Holding Hermione's slender waist, Bell gently pushed her towards the downstairs.

"Okay, didn't I say that I came to Professor Eleanora just to consult on some psychological issues, that's all."

Seeing Hermione's jealous look, Bell not only wasn't worried, but actually wanted to laugh.

He knew that Hermione didn't really doubt anything between him and Professor Eleanora, but just because she cared about him too much.

Put yourself in another person's shoes, if Hermione ran into a young male professor's office all day long, he would still be jealous even if he knew that Hermione was just there to ask questions.

Therefore, Bell not only didn't get annoyed when Hermione acted like this, but actually found her very cute.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Hermione is very measured and never really makes a fuss.

"Bell, tomorrow is the weekend. Can you please stop doing experiments this weekend? I heard from my classmates that there is a maple leaf forest at the edge of the Forbidden Forest that has changed color. Let's go and enjoy the maple leaves?"

Hermione suggested to Bell with expectant eyes.

She didn't think Bell was really interested in psychology because he came to see Professor Eleanora every day. Looking at the dark circles under Bell's eyes, she knew that he hadn't had a good rest recently. When they slept together before, Bell would even be awakened by nightmares several times a night.

She was really curious, what on earth was Bell doing? Will he be woken up by a nightmare? This was beyond her comprehension.

But Bell didn't want to say anything, so she didn't ask further questions. However, as Bell's girlfriend, seeing Bell's mental state deteriorating, she felt that she needed to do something.

In terms of magic, she couldn't give Bell any help, so she would give him comfort in life.

"...Okay, let's go enjoy the maple leaves this weekend."

Facing Hermione's expectant gaze, Bell thought for a while and then agreed.

He also found that his condition had declined a bit seriously during this period. Haste makes waste, and it was time to relax.

"Really? That's great!"

Unexpectedly, Bell agreed so readily, and Hermione was extremely happy. She took Bell's hand and rushed towards the auditorium quickly.

During this time, she was not the only one worried about Bell. Shanna, Huang Quan, Xiao Lingdang, and even Shanna's two good friends are all worried about Bell's condition. She couldn't wait to share the good news with everyone.

Jogging behind Hermione, the long brown hair in front of her eyes floated as she ran, like beautiful maple leaves fluttering in the wind. Sniffing the light fragrance on the tip of his nose, Bell felt that the haze in his heart had dissipated a lot. He suddenly realized that perhaps the laughter and laughter of his family could really dispel the lingering mourning in his mind.

Kicking open the door of the auditorium, Hermione's kick was quite like Zannah's.

"Sanna, let's go see the maple leaves tomorrow!"

Hermione said happily, running to Zannah who was already sitting at the dining table.

"Appreciating maple leaves?"

Zannah looked at her brother behind Hermione. It wasn't until she saw her brother smiling and nodding that Shanna became excited.

"Great! Liz, Leilei, tomorrow's study session is cancelled, let's go enjoy the maple leaves!"

Shanna waved her hand and decisively canceled the original plan.

The N.E.W.T.s exam is nothing compared to watching the maple leaves with my brother.

And anyway, I have plenty of time.

"Bell, you sit here first, I will inform Sister Huang Quan."

After telling Bell, Hermione ran towards the professor's table without looking back.

"You can use someone... okay."

Bell reluctantly withdrew his hand.

I wanted to say just use a personal terminal to send a message, but seeing how excited Hermione was now, she probably couldn't hear what he said.

By the way, is Hermione a little too excited?

As soon as he sat down next to his sister, Bell felt a layer of enchantment pass through him, shrouding himself and Shanna in it.

After a quick glance, Bell could tell that this was a soundproof barrier.

"Brother, are you going to play tomorrow? Is it really okay? Your experiment doesn't matter?"

Although Zannah really wanted to spend the weekend with her brother, she didn't want to delay her brother's business because of Hermione's willfulness.

"It doesn't matter, a balance between work and rest is also very important."

Putting his hand on the top of Shanna's head, Bell rubbed it gently.

"Brother, how is your research progress? Have you mastered soul magic?"

After turning her head and glancing in the direction of the professor's table to confirm that Hermione wouldn't be back for a while, Zannah asked in a low voice.

Unlike Hermione, she had seen her brother's schedule before school started. Therefore, she has always known what her brother is doing now.

"It's not that simple. I've only scratched the surface."

Bell raised his right hand. After pondering for a while, a translucent face suddenly appeared from his palm.

The face opened its mouth, and the surrounding scenery was slightly distorted. Shanna felt as if someone had punched her in the head, and there was a slight dizziness in her mind.

At the same time, the soundproof barrier covering the two people also trembled, as if it would collapse in the next second.

Bell made a fist with his right hand and pinched out the face in his palm, and soon everything calmed down.

"Brother, what is that?"

Shaking her head, Shanna got rid of the discomfort in her head and looked at her brother curiously.

Although she had not put up any defense just now, just such a weak magic power made her feel dizzy. This was not simple at all. If it were replaced by a disarming spell, such a small amount of magic power would not have any impact on her at all.

"The soul wails."

While speaking, Bell also reached out and rubbed his temples.

He was also dizzy.

At his current level, even himself would be affected by this curse. In fact, because he is the closest to the curse, he will be affected more than others.

A typical example is killing eight hundred enemies and inflicting one thousand losses on oneself.

"Zanna, you have to remember that if one day in the future you want to study soul magic, you must be slow!"

Bell warned.


Shanna looked at her brother in confusion.

"Yes, take it slow! If you can study for two days, you must not finish it in one day! It is best to keep a clear mind at all times and stop immediately as soon as you feel tired!"

To be honest, after about half a month of study and research, Bell suddenly understood Lao Fu.

Originally, that guy had problems in his native family and had an unfortunate childhood. If he was obsessed with studying black magic all day long, trying to find a way to live forever through soul magic, it would be no wonder what he would become.

By the way, should he get a high-definition photo of Zhang Laofu and hang it in the laboratory to remind himself at all times not to lose his nose?

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