trophy, it's enough.

But with Harry here, the little lions never doubted that their college would lose. As long as Mrs. Hooch can continue to hold the line and not give Snape a chance to blow the whistle...

This led to the fact that at this moment, only Hermione, who had gone to study abroad last school year, was looking at the wall on one side of the auditorium with a distressed look on her face. There, the number of college points that should have been equal, but now the number of red gems has been significantly reduced.

Snape ignored the lawless little lions, mainly because Snape was afraid that the 'old cat lady' next to him would pounce on him and scratch him if points were deducted.

Next, Snape gave a long speech about the school rules and precautions of Hogwarts, and everyone who listened almost fell asleep. I have to say that in this regard, Snape is indeed far from Dumbledore.

"Okay, enough of the old talk, there is one last thing to announce."

"There's more!?"

"Mr. Potter! I should have taught you to keep quiet when I am talking! Ten points from Gryffindor!

If you dare to interrupt again, you can go and deal with the toad for me after dinner! For example, some idiot named 'Lif'! "

As he spoke, Snape waved his wand, and a toad flew out from under the table and floated in front of Snape.

"No~! Leif~!"

Neville stood up in surprise.

He didn't expect that the precious pet he couldn't find after searching for a long time was actually kidnapped by Snape?

It's so despicable!

Under the threat of 'hostage', Harry and Neville reluctantly became honest.

Actually, the main reason was that Harry didn't want to gut the toad.


With an angry glance at Harry's unsatisfactory guy, Snape continued the interrupted topic.

"This academic year, we will welcome two new professors. Now, let us welcome the new professors with applause."

With that said, Snape gestured to the side of the auditorium. A small door there was pushed open, and two beautiful figures came out one after another.


The warm applause was also mixed with exclamations from time to time.

Although everyone disliked Snape (except Slytherin House), everyone still maintained the most basic respect for the new professor.

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