The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 709 Practical Drill Class

Feeling the furry touch in her arms, Little Lingdang was very confused.

When she hadn't touched him before, she could hold back her desire and retract her hand. But now that they were all in her arms, she really couldn't bear to let go.

It's so damn soft!

After much hesitation, Little Bell looked at Hermione hesitantly.

"Sister Hermione, could you please stand up and let me hit you..."


Hermione said frantically.

Just kidding, if she stood up in the auditorium, in public, and let Xiao Lingdang give her a slap on the butt, then there might be some rumors about her in the evening.

Moreover, there are so many ways to punish her, why do these two guys insist on getting in trouble with her!

He laughed and rubbed Little Bell's little head. Seeing the little guy's tangled look, Bell found it extremely interesting.

Lunch was spent in a pleasant atmosphere. After the meal, Little Bell was asked to play with Zanna and others, while Bell and Hermione walked towards the Black Lake.

The first class in the afternoon was Huang Quan's practical training class. To be honest, Bell really felt that this timing was very problematic.

Although there was about half an hour of digestion time between lunch and class, he was still worried that many people would be vomited in the next class. In that case, no one may be willing to take this course in the future.

Of course it's also possible that it's the opposite?

Just as Lockhart's dueling club attracted the attention of many students back then, the students burst out with extraordinary enthusiasm for the actual combat drill class, a dueling course officially recognized by the school.

Especially the boys, all of them are gearing up to show their superhuman strength, so as to attract the attention of the new professor or other girls.

As a result, almost all students in third grade and above took this course. By the time Bell and Hermione took a leisurely walk to the Black Lake, the place was already filled with sixth-grade students in small groups.

"What are you doing? So angry?"

Walking to Huang Quan's side, Bell asked with a half-smile.

At this time, Huang Quan was kneeling on a high ground next to the Black Lake. A chilling aura emanated from his body, making the boys who wanted to get close to him afraid to approach.

However, even though Huang Quan looked like he was about to draw his sword and kill someone at any time, Bell knew that the other person was actually nervous. He was a student not long ago and became a professor in the blink of an eye. Huang Quan is now so nervous that his palms are sweating.


After glaring at Bell, who knew what he was asking, Huang Quan looked at the time and stood up.

The students who had been paying attention to Huang Quan, consciously or unconsciously, gradually became quiet.

"Gather! Men stand on the left, women on the right! Come together!"

When class time came, Huang Quan greeted loudly and started the first class in his life.

Is this the opening statement, which seems a little strange?

“Hello everyone, I’m glad that you can choose this course.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Isayama Yomi, I am from Japan, I am 19 years old, and my hobby is kendo.

I was..."


Bell couldn't help but cough twice, interrupting Huang Quan's self-introduction.

There is no way, this is the habit of Japanese people. If he didn't interrupt, Huang Quan could introduce it in detail for half an hour.

"Uh...then, this course, as everyone knows, is mainly to improve everyone's practical ability.

When it comes to actual combat, there will inevitably be some bumps and bruises, and I hope everyone is prepared for this.

…That’s all for now, does any of you have any questions? If you have any, don't be polite, just ask. "

"Professor! How did you become a professor at such a young age?"

As soon as Huang Quan finished speaking, a girl raised her hand and asked.

As far as she knew, the professors at Hogwarts were all outstanding in their respective fields. After graduation, she also hopes to become one of the professors at Hogwarts. So when she learned that Huang Quan was really that young, she immediately became interested, hoping to learn some experience from him.


Huang Quan glanced at Bell without any trace.

How did she become a professor?

She got in through the back door!

But of course she couldn't blatantly say such a thing.

With his mind racing, Huang Quan suddenly thought of what happened that night.

"I defeated your Headmaster Snape, and then he agreed to let me become a professor."

Huang Quan said truthfully.

As for Snape's reputation?

She doesn't care! She was not familiar with the other party.

Moreover, even though she had only arrived at Hogwarts for a few days, she was already vaguely aware that Principal Snape seemed to have no reputation here?

There was an uproar and the students looked at each other in surprise.

Sure enough, they knew that Snape was not qualified to be their principal!

He couldn't even defeat a 19-year-old witch who had only graduated two years ago. As Hogwarts students, they were almost embarrassed to see anyone!

Not to mention, the other party is a witch from Japan, which is really embarrassing and has been sent abroad.

At this moment, many students with a strong sense of racial honor are considering writing a letter to the board of directors to complain when they return home, asking Snape to step down and invite Professor Dumbledore to return.

No one knew at this moment that their Professor Dumbledore would never come back.

"Professor! Do you have a boyfriend!"

Just now, those boring girls took the lead. This time, a boy took advantage of the fact that everyone else was still in surprise and quickly asked the question he was most concerned about.

After hearing this person's question, everyone immediately became quiet. Especially the boys, all of them had their ears pricked up, for fear of missing any syllable.

Facts have proved that there is no one who does not gossip!


While speaking, Huang Quan once again glanced at Bell without trace.

Everyone was excited when they heard this answer. I don’t know what they are excited about?

"Professor, why did you come to England? And what is it like there?"

Another person asked.

“This is a long story, I’ll elaborate on it later if I have the chance.

Huang Quan glanced at Bell again without any trace.

(Bell: ‘No, why are you always looking at me!’)

"Professor, show us your strength!"

someone in the crowd yelled.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Huang Quan expectantly. Especially the little lions of Gryffindor, they still remember that the other party said before that they could become professors because they defeated Snape.

Everyone is now 16 years old, and some of those with late birthdays will turn 17 soon. Referring to the difference in strength between themselves in third grade and now, these people feel that there should not be much difference in strength between themselves and others.

If they practice a little more now, maybe they will be able to surpass Snape in strength when they graduate without having to wait until 3 years later?

Then when the time comes, won't they be able to take revenge and complain...


This is really exciting just thinking about it!

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