The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 714 Accident in Herbal Medicine Class

Hermione has been very worried lately, very worried!

Not long after school started, she discovered that Bell always liked to run to the new Professor Eleanora whenever he had something to do. She asked Bell several times what he wanted to do with Professor Eleanora, but every time Bell would be vague and refused to say anything clearly.

This made her have to think more!

As the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief. Although she didn't think Bell was doing any bad things behind her back, she still had uncontrollable jealousy in her heart, which kept rising. .

And everyone knows that Bell will never do anything good!

So Hermione is very confused now. Should she get to the bottom of it and find out what Bell is doing?

"Hermione, Hermione!"

Parvati tugged hard on Hermione's arm.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Hermione looked at her roommate beside her in confusion.

"You ask what's wrong, the Pyracantha is almost being strangled to death by you!"

Parvati pointed to Hermione's hands speechlessly.

I don’t know what’s wrong with my roommate recently. He even gets distracted during class. This is so rare.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!"

Hermione lowered her head and glanced at the Pyracantha plant, which was struggling painfully as if it was about to suffocate as it pinched the stem, and hurriedly released its hands.

They are currently taking an herbal medicine class, and the content of this class is to build branches and leaves for Pyracantha. As a result, just now, she almost pinched off the top of the mouth of the Pyracantha. If Professor Sprout saw this, he would definitely deduct her college points.

It has only been more than a month since the start of the school year, and Gryffindor House's house points are already at an all-time high, leading the way and falling far behind. By now, Hermione had looked away. There is definitely no hope for the Academy Cup. But no matter what, she didn't want to deduct points from the academy.

She secretly glanced at Professor Sprout not far away and saw that the other person was instructing others and did not pay attention to her side. Hermione was relieved.

However, before the breath was completely exhaled, the Pyracantha plant, which was coughing with its leaves on its stem like a human being, finally recovered from the suffocation.

It looked up towards Hermione.

It didn't want to hear Hermione's apology!

The most important thing is that I don’t understand...

I saw Pyracantha taking a deep breath.

'Pooh! ’

Raging flames spurted out from the mouth at the top of the Pyracantha and struck the defenseless Hermione in the face.


The sudden flames made Parvati, who was also unprepared, scream in surprise.

However, Parvati actually didn't care about Hermione, and even hoped to see Hermione in embarrassment. The reason why she exclaimed was simply a conditioned reflex after being startled.

"What happened? Oh! God! What happened!"

Everyone in the small greenhouse heard Parvati's exclamation. Professor Sprout heard the sound and immediately noticed the situation here.

Not only Professor Sprout, but also everyone else in the greenhouse opened their mouths in horror. In everyone's view, the Pyracantha grass in the distance continued to spit out flames, wrapping a girl's head in flames. They simply couldn't imagine how the girl would be burned.

You know, at the beginning of the course, Professor Sprout told them that the flame temperature of Pyracantha was very high.

However, Professor Sprout also said that Pyracantha is a relatively mild-tempered plant and will not attack humans at will, so there is no need to worry too much.

So everyone is curious at this moment, what did the girl do to anger Pyracantha to this extent? You know, when someone was pruning the branches and leaves just now, he accidentally hurt the main leaf, and the Pyracanthus just spit out a weak flame to express his dissatisfaction.

"No! Hermione!"

When Professor Sprout hurriedly ran towards Hermione, Harry and Ron, who were closer, also quickly ran to Hermione's vicinity. Unlike others, Ron clearly remembered that the person in the group with Parvati was Hermione.

"The water is as clear as a spring!"

Harry, who arrived first, poured a Clear Water Curse on Hermione without hesitation.

Ron bypassed Parvati and came behind Hermione, wanting to help Hermione stay away from the firethorn.

However, just when the water summoned by Harry was about to pour on Hermione's head, the water column suddenly twisted and changed direction.

The water mist rose, and the clear water cast by Harry floated in front of Hermione and condensed into a water shield, blocking the flames of the firethorn.

"Thank you, I'm fine."

As the flames were blocked, Hermione's face reappeared in everyone's eyes. People were surprised to find that despite being burned in the flames for so long, Hermione's face was not burned, and her hair was not even curled.

It was only then that everyone was shocked to realize that Hermione had neither struggled nor screamed before, just like a normal person, squatting there and letting the firethorn burn.

Harry and others who were closer saw that Hermione's wand had appeared in her hand at some point. Obviously, the other party used a magic spell to block the flames.

"I'm really fine, thank you."

When everyone was surprised, Hermione looked back at Ron behind her and emphasized again.

This made Ron retract his hands angrily and take two steps back.

He had just planned to drag Hermione away from behind, but as soon as he stretched out his hands, they were blocked by an invisible barrier and could not touch her at all.

After Ron retreated, Hermione stood up. She moved her legs and looked helplessly at the Pyracantha in front of her that was still spitting out flames.

In just a short time, more than half of the water Harry had summoned had been evaporated.

Hermione raised her wand, hesitated for a moment, then put it down again.

It was indeed her fault before, and she almost strangled the other party to death when she was distracted. Now that the other party was furious, it was understandable. She was really embarrassed to take action against him.

Fortunately, Professor Sprout finally arrived belatedly.

Professor Sprout went around to the back of the Pyracantha, first gently pressed a spot under the Pyracantha's mouth, and then pushed it down, and the Pyracantha stopped spraying flames.

Seeing this, Professor Sprout quickly took out a firefly from his pocket and stuffed it into Pyracantha's mouth.

After swallowing the fireflies and pyracantha, he squirted, and then he swayed from side to side as if he had drunk too much, and soon calmed down.

"My dear, how are you? Come on, I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey for treatment."

After soothing Pyracantha, Sprout quickly came to Hermione's side, stared at Hermione's head and inspected it carefully.

To her relief, she found no obvious burn marks on Hermione's face. But even so, she was still very worried and wanted to take Hermione to the infirmary to be examined by professionals.

"I'm really fine, Professor. Before I was hit by the flames, I cast a magic spell to protect myself."

Hermione said waving her hands.

Hermione felt very guilty because her mistakes had affected the classroom teaching, and she didn't want to waste everyone's time any more. And she did not suffer any injuries and did not need to undergo examination or treatment.

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