The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 708 Shadow Bear Tibbers

"Really, that's great. If you like it here, then continue to stay. However, before that, I want to ask you, did you feel any strangeness during the previous school year? "

Leaning forward slightly, Bell stared at Cremy with his eyes fixed on him.

To be honest, at this moment, he didn't know what answer he wanted to hear. Perhaps to him, it doesn't really matter what the answer is. What's important is that there is an answer.

"There's nothing strange about it."

Cremy slowly shook his head.

In the past, the closer to the end of the school year, the more nervous he became. After all, most of his 'seniors' encountered accidents of one kind or another at the end of the school year.

So during that time, his nerves were always tense, he was suspicious all day long, and he almost went crazy.

As a result, until the end of the year-end dinner and the students had left the school early the next morning, he did not encounter any accidents.

He still clearly remembers how surprised and amazed the other professors looked at him at that time.

I just want to hit someone!

But no matter what, being safe is better than anything else.

"...Well, I understand. So be it, I won't disturb you anymore."

After getting the answer, Bell stood up and left Cremy's office without saying anything else.

Standing at the window of the corridor, looking at the sunset slowly sinking into the ground, the figure of a certain old man in white robes once again appeared in front of Bell's eyes.

In fact, he had already expected this answer.

It is not a simple matter to impose a curse on a target. Otherwise, if everyone doesn't like whoever they are, they will go back and put a scarecrow curse on the other person, and then the world would have been in chaos long ago.

The more unclear the target of the curse, the more difficult it is to cast. Something like cursing the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship at Hogwarts is even more impossible.

This is why, every year, something happens to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, but most wizards still don't believe that this position is cursed by a mysterious person.

After all, there's nothing magical about it.

If the mysterious man is so capable, why doesn't he curse the position of Minister of Magic?

Now, through Cremy's answer, Bell could confirm that someone had indeed cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but that person was not Voldemort.

As for why the other party did this?

There could be many reasons, but they all make no sense anymore. People, you still have to look forward. Let the past matter be in the past.

"Little Lingdang, please spare me! I swear, I really won't go to fifth grade classes, so just stop following me, okay? You go and play with Fina, it misses you!"

Today is Wednesday, the third day of school.

Ever since the bad guy Bell put Little Bell in charge of supervising her on the morning of the first day, the little guy really followed her everywhere. In fact, if it weren't for Zannah taking him away at night, Hermione suspected that the little guy would have moved to her dormitory.

Although that's okay.

This kind of all-round surveillance directly caused her to be unable to concentrate in class. The time she spent going to the toilet doubled, her bathing time was shortened by half, and she would feel numbness in her buttocks from time to time. If this continues, she may really collapse!

"No! This is the task that big brother has given me, and I will not let up!

And Fina doesn’t miss me. She just plays with her personal terminal all day long. "

Pouting unhappily, the little bell glanced at Hermione's butt again.


As the saying goes, to untie a bell, you need someone to tie it. Hermione, who couldn't bear it anymore, decisively took her "spirit behind" and stormed into the auditorium angrily.

After scanning around the Ravenclaw table and not finding Bell there, Hermione then looked at the location of Slytherin House.

Soon, she found Bell who was chatting with Shanna and others.

'despair! despair! despair! ’

Stomping the ground hard, Hermione came behind Bell.

"Uh, honey, who messed with you again?

I know, it must be those three idiots from Harry who deducted points again, right? Don't be angry, I'll help you deal with them! "

Standing up, Bell planned to run away.



"sit down!"


"You, you, pff~!"

Seeing Bell's funny look, Hermione couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Yes, you should smile more when you have nothing to do. If you always have a slumped face, your good luck will fly away."

Bell came over with a smile.

"Don't try to get away with it!"

After patting Bell gently, Hermione continued:

"You have to solve the little bell thing for me today! Otherwise, I will always wear the little bell with me when I sleep!"


Facing such a terrifying threat, Bell couldn't help but take a breath.

This is a desperate plan!

However, as the saying goes, force cannot yield. When faced with issues of principle, no matter what kind of threat it is, there is no way to make him compromise!

"Then you have to promise that you will never go to sit in on the fifth-grade class. Also, make sure to take a break!"

But it can be discussed...

"Okay! Got it! It's true!"

After rolling her eyes at Bell, Hermione pulled up a chair, held the little bell, and sat next to Bell.

After sitting down, she moved her chair to the left to be closer to Bell.

"Little Bell, you did a great job! The enemy has been defeated! Your mission has been completed perfectly! As a reward, Dang Dang Dang Dang~! Shadow Bear Tibbers is waiting for his master's call!"

Bell took out a bear doll from his arms and handed it to Little Bell.

The little guy is so sweet and heart-warming that he never makes any demands. But Bell had long discovered that the little guy was envious of Shanna's little bear, so he had been secretly preparing to give the little guy a surprise, and finally completed it the night before yesterday.

Of course, there is no way to compare the shadow bear ‘Tibbers’ with Zannah’s Crazy Bear. In addition to having low-level intelligence and being able to run and jump, Tibbers's combat effectiveness is not as strong as that of Little Bell.

The main function of Tibbers is actually to soothe the little bell's emotions and help suppress the Obscurus in the little guy's body.

If the little bell is stimulated and Bell happens to be away from the little guy, Tibbers can temporarily suppress the Obscurus in his body and send a signal to Bell.

"Little, it's a little bear!"

The little bell suddenly jumped out of Hermione's arms. The little guy stretched out his hand with a look of joy, but then she reluctantly retracted her hand.

"But, but, I didn't do anything, not even spank Sister Hermione. I, I shouldn't get such a good reward."

"I said it should be, that's what it should be!"

Reaching out to grab Little Bell's little hand, Bell stuffed Tibbers into the little guy's arms.

"Also, if you really feel you deserve it, you can spank your sister Hermione now."

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