The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 706 Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude

While giving warm applause, everyone was also curious.

Why are there new professors? And there are two of them?

Could it be that Snape finally couldn't stand Professor Trelawney 'cursing' his death all day long, so he decided to change his Divination professor?

This is really, I don’t know whether I should be happy or not...

But then, everyone put aside the entanglements in their minds and clapped even more excitedly. Especially the boys, their palms turned red and they didn't care.

It is true that the two new professors are so beautiful, especially the professor who is wearing a black dress and has an oriental face. Judging from his appearance, he should be about 20 years old?

This can't help but make some little wizards, especially the boys in the sixth and seventh grades, have certain fantasies.

“First of all, I want to introduce to you Professor Atiya Eleonora.

Professor Eleanora will serve as the psychological counseling professor at Hogwarts. She will not be responsible for teaching, but will solve some mental health problems for everyone. If any of you encounter any troubles, you can go to Professor Eleanora to discuss it.

By the way, if it's about me, then you don't have to talk about it. Instead, you should go back to the dormitory and reflect on yourself! "



Secondly, there is Professor Isayama Huangquan.

In view of the spellcasting skills of some students who are comparable to squibs, Hogwarts will open a new practical training class this year. Professor Isayama is the professor of such a course.

Little bastards, don’t blame me for not warning you, but don’t die! "

As he said that, Snape glanced at Huang Quan without leaving any trace.

As soon as he saw this seemingly delicate girl, he felt chills on his neck.

As the principal of Hogwarts, although the Menethil family is the largest shareholder of the board of directors and bears half of Hogwarts' annual expenses, it is impossible to say that Bell will do whatever he asks.

He also wants to save face!

Forget about being a psychological counselor, since there are no classes anyway, just think that the Menethil family is paying to support an idle person.

But for Isayama Yoshizumi to serve as a practical class professor, he would not agree casually.

Indeed, he also agreed with Bell's suggestion of "setting up a practical course to improve students' spellcasting abilities."

However, such an important course has very high requirements for the level of professors. He did not think that the little girl named Isayama Yomi was capable of holding this position.

Bell did not provide any explanation for Snape's question. No matter how much you say, it is better to experience it for yourself.

So, draw your sword...

What happened in less than a second later appeared in Snape's nightmares countless times. The last time he was helplessly defeated by someone was when he faced Dumbledore.

Looking at the blade across his neck, Snape didn't dare to move.

So where did Bell find such a pervert?

Although this was because he underestimated the enemy and was not prepared in advance, even if he was fully prepared, he had no confidence that he could win.

There is no way, the opponent's speed is too fast!

After a "friendly" and "harmonious" discussion, Huang Quan successfully passed the interview and was successfully employed.

Regarding Snape's rare conscience advice, the little wizards went in one ear and out the other, and no one took it seriously.

joke! Who are they?

They were people who had taken Snape's Potions class!

After years of torture, none of them failed in Snape's Potions class. I wonder what course in this world could fail them?

Moreover, practical lessons are not just that.

Although they have not taken any practical lessons, most of them have participated in the dueling club organized by Lockhart.

It’s all trivial~!

While everyone was excitedly discussing the two new professors, no one noticed that the little wolf on the Gryffindor table shrank so hard that even the ears on his head drooped.

The little wolf knows very well that compared to the docile 'she-wolf' beside him, the 'she-wolf' over there who likes to play with knives is the one who must not be messed with!

In the early morning, while walking in the corridors of the castle, Bell took a deep breath and felt completely relaxed.

He hadn't felt this kind of relief in a long time.

When he was in the academy, since there was only one academic year left, he always felt a burning sense of urgency. After returning home during the summer vacation, he was busy helping Shanna modify the flying car, and then he had to think about the next research plan, and he never relaxed.

But now, because he has to go to class later, he can be lazy for a while, doing nothing and thinking about nothing.

"Bell~! This way~!"

As soon as they entered the auditorium, Hermione's shouts came from the distance.

Since Hermione's basic training lasted a short time, she ran out first to take care of the two little guys, Little Bell and Little Wolf.

Perhaps Bell had wasted too much time in the corridor. Breakfast had already been served, and the two little guys were already looking messy.

‘Pa~! ’

"How many times have I told you, use your hands! Use a knife and fork! Don't lie down on the plate to eat!"

A skillful slap on the back of the little wolf's head made the little wolf, who was engrossed in eating, reluctantly straighten up and pick up the knife and fork.

He doesn't like using these gadgets, they feel very troublesome.

Of course, compared to the chopsticks I used in the academy, the knife and fork are still much better.

Chopsticks are simply instruments of torture!

After teaching the little wolf a lesson, Bell picked up the little bell, put it on his lap, picked up a tablecloth and wiped the little guy's face carefully.

"Little Bell, how did you sleep last night? Are you still used to it?"

As he spoke, Bell cut off a small piece of fried egg and blew it before feeding it to Little Bell.

"Well! Sister Felice and Sister Reina are both very good, and so are the other big sisters in the dormitory. Little Lingdang slept very well last night!"

Three "very good" words in a row fully demonstrated the good mood of the little bell.

"That's it, that's great! Which one do you want to eat? Big brother will get it for you."

"I want that lamb chop!"


Hermione looked at Bell speechlessly, who was interacting with the little bell. The difference in treatment of this guy is too obvious!

Although she didn't sympathize with Xiaolang.

There is no way, the little wolf is so disobedient! She had been talking to the other party for a long time, but the other party ignored her!

"Bell, where's your class schedule? Show it to me. What electives are you going to take this year?"

Hermione asked.

"It's the same as before, ancient magic texts and arithmetic divination. Oh, by the way, there are also practical exercises."

In a moment of leisure, Bell took out the class schedule from his arms and placed it in front of Hermione.

He is currently busy feeding himself with one hand, and feeding the little bell with the other hand, operating at full power...

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