After jumping around for a while, Hermione finally convinced Professor Sprout that she was really not injured.

The class continued, and Professor Sprout specially gave Hermione's group a Pyracantha.

With the lessons learned before, Hermione simply stopped taking action this time. She squatted aside and watched Parvati carefully trimming the secondary leaves of Pyracantha. As she watched, her thoughts wandered off again.

I remember it was the weekend more than a week ago. On Saturday morning, after having breakfast as usual, she invited Bell to go to the library with her to do homework. Unexpectedly, Bell rejected his invitation and ran back to the suitcase.

After that, she didn't see Bell again for the whole day. Even for lunch and dinner, Bell didn't come out to eat.

It was already the next morning when I saw Bell again. Even though her powers of observation were not as good as those of the Bell brothers and sisters, she could still tell at a glance that Bell's mental state had declined significantly.

Seeing this, she gave up the idea of ​​going to the library to preview and invited Bell to go outside the castle to relax.

As a result, Bell rejected her again.

Watching Bell disappear into the laboratory, Hermione was very worried.

"Sanna, why don't you try to persuade Bell?"

Hermione turned to look at Zannah, who was also worried. She still remembered that when Bell was addicted to magic experiments several times before, Shanna supervised Bell to eat and rest well. Why was Shanna silent this time?

"Because this time is different from before."

After glancing at Hermione, Zannah turned around and walked to the grass not far away, reading the magic book with the others. As for what the difference was, Zannah had no intention of explaining it to Hermione.

Seeing this, Hermione gritted her teeth in anger, but there was nothing she could do.

In fact, Shanna didn't need to tell her. As smart as she was, she had roughly guessed what Bell was doing.

There were very few things that Bell would hide from her. Based on her experience over the years, Hermione knew that there was only one situation where Bell would remain silent.

Don't want her to worry.

Although she still worries every time...

In addition, Bell entered that 'terrible' laboratory, so there is no doubt that the other party must be doing some dangerous experiments.

She actually wanted to follow him into the laboratory and see what Bell was doing. But every time she had this thought, the scenes she had seen before would appear in her mind, making her shudder.

Even today, she still can't accept what Bell did. But as a beneficiary, it was difficult for her to condemn Bell.

Sometimes, she really felt that she was being hypocritical, as if she was persuading others not to kill while eating meat.

She didn't know what she should do, so she could only watch silently.

"Hermione, Hermione!"

Parvati's call once again pulled Hermione out of her memories.

Hermione subconsciously looked at her hands, and relaxed after finding that they were empty.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione looked up at her roommate.

"get out of class has ended."

Parvati said.

"By the way, what's happened to you these days? Did you quarrel with your boyfriend again?"

Parvati still remembered that the last time she saw Hermione in such a distraught state was because she had a fight with Bell.

But that's not right. She saw the two of them eating together at noon today. She also made a special observation at that time and felt that the two of them were quite close.

"No, it's nothing. Maybe I didn't sleep last night."

After forcing a smile, Hermione ignored the other person's curious expression, got up and walked quickly towards the castle.

She didn't want to gossip with the other party, let alone gossip about herself. Moreover, this matter was related to Bell's laboratory, and she was afraid that she would accidentally spill the beans and cause trouble for Bell.

Using flying shoes to fly to the castle door, Hermione quickly ran upstairs.

Flying is prohibited inside the castle. No matter how anxious she is, she will not break the school rules just because of a trivial matter.

The only good thing Snape did after becoming the headmaster, Hermione believed, was to strictly require students to abide by school rules.

Of course, many others seem to have different opinions.

Thanks to years of training, Hermione ran to the fifth floor in one breath without any effort at all. As if it was agreed upon, Hermione had just come out of the stairs when she saw Bell also walking out of an office.

"Thank you, Professor Eleanora."

Standing at the door of the office, Bell bowed slightly and saluted into the office.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do. If you have any troubles, you can always come to me. To be honest, I'm very happy to have you here to chat with me."

Eleanora said with a smile.

It is also her first time to be a professor. Although she does not need to teach, she still feels a little nervous when facing students. Looking at the entire Hogwarts, only Bell could be considered a semi-acquaintance of hers. The other party can often come to chat with her, which effectively alleviates her uneasiness after arriving in a new environment.

In other words, until now, she still feels like a dream that she can return to Hogwarts again, and as a professor, to return to this school where she has left many memories.

She is a witch from a Muggle family, with no background, average academic performance, and average spell-casting ability. This meant that she was unable to even find a decent job in the magical world after graduation. In desperation, she had no choice but to return to Muggle society.

But Muggles would not recognize a Hogwarts diploma. In order to find a job of her choice, she had to work odd jobs and study psychology on her own.

Just when she had just passed the psychiatrist qualification certificate and was debating whether to apply for a job or take out a loan to open a clinic of her own, she actually received an invitation from the Hogwarts Board of Directors.

If the invitation hadn't been handed to her by a house elf, she would have thought someone was playing a trick on her.

That's Hogwarts! In the entire wizarding world, there are countless people who want to work in Hogwarts.

After that, after a simple interview, she successfully became a professor at Hogwarts.

Who would have thought that after studying magic knowledge for 7 years, she could not find a decent job in the magic world. However, the psychological knowledge she learned on her own during her part-time job led to her being actively invited to become a professor at Hogwarts.

This is true, things are impermanent.

After saying goodbye to Professor Eleanora, Bell turned to Hermione and stretched out her hand to tidy up her slightly messy hair.

"How did you know I was here?"

Bell asked with a smile.

"Hmph! There are no classes in Ravenclaw House in the fourth period this afternoon. I knew you would come to Professor Eleanora again."

Hermione glared dissatisfied at Bell, who knew what he was asking. The opponent's action pattern during this period is very fixed, and there is no need to guess.

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